Showing posts with label Evy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evy. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Evy & Edda Updates 10/10/2010
My Evy at 6.5. She lost the baby fat on her face and looks slimmer now. She is considered tall in her class, I think she inherited her daddy's tall gene. We didn't skip her to 2nd grade so she is at Grade 1 but goes to enrichment class once a week if applicable. We also signed her up in a Destination Imagination club where she will participate in activities that will challenge her critical thinking, problem solving and presentation skills. They will get to compete with other schools in COS.
We enrolled her in a Chinese School here. Now she goes to the Chinese School Grade 1 level every Sunday for two hours. In this class, she will learn to recognize Chinese characters, read, write, speak and form sentences. She would received a page of reading material and homework assignment which she would have to learn before class. I got to say, she did well in it. Her Chinese teacher was impressed at the sentences that Evy could form in Mandarin. I was so pleased and proud to hear that of course. :-P We just received two text books and 4 work books from the school and she will be getting a test this coming Sunday.
I made her lunchbox everyday to bring to school. It's nothing fancy like a bento because I couldn't foresee myself being that hardworking. Her lunch consisted of brown rice, veggie and chicken/fish (sometimes fried rice or noodle) that we had the night before. I took out her portion before we started dinner. The next day, I reheat her rice and pack it in a 12oz. food thermos along with her water bottle and snack. For me, this is healthier than the cafeteria food that the school served (even though this cafeteria offers healthy food choices). Her reward for finishing all her lunch (Mon-Fri) is she will get to eat in the cafeteria on the day that I don't have a lunchbox for her (like we went out to eat on Sunday night and thus no lunchbox on Monday). If it happens that one of those day, she brought back half thermos fulled of food, then her reward is canceled. So, on that day, I will cook some chicken potstickers (from frozen) or omelet and pack with some brown rice for her.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My Mother's Day Cards from Evy
Front of card 1 (kindergarten, 6 years old, May 9, 2010)
(I saw mothers showing their mother's day card/ gift/ gesture made by their kids and I want to share mine too. So that it will be documented here for my memory.)
Inside of card 1
Her poem to me. I asked her what did you mean by when you are gone? She said it meant when she is at school and not with me.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Spontaneous Las Vegas Trip over the Weekends
As spontaneous as it can be. My hubby came home on Thursday and announced that let's go to Vegas tonight. I was like how could that be possible since they (hubby and Evy) had to go watch Iron Man 2 at 7:30pm and what about his sleep since he had to drive 12-13 hours to Vegas. Nevertheless, since the last time we had been to Vegas was 9 years ago, what the heck. We reserved the hotel room at Circus Circus that night and took off in the morning at 4am. My girls at one of the gas stops for branch. Still chilly on the way there. The last stop at Colorado before we moved on to Utah.
And where did we go when we arrived at Vegas? China Town baby! Got to have early dinner and shopped at Ranch 99 for drinks and snacks. To my surprise, Vegas China Town is getting huge, it used to be a small area and now it occupied the whole street (Spring Mountain). Any kind of Asian cuisine you can find it there, and it's authentic not Americanize. One thing I did notice, lots of Koreans settled in Vegas, many Korean BBQ restaurants and supermarkets can be found there as well, not just Chinese and Vietnamese anymore. One disadvantage about these restaurants, many accept cash only, so if you planned to dine in China Town, remember to bring lots of cash. For your information, the Penang Malaysian restaurant there only accept cash.
The next day, we walked around a little bit under the scorching sun. It was hot around 89'F and at time windy but very dry. As you know, with little girls we couldn't walk very far and they were not interested at the buildings except M&M store. Vegas has changed a lot too, old casinos were knocked down for the new, it was different from 9 years ago. The traffic jam was bad, really bad, there was always a traffic jam on the Vegas strip. We didn't have to wait long but there's always a jam. Many people were there walking and shopping as well, pretty crowded.
