My first huat kuih and I cheated by using Redman Huat Kueh Mix.

I added Pandan extract to one. Yellow coloring plus banana essence to the other and lastly just red coloring. "Swee bor?" (pretty or not?) :)

This is how the package looks like. It comes in this multi-colors one and the other is brown sugar only. Ingredients stated in the package are flour, sugar, baking powder and vanillin. All I need to add is water or coconut milk. Very easy! One package yields 12 small huat kuih.
I got one easy recipe for you to try. It's FenYing's Xiao Fa Gao recipe. Since all the ingredients can be found at home, why pay so much for a premix? I bought it earlier because I didn't know it's so easy to make. :P
Edit to add 02/27:
My conclusion: Use Gula Melaka for extra fragrant. If you want to make this colorful ones (more appealing to kids), use essence in addition to coloring (it tasted so much nicer). I thought of this while laying in bed:
~White color, add Coconut, Lychee or Almond essence.
~Green color, use Pandan extract or green tea powder.
~Yellow coloring, add Banana or Mango essence.
~Red coloring, add Strawberry, Raspberry or Rose essence
~Orange coloring, add orange essence.