As spontaneous as it can be. My hubby came home on Thursday and announced that let's go to Vegas tonight. I was like how could that be possible since they (hubby and Evy) had to go watch Iron Man 2 at 7:30pm and what about his sleep since he had to drive 12-13 hours to Vegas. Nevertheless, since the last time we had been to Vegas was 9 years ago, what the heck. We reserved the hotel room at Circus Circus that night and took off in the morning at 4am. My girls at one of the gas stops for branch. Still chilly on the way there. The last stop at Colorado before we moved on to Utah.

And where did we go when we arrived at Vegas? China Town baby! Got to have early dinner and shopped at Ranch 99 for drinks and snacks. To my surprise, Vegas China Town is getting huge, it used to be a small area and now it occupied the whole street (Spring Mountain). Any kind of Asian cuisine you can find it there, and it's authentic not Americanize. One thing I did notice, lots of Koreans settled in Vegas, many Korean BBQ restaurants and supermarkets can be found there as well, not just Chinese and Vietnamese anymore. One disadvantage about these restaurants, many accept cash only, so if you planned to dine in China Town, remember to bring lots of cash. For your information, the Penang Malaysian restaurant there only accept cash.

The next day, we walked around a little bit under the scorching sun. It was hot around 89'F and at time windy but very dry. As you know, with little girls we couldn't walk very far and they were not interested at the buildings except M&M store. Vegas has changed a lot too, old casinos were knocked down for the new, it was different from 9 years ago. The traffic jam was bad, really bad, there was always a traffic jam on the Vegas strip. We didn't have to wait long but there's always a jam. Many people were there walking and shopping as well, pretty crowded.
This was one place they wanted to go. We went in and they each got a bag of M&M to munch on. Not forgetting to take a picture with yellow and red too.