This was one place they wanted to go. We went in and they each got a bag of M&M to munch on. Not forgetting to take a picture with yellow and red too.
And where did we go when we arrived at Vegas? China Town baby! Got to have early dinner and shopped at Ranch 99 for drinks and snacks. To my surprise, Vegas China Town is getting huge, it used to be a small area and now it occupied the whole street (Spring Mountain). Any kind of Asian cuisine you can find it there, and it's authentic not Americanize. One thing I did notice, lots of Koreans settled in Vegas, many Korean BBQ restaurants and supermarkets can be found there as well, not just Chinese and Vietnamese anymore. One disadvantage about these restaurants, many accept cash only, so if you planned to dine in China Town, remember to bring lots of cash. For your information, the Penang Malaysian restaurant there only accept cash.
The next day, we walked around a little bit under the scorching sun. It was hot around 89'F and at time windy but very dry. As you know, with little girls we couldn't walk very far and they were not interested at the buildings except M&M store. Vegas has changed a lot too, old casinos were knocked down for the new, it was different from 9 years ago. The traffic jam was bad, really bad, there was always a traffic jam on the Vegas strip. We didn't have to wait long but there's always a jam. Many people were there walking and shopping as well, pretty crowded.
This was one place they wanted to go. We went in and they each got a bag of M&M to munch on. Not forgetting to take a picture with yellow and red too.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Evy & Edda March 2, 2010
Sharing pictures of my girls I took recently. The weather was really nice and they wanted to play outside so I let them played on the deck. I let them blew bubbles and drew on the deck.
Oh, I am squeezed sister!
Evy happily drew all over our deck. Luckily it was washable chalks, so drew and expressed all you want! Ugh, what my little sweetie doing, still holding her peace signs. LOL!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Evy & Edda Updates (Nov & Dec. 2009)
Evy has a Holidays recital coming up, she is practicing her piano. Her hair is getting long too, more feminine and look nicer to me. She is currently top at her class, rated at 1.9 whereas the kindergarten started at 0 level. We are thinking whether to jump her to Grade 2 next year or not. A lot to think about, for those who has his/her child skip a grade, what's your thought on this, to skip or not to skip a grade? Currently she is going to the Kindergarten Enrichment session once a week for some extra academic opportunities. Since we speak 90% of Mandarin at home, I really wanted her to learn English or to improve her vocabulary. She reads perfectly but she is unable to understand the meaning behind it (given the fact we speak Mandarin at home), so how to increase her understanding of what she read? The more I think about it, the more I want her to remain in her grade, at least she can learn more English and still remain the top in her class. Also she gets to go to the enrichment session and if she is still the top in her class at Grade 3, she will get to go to the Talented and Gifted class. It is the understanding of the meaning and comprehension of the things she read that is worrying me. If we put her in Grade 2, she might be having a little hard time and feel challenging at school. Yet I know for a fact that if we put her in Grade 1, it will be no challenge for her as she knows most of the stuff already (she already rated 1.9 at this mid-term assessment).
Want to challenge her academically or not? Or let her cruise through?
My little one hair is getting long but she loves her long hair. I managed to potty train her before she turned three. I thought she would be the difficult one as she never potty in her potty before but guess all the mental preparedness worked. She is starting to speak in English too. Sometimes her sister will speak to her in English and both of them will be role playing in English. I had a hypothesis and I tested it out on both of my girls and it proved true. We speak 90-95% of Mandarin with them, their first language was Mandarin but at three years old, they started to speak a second language English naturally. We teach them Mandarin, the television teach them English. LOL! If you are interested in learning my hypothesis, read through my older posts on my girls.
Don't you just want to pinch that cheeks of hers? I do!
Here wishing you all a very Happy Holidays!!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Girls Update

