I made Pandan Chiffon Cake for Lily's grandson one month old party. I had tried several recipes that used different quantities of eggs and found this recipe is the best. It used 6 eggs and always produced very high chiffon cake unlike the others that I have tried. I have used this to make almond chiffon cake, orange chiffon cake and lemon chiffon cake before.
The above is the picture of the Pandan paste that I used, usually selling for 99 cent at the Asian grocery store. This is the brand and paste that I recommend to produce a fragrant cake, essence and powder form are not recommended.
- 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
- 1 Tbp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup vegetable or canola oil
- 6 egg yolks
- 3/4 cup coconut milk
- 1 tsp. pandan paste
- 6 egg whites
- 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
- 3/4 cup sugar
1. Preheat oven to 350'F (175'C).
2. Combine (A) in a bowl. Stir well to blend. Add (B). Beat with an electric mixer until smooth.
3. Beat (C) until moist peaks formed. Gradually add 3/4 cup sugar, beating until stiff and shiny peaks are formed. Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the egg yolks mixture, fold to mix and then add the rest of the egg whites. Fold gently but thoroughly. Turn batter into ungreased 10" tube pan.
4. Bake for 60 mins or til a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Invert cake and cool completely in pan. When cool, loosen the edges with a flat plastic knife or icing knife and gently remove the cake.
My Note:
Best kept in the refrigerator because the coconut milk will turn the cake sour if kept in room temperature after 2 days.
Nice~ Reminds me that I have not bake one for a long time.
Very yummy - wish I could sink my teeth into it. Dont u think that chiffon cakes are one of those cakes that can be eaten in large amounts with out getting full!? Well done. _k
I just made this cake, it was WONDERFUL! This recipe is sooooo goooood it should be kept a secrete ;). Thanks for the wonderful recipe.
You're most welcome. Thank you for your nice feedback, now I'm smilling non-stop. You made my day! :)
Hi Ching,
Where can you get pandan paste?
Hi Sj,
I got my pandan paste in oriental store. Remember to get the paste not pandan essence. It should be made in Indonesia.
Hi Ching,
How does the package look like? Is it like a toothpaste package? I like in Orlando. I hope I can get it from the oriental store. I used the pandan extract before. It came out bitter.
Thank you.
Sj, here's the link,
Scroll down to Pandan Paste Food Color, this is the one you need to buy.
Thank you.
Hi Ching..
With the baking powder...does it matter if it's single acting or double acting baking powder??
..and with the eggs...I'm told that larger eggs are better...what size egg should i use??
thanks for your help...
I can't wait to make it...
pandan sponge cake is my favourite!!!
Hi Thuy,
For baking powder, it doesn't matter whether it's single acting or double acting.
Always use Large eggs when there is no size mentioned. Large egg is the standard.
Happy baking! :)
Dear Ching...
I baked it today and it was a flop! I looked through the oven door as it was baking and it raised and I was really proud of myself but when I took it out of the oven it shrunk.
I halved the amount of sugar stated in your receipe (I tend to reduce the amount of sugar whenever I bake). I divided the batter between two loaf tins because I didn't have a tube pan....
The end result ...I didn't get the spongy consistency (ie honeycomb) that's typical of this cake...the bottom of the cake looked like it was uncooked but I think it was because some of the ingredients sank to the bottom....and this might be due to the fact that I didn't beat batch 'A' and 'B' well enough because when you mix 'A' and 'B' you get a really thick mixture and it was hard to beat with an electric mixer.
Can you overbeat 'C'?? I think I overbeat it...
Can you tell me how I can improve??? Sometimes I think it's much easier to buy then bake it yourself....
Thanks for you help,
Hi Thuy,
Sorry to read that you failed. But chiffon cake is not easy to master, a lot of people failed a few times before they got it. So, don't give up.
Ok, when you took the cake out from the oven, did you invert the cake immediately and let it cool in the tins completely? You need to invert the cake when you take it out from the oven, if not it will shrink. This is a very important step in making a chiffon cake.
Another thing is when you fold in the egg white into the batter, make sure you incorporate all the batter with the egg white. Sometimes you might left some batter underneath the bowl that you didn't get to mix in with the egg white. You have to fold it thoroughly yet gently.
If you overbeat the egg white, it will turn into butter. So, just beat until you achieve a medium peak. When you lift the egg white with the beater, it won't drop down to the bowl.
