Sunday, February 25, 2007

Steamed Huat Kuih

My first huat kuih and I cheated by using Redman Huat Kueh Mix.

I added Pandan extract to one. Yellow coloring plus banana essence to the other and lastly just red coloring. "Swee bor?" (pretty or not?) :)

This is how the package looks like. It comes in this multi-colors one and the other is brown sugar only. Ingredients stated in the package are flour, sugar, baking powder and vanillin. All I need to add is water or coconut milk. Very easy! One package yields 12 small huat kuih.

I got one easy recipe for you to try. It's FenYing's Xiao Fa Gao recipe. Since all the ingredients can be found at home, why pay so much for a premix? I bought it earlier because I didn't know it's so easy to make. :P

Edit to add 02/27:
My conclusion: Use Gula Melaka for extra fragrant. If you want to make this colorful ones (more appealing to kids), use essence in addition to coloring (it tasted so much nicer). I thought of this while laying in bed:

~White color, add Coconut, Lychee or Almond essence.
~Green color, use Pandan extract or green tea powder.
~Yellow coloring, add Banana or Mango essence.
~Red coloring, add Strawberry, Raspberry or Rose essence
~Orange coloring, add orange essence.


Anonymous said...

Very swee leh! My kids loved it! Thank you. :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks V. You're welcome! :)

Anonymous said...

My mom makes these at home too! According to her, using 7-up aids in the raising of these huat kuehs :)

Peony said...

me so tempted to buy a pkt of RM mix, but not sure it taste ok or not. so how's the taste ? does it taste powdery, sweet or ok ?

with Premix, the kuih sure 'fa', but make from scratch, like striking lottery ticket...

Chawanmushi said...

Hi belacan
Wow ...your fa gao fa very beautifully. That reminds me that I have a packet of the pre-mix too.
Just haven't the motivation to do it ... now seeing yours, I think it's time for me to try to fa too LOL

LittleHands said...

WoW! The Huat Kuih fa so prettily. Thks for sharing, Ching I'll go buy one to try :-)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks ladies!

Peony, it tasted pretty good actually, not sweet at all. I like the ones with essence added, make it more fragrant instead of just plain with coloring.

Chawanmushi & Littlehands, oh good...and I wanna see results! :)

The Bakery Box said...

Your site is wonderful! I miss all these recipes from back home and you have them all right here! Thank you!

Florence said...

Happy New Year!

Swee swee huat kuih and so colourful!
I like the Redman mix, very delicious.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks, bake your cake and eat it too! :)

Happy New Year to you too, Florence! Yeah, I remember you made the brown sugar Redman mix before. Peony, now you can go buy already since Florence also said this Redman mix is delicious. :)

Anonymous said...

Where did you get does cupcake molds? Thanks very much!

Little Corner of Mine said...

You can get this Wilton silicon cupcakes mold at Bed Bath & Beyond. A set of 12 for $7.99.

Peony said...

ok, thanks florence..
helps when someone has tried the product.

ya, got to make some fatt gao..hope that they turn out as pretty as yours, ching.

Unknown said...


bay tahan, looking at all those smiling cakes. mine, still botak with fatt koh/huat koh recipes but finally made some kueh nng koh smile though. now trying to add more flavor to them, any sugestions.

still no news from sandra

Little Corner of Mine said...


I listed the coloring with essence pairing in my post already. It should be good. You can make green tea huat kuih too! I can't wait to try the xiao fa gao recipe, right now too much things to eat, have to finish what's in my pantry first. Haha...

Candice said...


You have pretty steamed cake.. Can you please share the recipe instead of premix?

Many thanks!! :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Hi Candice, sorry I don't have a recipe for huat kuih, that's why I used premix lah. Haha...

Candice said...

IC :) am thinking of trying out for coming CNY...steam= less heaty i hope :)

So u bought the colourful premix, and add color? I love your suggestion on color n flavor :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Yes Candice! It came in white, so I just separated it into 3 bowls and add coloring and flavors. Huat very beautifully right?