I am so proud of my two girls. I decided to move them into their own room yesterday after months of mental preparation injected into Evy. I put them on a queen size mattress so that if they fell off from the mattress, they were not going to hurt themselves. Everything was set, I put on a new bed sheet, more mental preparation talk on both girls while doing that. The night came, Edda was easy because she already fell asleep down stair so I just needed to carry her to the bed. I accompanied Evy to brush her teeth, showed her her own bathroom (sharing with her sister of course), but her own sink and her own face towel. Then ushered her into bed, kissed her good night and laid at the bottom of the bed to wait for her to fall asleep. I was afraid that she might be scared because she always told me she is scared to sleep alone. Thus, the co-sleeping with her sister was my solution. But you know what, she actually told me to go back to my room. I was like really and she said yes and I was real impressed. I actually felt weird sleeping in a room without my two girls or simply worrying about them (took me a long time to fall asleep). I had my monitor on the whole time and they did so well, they slept through the night, no crying, not a single sound. I was so proud of them and I told them so. I kept praising them in the morning and told them how well they did and how proud I am of them. They both kept smiling and I know they understood it. So, another smooth sailing move to their own room.

Next would be Edda potty training (I will get it done when she turned three, right now I am mentally preparing her) and teaching her shapes, colors and alphabet. I will really work on her when her sister goes to Kindergarten this Fall. At that time, I will have the private one on one time with her and thus the best time to really teach her. I will start to prepare her for kindergarten. Phonic digestion at 3 years old and at 4, she will know how to read like her sister. One thing though her learning skill is a bit slow, I guess it was my fault because I did not read to her from 6 months up to a year every night like what I did with her sister. So until now she still cannot differentiate shapes and colors which her sister already knew at 9 months. I can really see the difference what advance reading do to their learning ability. One a fast learner and really smart, the other a slow learner and not as smart. Luckily she started talking in sentences and more now, at 2 she still hardly spoke at all and I was worried. Just that sometimes I have to figure out whether she is talking in Mandarin or English because her pronunciation is a bit off. But she sure try to express herself in sentences.
Evy is going to Kindergarten this Fall. I enrolled her into a school that teaches Mandarin from K to grade 5. She already has good Mandarin foundation and I hope that it will get reinforce in the school. I have prepared her well for Kindergarten as I did not send her to pre-school. She knows how to write, how to read (very good at reading, can read the whole Dora (1) book with no mistake), how to count, how to add and minus in her mind, without using her ten fingers (her mathematics skill is up to grade 1 level), how to use a computer, how to draw, color and tell story of what she drew. She even made a story book, drew some pictures, illustrated the story to me and had me wrote down the story in that book for her. And she would read the story over and over again and kept it as her possession. I have no doubt she will do well in school.
Extra update: The next day, I put both of them in bed, kissed them good night and left the room. Edda still wanted to play I guess because I heard (through my monitor) Evy said, "睡觉了,好不好?". Edda replied, "好". Some comforter ruffle sounds. Few minutes later, Evy said, "睡觉了,好不好? 姐姐累累了,要睡觉了." Then, silent. The following day I asked Evy, she said her sister was trying to tickle her. Haha...
Evy said, "Let's sleep, ok?" Edda replied, "ok"
Evy said, "Let's sleep, ok? Sister is very tired and wants to sleep now."
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Halloween, 2008
I think I haven't updating you all with the pictures of my girls for some time, so here it is. Their recent Halloween pictures. Evy totally loved this day because she will get to eat the candies afterward (1 or 2 per day if she finishes her lunch/dinner). It was the first time for Edda and I think she liked it too.

My little cat lady.

My little bee China doll.

Both of them can't wait to go trick-or-treating.

My little cat lady.

My little bee China doll.

Both of them can't wait to go trick-or-treating.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
More Evy Drawings
As promised, here are more recent drawings of Evy. I think she did all these when she just turned four.