Hope this help!
I really love reading this blog of yours, you are very talented. Mind you, I'm just a teenager having a go at cooking and it's really enjoyable, especially when the stuff I make comes out successfully.
I just tried this recipe and the cake turned out very spongy and moist, but my baking tin isn't very deep so I couldn't invert it, thus resulting in a relatively flat cake. However it was a great improvement from my previous attempt at a chiffon cake (that attempt was unbelievably horrible, so I was undecisive about whether to give this a shot, but I'm so glad I did)!
So thanks very much for sharing this, the cake is delicious! I've always wanted to emulate the store-bought pandan cakes. I will definitely get a bigger tube =).
Hi Anon,
You're welcome. Thanks so much for your feedback and I'm glad you like the cake. :)
Did u use canned coconut CREAM or coconut MILK? Wht brand? I believe the canned coconut cream/ milk with diff brands have diff concentration. Hence, I havent had much success with my Pandan chiffon ever since i migrated overseas. I used to be able to make the perfect pandan chiffon, using fresh santan n following my old recipe to the T. But the same recipe with canned coconut cream/ milk - ive tried so many brands, all end up with the cake when inverted - falls out ( using coconut cream ) or doesnt have much coconut fragrance ( using coconut milk ). So, Im VERY excited to try out ur recipe. Ur Pandan chiffon cake looks fantastic! Please advise cos im itching to try this recipe!
Hi Susanna,
I used Savoy coconut cream diluted with a little water. You can see the picture of the canned coconut cream I used under my step-by-step kuih bangkit guide (CNY Cookies).
Hope you find success this time! :)
hi hi! your pandan chiffon looks good and i want to try making it. as your measurement for the ingredients are in cups, how can i convert them into grams instead? thank you.
Hi Anon,
I provide the link below for your reference.
And this:
Hope it helps!
thx so much
btw, can i know did you use the conversion table for your recipes? or do you use a measuring cup? if it's the latter, then can i know what type of measuring cup did you use? thx
I use U.S. measuring cup. The one I'm using I got it at Walmart, not a branded one so forgot the brand name already.
Did you use all purpose flour or cake flour? I have seen many chiffon recipes using cake flour. Is there a difference?
I stated in the recipe all-purpose flour and that's the flour I used.
Cake flour has lower gluten content and said to make the cake softer in texture.
You can certainly play with your bakes and subtitute the AP flour with cake flour and see what happen.
This recipe sounds wonderful but I'm thinking of doing a taro or durian chiffon cake. Do you think there is any way I could incorporate mashed taro or durian fruit into the egg yolk mixture?
Hi Isabelle,
You can replace the 3/4 cup of coconut milk with mashed taro pureed/durian pureed and replace the 1 tsp. of pandan paste with taro emulco/essence or durian essence.
Hi Ching,
Is it ok if I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil ?
Hi Jennie,
I would suggest the use of neutral oil in all baking like canola or vegetable oil, unless you want your pandan chiffon cake to smell like olive oil.
Hi Sahm, love the pix of your pandan chiffon cake. It really tempt me to try. Unfortunately, my first try was bad. I'm not sure what went wrong but have a few Q for u? Can i go without the baking powder? What's it use? My cake sink in even i did turn it at once i took it out of the oven. How should the egg yolk batter consistency be? Pls advice? dying to taste it. Btw, i'm just a novice and love to bake for my kids. (all my equipment are very new!)HeHe?
Hi Woody, thanks for trying my recipe.
1) Baking powder is used to make the cake rise, so it's not advisable to omit it when the recipe calls for it.
2) The consistency of beaten egg white is more important than egg yolk batter. You need to beat the egg white until stiff peak and fold in gently with the yolk batter. The egg white helps the cake to be soft, light and rise high also.
3) The yolk batter just like normal cake batter, kinda thick without the egg white mixed in.
hi, it's me again, woody!
Thanks so much for your advice. i manage to get the cake to stay up this time. however, the cake felt pretty heavy with all the oil and stuff. Anyway to lighten the cake, e.g. changing the All-purpose flour to cake flour and reducing the oil potion? sorry to trouble u.
