Non-spicy one for the kids.

With chillies in oil added, extra spicy for the parents.
1 (13.25 oz) box whole wheat spaghetti
1 cup imitation crab meats
1 skinless & boneless chicken breasts, cut
10 asparagus, cut into 1-inch
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 carrot, sliced
6 sun-ripened tomatoes, sliced
Olive oil
2 tsp. chicken stock granules
Salt & black peppers
1. Cook spaghetti as directed by package, drain and set aside.
2. In a saucepan, heat up olive oil. Add garlic and chicken breasts, fry until chicken is almost cooked. Add in asparagus and carrot and fry until the veggies are cooked. Lastly add in the sun-ripened tomatoes and imitation crab meats, stir-fry for a minute and add in the cooked spaghetti. Season to taste with salt, chicken stock granules and black pepper. Mix well to combine. Taste test and season to your liking. Serve warm!
3. Optional: Top with chillies in oil, chili oil or dried chili flakes for the extra kick.
I'm serving this up at Presto Pasta Night. This week the host will be Ruth at Once Upon A Feast.
It's a healthy food that for sure. I never try whole wheat spaghetti and now I am thinking I should:)
wow!your wheat pasta look good! oo bad hubby dislike wheat pasta..Hmmm must try to cook wheat pasta regulary..good for health!!
wawww i like the extra kick of chilli ^_^ yummm
hehe. I want the chilli oil version! LOL
Hi belacan, finally decided the theme for this year's Merdeka Virtual Open House? This year's theme is Mee and My Malaysia.
you really can cook beautiful pasta dish . . . looks so so yummy indeed, make me wanting some! :)
I simply ADORE pasta and can't imagine my life without. Your dish has it all: colourful veggies, meat and an extra kick. Yum!
Dwiana, yes you should! At least give it a try to see if you like it or not. ;)
Thanks L! You know, you can cook it for you and Mishu for lunch. ;)
Me too Rita! :D
Haha Daphne...I think we all who like spicy food love the chili oil version.
Thanks babe! Easy enough since I cook mee almost every week. LOL!
Thanks BBOven! Have some virtual pasta on me then! :P
Oh thank you Lore! :)
Thanks for the yummy recipe, a nice variation to the traditional italian style recipes for spagetti. I use whole wheat pasta always, so this will be great to try.
I noticed you use chicken granules alot in your cooking, though it is in small amounts in each recipe. Does the one you use have msg? I have been hesitant to use it much (even though my mom used it alot in her cooking when we were growing up) mainly because of health reasons. Let me know if you know of a brand that is msg free. Thanks.
Hi V,
The recent studies actually shown MSG as being safe for any ages. This is FDA approved safe product as well. If not, do you think the supermarkets here can market this product? Click here to read more. Maggi does produce MSG free granules, you can check it out. But again, the billions of Chinese people eat MSG everyday as they use it often in their cooking and I have yet to hear anyone got sick from it.
Click here to read more about MSG. Not sure the above link works or not.
Your beautiful dish reminds me of my mom's "Malaysian Fried Spaghetti." Growing up, we lived outside of Malaysia for a few years, and my mom used to make a version of fried noodles using spaghetti because rice noodles were hard to find. At the annual International Food Fair, my mom labeled it as "Malaysian Fried Spaghetti" and sold many, many plates of it!
Simple and easy dish. Just the way I like it. I too used chicken granules in some of my cooking when the recipe don't have meat in it.
Sounds delicious! I think I'd go for the chili flakes or crushed red pepper flakes rather than the chillies in oil--those little guys are deadly hot!
Looks great.
I actually prefer whole wheat over regular, anyway.
Thank you for your response and for the link and info regarding the safe-ness of the use of msg. I'm sorry if I came across as critical ... I do not mean to. I know that MSG is safe to use, and it definitely has FDA approval. I am just trying to use as little additives in my own home cooking as possible since we are already consuming lots of additives restaurant food, and chemically made spices in processed foods (which I use just as often as any other person, not to mention the ready mixes of Singaporean / Malaysian foods). I hope you weren't offended, as it was never my intention to be critical. I was just curious if you know of any brands of flavor enhancers that are msg free. Thanks for the info, and keep up the good cooking, photography and blogging.
Hi Anon,
Like your mom, I often used spaghetti to subtitute for the yellow noodle as well. And I love to fried my spaghetti too. :)
Thanks Gert. I used chicken granules for instant flavored soup too! :P
Haha Terry, thanks! And those little guys are just as you said! ;)
Thanks gkbloodsugar. You can try soba noodle too.
Hi V,
I was not offended at all. :) Just that I also realized a lot of people view MSG as not safe or bad for health so I just want to provide a link to create awareness. Try look for Maggi brand, I bought MSG free ikan bilis granules and chicken granules before.
Love this! And the colors are so vibrant! :D
What an awesome looking combo. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.
You do make cooking oasta so easy to do. No wonder a lot of people like them.
That's delicious and healthy. I would love some chilli flakes in mine please. :P
I tried cooking whole wheat pasta once, and it tasted like rubber band. Very tough and chewy. Kinda take the thrill away from the health food. Do you have any tricks to make it taste like "pasta" ?
Hi Andie,
The trick is to cook it longer. Whole wheat/whole grain pasta takes longer to cook, about 11 minutes I think, read the instruction (check after the stated time, if it's still tough, cook few minutes longer).
I totally understand what you meant. I was at Cosco and they were giving out sample of whole wheat pasta with cheese and the pasta were undercooked. Hard and chewy and I had to spit it out. That was bad, not a good way to sell the pasta by finding someone who can't even cook it right.
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