She tried to draw some ants. Not sure why she wrote SHEEP at the bottom, doesn't look like it connects to the drawing.
Don't ask me what is VVLLA because I have no clue!
Her garden of flowers.
I see flowers and possibly a Caterpillar, no idea about the rest.
She knows how to draw shapes and said it correctly.
She tried to draw some ants. Not sure why she wrote SHEEP at the bottom, doesn't look like it connects to the drawing.
Don't ask me what is VVLLA because I have no clue!
Her garden of flowers.
I see flowers and possibly a Caterpillar, no idea about the rest.
She knows how to draw shapes and said it correctly.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sharing Some Random Pictures
AFormosa Safari near the entrance. Frankly I was quite disappointed in this. Pretty small and the western show suck, couldn't understand a word came out of their mouths.
This must be her favorite thing to do in the Safari: Pony ride. By the way, only cost $4 for a round.
Waiting for the multi-talented animal show to start. Look at her rosy cheeks, you know how hot it was.
Edda happily smiling for the camera in a Thai restaurant. Usually she would look down or side way to avoid looking at the camera.
Their favorite ride in Genting resort while waiting for the grandparents who were playing slot machines inside the casino. Edda was sitting alone in the third car. Lost count of how many rounds they were in it.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Short Clip of My Girls Eating
Sharing a clip of them eating at Texas Roadhouse recently. Edda was cleaning the plate of onion blossom (our appertizer) and Evy was enjoying her favorite ceaser salad. Hubby ordered his usual full rack of BBQ ribs and I decided to try something different and ordered the pork chops. The pork chops was a disappointment, hard and dry (overcooked for sure). I made better pork chop than them and I would never order it again.
This embeded version is not as clear. Not the camcorder fault.
This embeded version is not as clear. Not the camcorder fault.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What a Crazy Weather!
When people said Colorado has crazy weather, it is! We were enjoying a record high of 80"F the day before and the next day "Boom", we got snow shower! In Sane! Evy wanted to go out and play so I let her and Edda was inside with a sour face looking at her sister playing outside (by the sliding door). Then, she brought me her shoes and of course letting me know that she wanted to go out as well. Her sour face looked so pitiful so suited her up and put her outside with her sister.
Edda pointing at the snow falling and tasting some which fell on her face. She surely enjoyed it, so cold also didn't want to come in until her sister came in then she got no choice but to come inside.
I only let them played on the deck so that I could keep an eye on them.
Edda looking at me. I asked her, "Cold or not, want to come inside or not?" Raised her hand and said, "No", at least that's what I think she was saying. LOL!
Evy was happily playing with her snow shover.
Edda pointing at the snow falling and tasting some which fell on her face. She surely enjoyed it, so cold also didn't want to come in until her sister came in then she got no choice but to come inside.
What's the next day looks like! Inches of accumulation and every where was covered with snow. And it's SPRING here!!
Rockie Mountain. Couldn't capture the famous Pike Peak, it was hidden in the cloud behind the mountain.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Evy Craft and More

She did this all by herself. She found this craft project (I have no idea where) online, printed out the paper, cut it herself, color it, glued the parts together and put stickers at the back so that it will stick to her face. After she finished, she came to me with this elephant mask (according to her) stick to her face. I got a shock actually because she did all these by herself!! I asked her to stick it on her bedroom door to remember her first craft and praised her for a job well done. I do have a creative daughter because she know to use the tape to enable the mask to stick on her face. So little know how to think and solve problem already.

Her drawing and writing.

She presented her daddy with this on Jan, 2008 which her daddy kept on his desk.

She gave me this on Feb 14, 2008 which I put on my desk. I realized that my daughter writes very well at her age. So clear that you really know what she wrote.

Evy showing off some of her works. I will update with some recent drawings of her because it's getting very good, so good that it surprised both her daddy and me, just like she surprised me with the elephant mask.
One way I know that Evy is more advance is on a recent trip to a Toy R Us where they have a booth and gave out papers and crayons for little ones to draw, Evy drew a beautiful flower and color it so prettily while the other kids only knew how to draw lines! Some kids were bigger than her and they drew lines. Her daddy had to ask me,"Did Evy draw this?" I said, "Of course, who else." She surprised her daddy then and there. He couldn't stop praising her and her piece of art.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Update on My Girls
I realized I haven't update on my girls progress for awhile and so here it is.