Hi Woody,
Glad to hear from you again. Actually I won't advice you to reduce the oil. But you can substitute the coconut milk with low fat milk. Yes, you can use cake flour, might make the cake softer. Just to know that when you are trying to produce a healthier cake, the taste might be compromise. ;)
Hi Ching,
i want to thank u for your help and your receipe. I've been making so many of them to so many of my friends and neighbours and they all love it. Some of them even ask if i can sell some to them! However, i'm perfectionist and still find the cake flacky. also i do seems to get the cake rise as high as wats on your pix.
Plssss help! :P
Hi Woody,
Sorry for the late reply. Have been busy lately. I also don't know how to help you. Since you are a perfectionist, just practise more I guess. Practise makes perfect mah! :P
I have only started baking chiffon cakes and have not been very successful so I am going to try your receipe tomorrow. However I only have an 18cm tube pan. Can you tell me how much batter should I pour into the pan as I don't want it to spill over. Should it be 3/4 full or very full etc?
Hi Stephanie,
It should be 3/4 full. Good Luck!
i tried baking this pandan chiffon cake today but it turn out badly. Taste was ok but the skin stuck to the pan and wont come off after i cooled it upside down for 10mins. I dig it out and the cake was broken into pieces. I was using a first time mould, is that the reason? Also i didnt grease the tin. Should i grease it? Please advise, thanks!
Hi Berriejam,
The cake is supposed to stick on the cake pan. Instead of dig it out, you should carefully use a thin knife to slowly cut the side all around the cake, then take out the ring. Then, use the knife to slowly cut through the bottom to release the cake. Ok!
Hello Ching,
I have been reading your blog and a few 'old pals' of yours like Lily, Florence, Yochana, SeaDragon, TT, etc...
I would like to confirm if it's indeed 1 TB.of baking powder (and not a typo). I have baked this chiffon style cake before but don't recall using that much. Unfortunately, I didn't write my recipe down. It's been many years since I baked a tall one, as I have been makinga 4-egg chiffon. I'm one baker that likes to keep 'fooling' around with recipes with the mood I'm in. (bad girl,me of course!)
Appreciate your help and btw, thank you folks for the laughter all these years. Sometimes, I wish I'm there and laugh with all of you!
I'm Expat from Malaysia , living in Ottawa.
Do hug your cute girls for me and how they've grown and Lily blessed with grandson etc. You've all bloomed so well as years go by and admire the effort you gals put in. Kudos!
cheers: Christine
p/s: Hi Yochana...Hope all's well, hmm, been awhile since I 'looked' over into your kitchen! I think I smell something tantalising already!
Hi Christine,
Yes, my recipe is 1 tbsp. of baking powder. Hehe..I like to play around with the recipe too and create my own. :)
And thank you to be a loyal reader of our blogs. :)
Hmm...another must bake !! I tried once b4, as like others, my cake "fa" in the oven, but once i open the oven, it gradually sink !1
I dint "invert" (means turn the pan upside down ? onto a cool wire rack or jus on a plate ?) the cake last time, will do it tis time.
When u fold mixture(means using a sptula or a mixer ?)
Thanks for your advice....jackie
Jackie, you have to invert to cake immediately when it came out from the oven on a cooling rack to cool completely. This step supposed to prevent the cake from sinking.
How are you going to fold the mixture with a mixer, of course with a spatula and very lightly so that you don't deflate the air from the beaten egg whites. (this is an important step in making a successful chiffon cake). Good Luck!
i am very excited to try out your recipe but could you help me clear something up, in your recipe it says,
1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
does that mean 1 cup plus 3/4 cup of flour or only 3/4 cup of flour?
thank you in advance!
Hi Anon,
It's 1 cup + 3/4 cup. The same applies to all my recipes.
Have fun!
can u tell me the brand of the pandan paste u used?
also, what do u mean by "stiff and shiny peaks" in step 3?
Hi washingtonian,
I have a link of the pandan paste picture that I used somewhere in my blog. Why don't you do a search of pandan paste within my blog and look for it.
It means you beat until it's stiff and the egg white batter looks shiny. When you hold the beater up, the batter will hold up the shape as well.
hi LCOM(:
the cake i did turned out heavy and hard ... do u have any idea what i did wrongly?
Anon, first time I heard chiffon cake turned out hard and heavy, what did you do? :P
1) The egg whites you have to beat until it is stiff.
2) When mixing the egg whites with the egg yolk batter, you have to be very gentle and careful, not to let too many bubbles escape. The volume has to be there.