My eldest girl just turned FOUR. She is learning to read and spell. So far she has done very well. We have started her on reading Dora's books. Once she learned the full page, she will be rewarded with a Dora sticker and once she finishes the whole book, she will be rewarded with a BIG Dora sticker. So far this method works very well, she finished one book already. The power of Dora! She can write A-Z, with problem with J and S, and 1-10, with problem writing 3 sometimes. Since she knows how to spell a few words, she can write a few words too. On Valentine's Day, she presented us with a card that she wrote on herself without help that read, EVY (insert love shape symbol) MOM, EVY (love symbol) DAD and EVY (love symbol) EDDA. Oh yeah, even her little sister got a card from her. Not only that, she can draw and color very well and she just finished a Kindergarten level activity book that I bought for her at Barne & Noble. Just got her two more books and she was so excited and did at least 20 pages per day. I had to set a 20 pages limit, if not she would probably finish the whole book in three days. She also knows how to do easy plus and minus already (1-10). I think we have prepared her well for kindergarten next year. With another year to teach and train her, she will be well prepared. By the way, we didn't send her to any pre-school, all home-taught. Not to say she is also conversing in Mandarin and English. Read and recognized up to 40 Chinese characters (from learning cards).

As for miss little Edda, she has turned into miss whiny!!! Oh my Gosh! This girl can whine, every little thing not her way, she will make me that face and start whining, got ignore, turned into crying. OMG! I need to train her to stop whining because I can't stand it! I would tell her, mommy doesn't like whining and you stop whining! I would ignore her whining and crying when I'm doing stuff and it would ease. She has all her 20 teeth already and eating excellent by herself. I didn't have to feed her since she turned one, I gave her a bowl and a spoon/fork and asked her to dig in. She does that in a restaurant too, give her her share and a spoon and she help herself. She is well developed on her motor skill, understood us and does what she is told. But very slow in her speech development. No new word since she turned one. Whereas, her sister could say 40 words already and kept adding new word every week at this age. This girl uses action to let us know what she wants instead. I'm not worry about it now but I expect her speech level to increase after she turns two later this year. If not, then I will start to worry. Finally she is almost sleeping through the night. Sometimes she will still wake up once a night and that's it, down from 4 times a night. One thing though I really need to wean her before she turns two. She is not into cow milk and Milo which makes it harder to wean. Still come to me and pull up my shirt every time she is thirsty or wants to nap. Aiyo! But since she is not taking any full milk, I had to give her the best milk a mother can give to a child right? *sigh* Oh yeah believe it or not, this little one knows how to set a table too. Like helping to bring her sister's rice to her sister and her own rice. She is still too short to get the spoon yet but she sures try. One way she letting me know she wants some cookies is she would open the drawer, bring a bowl and give it to me and when I ask her what is this bowl for, she would walk towards the kitchen. Smart right? If my pantry door is open, she would help herself with cookie bag/ cookie jar that she could reach at the bottom and bring it to me to open. Same thing, she would open the drawer and bring me the sippy cup when she wants water. You see, action speaks louder than words, probably that's why she doesn't see a reason to speak yet! Adoi!
Good thing is now they play together. Evy will talk to her, hug her and carry her around. Sometimes it's really cute to see them together, either playing, watching t.v. or reacting to each other. As expected, playing together also brings on fighting together.

My eldest girl just turned FOUR. She is learning to read and spell. So far she has done very well. We have started her on reading Dora's books. Once she learned the full page, she will be rewarded with a Dora sticker and once she finishes the whole book, she will be rewarded with a BIG Dora sticker. So far this method works very well, she finished one book already. The power of Dora! She can write A-Z, with problem with J and S, and 1-10, with problem writing 3 sometimes. Since she knows how to spell a few words, she can write a few words too. On Valentine's Day, she presented us with a card that she wrote on herself without help that read, EVY (insert love shape symbol) MOM, EVY (love symbol) DAD and EVY (love symbol) EDDA. Oh yeah, even her little sister got a card from her. Not only that, she can draw and color very well and she just finished a Kindergarten level activity book that I bought for her at Barne & Noble. Just got her two more books and she was so excited and did at least 20 pages per day. I had to set a 20 pages limit, if not she would probably finish the whole book in three days. She also knows how to do easy plus and minus already (1-10). I think we have prepared her well for kindergarten next year. With another year to teach and train her, she will be well prepared. By the way, we didn't send her to any pre-school, all home-taught. Not to say she is also conversing in Mandarin and English. Read and recognized up to 40 Chinese characters (from learning cards).

As for miss little Edda, she has turned into miss whiny!!! Oh my Gosh! This girl can whine, every little thing not her way, she will make me that face and start whining, got ignore, turned into crying. OMG! I need to train her to stop whining because I can't stand it! I would tell her, mommy doesn't like whining and you stop whining! I would ignore her whining and crying when I'm doing stuff and it would ease. She has all her 20 teeth already and eating excellent by herself. I didn't have to feed her since she turned one, I gave her a bowl and a spoon/fork and asked her to dig in. She does that in a restaurant too, give her her share and a spoon and she help herself. She is well developed on her motor skill, understood us and does what she is told. But very slow in her speech development. No new word since she turned one. Whereas, her sister could say 40 words already and kept adding new word every week at this age. This girl uses action to let us know what she wants instead. I'm not worry about it now but I expect her speech level to increase after she turns two later this year. If not, then I will start to worry. Finally she is almost sleeping through the night. Sometimes she will still wake up once a night and that's it, down from 4 times a night. One thing though I really need to wean her before she turns two. She is not into cow milk and Milo which makes it harder to wean. Still come to me and pull up my shirt every time she is thirsty or wants to nap. Aiyo! But since she is not taking any full milk, I had to give her the best milk a mother can give to a child right? *sigh* Oh yeah believe it or not, this little one knows how to set a table too. Like helping to bring her sister's rice to her sister and her own rice. She is still too short to get the spoon yet but she sures try. One way she letting me know she wants some cookies is she would open the drawer, bring a bowl and give it to me and when I ask her what is this bowl for, she would walk towards the kitchen. Smart right? If my pantry door is open, she would help herself with cookie bag/ cookie jar that she could reach at the bottom and bring it to me to open. Same thing, she would open the drawer and bring me the sippy cup when she wants water. You see, action speaks louder than words, probably that's why she doesn't see a reason to speak yet! Adoi!
Good thing is now they play together. Evy will talk to her, hug her and carry her around. Sometimes it's really cute to see them together, either playing, watching t.v. or reacting to each other. As expected, playing together also brings on fighting together.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
CNY Gift from a Friend :o)

Less Sweet Teh Tarik 3 in 1 and Pandan Kaya.

Assortment of Delicious Looking ChanHong Brand Products. BTW, I loved this brand!

OK, this is my favorite group because I'm a cookies & snack junkie!! Can't wait to try the Beloved Biscuit because it looks so different. But first of all, need to open the Chicken Biscuit now!

Hmmm...first time seeing this type of Chicken Biscuit! Had a bad experience with the previous chicken biscuit that I ordered from myTOA.

So fat fat one!

WOW! I Loved it! I loved this type too, very fragrant and even my hubby gave a thumb up. Ok, only got six in a packet, so order more if you like this biscuit. Hubby said, "3 for me and 3 for you". I said, " Then what about the kids?" LOL!

Thank you so much for your generous gift. You got the heart, we got the tummies! :P
For my readers, you can always order it online at Just a click away to sample all these M'sian goodies yourself at home! ;o)
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