If not, if any of your friends know how to make a chiffon cake, ask her to make one and show you, so that you will have an idea of the consistency of egg whites and how to mix/blend them together. Good Luck!
saya dah ikut resepi tu. memang menjadi. terima kasih untuk resepi tu. kalau ada resepi yg betul2 menjadi kongsi2 lah ye?
Hi The Bakers, all my other chiffon cake recipes are great too, you can try. Glad you liked this recipe.
Hello Aunty!
I would just like to say how wonderful this recipe is!!
I just made it and it is by far the best pandan cake recipe that i have tried!. =) (and i have made 8 pandan cakes recently) this is my favourite!
i will definitely be visiting your blog and trying the different recipes in the near future ..
Thank you for your feedback DAnut, I'm so glad you liked it. :)
you may post your recipes on our forum at:
Thank you,
Hi Ching,
I love this recipe alot, very wonderful and tasty cake. I want to make green tea chiffon cake and chocolate chiffon cake using this recipe. Would you help me to add the right amount of green tea powder and cocoa powder please. Thanks a lot.
Hi Anon,
Glad you like it, if you have a food blog, please credit me for the recipe ya.
For green tea, use milk instead of coconut milk and change the pandan paste to green tea powder.
For chocolate, I'm not too sure, I would probably do 1 1/4 cup flour + 1/2 cup cocoa powder. Use milk instead of coconut milk and omit the pandan paste. This recipe will have to test it out. Good Luck!
Yay! My first time making pandan chiffon cake using your awesome recipe and it was a success! I noticed that the top of my cake was browning too quickly, so I put a piece of foil on top to prevent it from burning/browning further. Worked out well for me. Thanks for the delicious recipe!
Hello there, I tried this recipe today and the outcome is perfect. Thank you!
I've always wondered if I would get the same height with a chiffon cake if I used an ordinary (not tube) ungreased pan. I'd like to put frosting in my cake and the tube shape just doesn't seem right to me.
Someone told me before that it was ok just as long as I invert the pan right away. Would it work? Will appreciate your advice.
Hi Corinne, I never tried it on normal pan before but I heard that it is okay to use other pan too. Guess you will have to experiment it yourself to find out.
You are so welcome Sofie! Try my strawberry chiffon cake, one of my favorites!
Hi Ching,
I used your recipe for PCC. It was yummylicious!!However, I used cake flour instead. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe. =)
Thanks for your feedback, Corine. Glad you liked it. :)
Hello! i would like to try this recipe, is it okay if i uses a metric cup for this?
Hi Siew Ann, you have to convert it into metric, then you can use your metric cup. I have a conversion chart on my right panel.
Hi, im here again. this website http://allrecipes.com/HowTo/Conversions-US-Standard-to-Metric/Detail.aspx shows the metric conversions in mL, what about the dry ingredients like flour? do i measure them in grams instead of mL?
Yes Siew Ann, you convert them into gram. They have cup to gram conversion too.
hi, can i just use metric cup for this? will it turn out the same? because the converting is confusing.
Anon, US cup is different from the metric cup. It's not confusing at all, I have converted it for you. See below:
1 3/4 cups flour=224g
1/2 cup sugar=100g
1/2 cup oil=8 Tbsp.oil or 118ml
3/4 cup coconut milk=12 Tbsp./177.5ml
3/4 cup sugar=150g
I have been trying to make a chiffon cake but it always rise in a dome shape form.....how do you keep it straight/ even in your chiffon cakes? ?? .............
By the way,your cakes look so good!wish i could taste it!!
Hi Anon, sorry I'm not sure why also. I always give mine a knock on the table before putting it in the oven to bake, perhaps you can give this a try. Good Luck!
Thank you! i'll try that out ^^
Hi Ching, this is the 2nd time I'm baking Pandan Chiffon cake using your recipe. I wanted to thank you for the wonderful recipe,as the texture & taste of the cake are what I'm looking for. However on both instances, the top of the cake puffed up too much and cracked. Is this normal? How can this be avoided?
Hi Anon, mine also cracked, so I also don't know. Sorry! But glad you liked this recipe.
i was looking for a good recipe on chiffon cake and happened to chance upon your blog.. i have tried making the cake using your recipe and must say the cake taste "Superlicious"!
thumbs up & thanks for sharing it on blog!
Hi San, thank you for taking the time to feedback to me. I always glad to hear from my readers and testers and so happy you liked my chiffon cake recipe. :)
i've just tried your recipe for new year and it was a success ^_^
Thanks so much for sharing it.
Thanks for the feedback Anon and you are so welcome to the recipe. :)
Hi Ching!
if im using self raising flour, what ingredients shld i omit/add/modify?
and also, i wanna try out the coffee chiffon, is there anyway that i can make the coffee smell and taste stronger?does coffee emulco and coffee oil helps?
Hi Eileen,
When you use self-raising flour, omit the baking powder.
Yes, the coffee emulco or coffee oil helps, add 1 tsp. into the wet ingredients.
hi i wanted to ask a question if i used top flour instead of all purpose do i need to omit something ? or if i used cake flour do i need to omit something?? thanks!
Hi Anon, I don't know what is top flour. But if top flour is the same as cake flour, then you don't have to omit or change anything in the recipe.
Hi there. Would really like to try this cake out! But I can't find pandan paste here in Beijing (Msian living in Beijing)... am thinking of trying it out with juice fr the pandan leaves instead. Do you know how much I am to use? Thanks!
Hi Anon,
You can try 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1/4 cup pandan juice. You can add a drop of green coloring to make it greener if you like.
I fell in love with your delicious recipe ...It's my favorite ... I have been baking this cake with different flavors (pandan, chocolate, coffee mocha, orange, lemon, and hazelnut)... they all came out perfect every single time! Thanks a bunch! :)
Thanks for your feedback Anon.
I love your blog and your pictures
can you tell me what i can use in place of cream of tartar as its not available in India.
Hi Mahek,
If cream of tartar is unavailable in India, you can just omit it. Just make sure you beat the egg whites until stiff peak.
By chance i visited your blog and saw some of your Chiffon cakes. I always have the same problem when i bake cakes or chiffon when i reduced the sugar required....( i mean it always turn out not so good).
Can i seek your advice how to do to bake the chiffon less sweet, is actually for my parents, they can't take sweet stuff. Many thks.
Hi Mrs. Tan, from my chiffon cake recipe, you can try to reduce the sugar amount on part (C). Make sure you beat the egg white and cream of tartar until stiff peak before you combine the white and yellow batter together. If you try this, let me know how it turns out for you.
I really want to let u know,how much I THANK YOU for your SUPERB.....recipe!
It's a never failed recipe...
soft, spongy, moist, not crumbly & even bake tall.
I've tried various flavor
using this great recipe, such as orange,yam,lemon & even strawberry
I replace the coconut milk with Dutch Lady strawberry flav. milk
it's HEAVENLY....
THANKS from my heart...
Thanks for taking the time to feedback to me Maria. So glad to hear that you loved this recipe. Frankly, me too! :)
I made this cake for my friends son,he told her that was the cake he loves so much..and this time he won't chocolat one...!!:))
Very yummy !!
Thanks for the great recipe. Made it and it was delicious! I attached a link to your site from my blog.
Thank you for your feedback Ruza123 and Chris. So glad you all loved it. :)
Thank you for the compliment! :-) Your girls are such cuties too! BTW, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Hi !
What's the convertion of 350'f (175'c) to gas mark oven?
Hi Rhomiel,
Click here:
Hi there, I've tried baking this. The shape and everything turns out fine but I've got a problem with the outer layer of the cake especially the top..Its a bit too hard...Do u know why??
Hmmmm CL, hard outer crust? Never encounter this problem before. I can only think of perhaps the sugar is not completely melted and form a crust at the outer layer and make it hard? Not sure leh.
I tried your recipe many times but every time when I mix (A) and (B) together with a hand mixer, it gets very thick and does not blend well, and the mixture becomes lumpy. So when I bake the cake, it is dry and has lumps everywhere. What did I do wrong? How do you mix A & B exactly? Is there a certain order for adding the ingredients? Please help! Thanks for a great recipe!
Hi Benhoxiu,
I think you might over mix the batter. There is no particular order in (A) and (B), just add (A) in a bowl, whisk to combine, then add in (B) and use a electric hand mixer and beat just until smooth and incorporated. Then, add in the meringue (beaten egg whites) 1/3 at a time, and use a spatula to fold it into the batter carefully (do not use electric hand mixer at this stage). This stage will determine the success and lightness of the cake. When done folding, the batter should be triple in volume before baking. Good Luck!
I don't think I overmixed the batter because I couldn't. Mixing (A) is ok, only when I add the ingredients for (B) in, the mixture gets very thick and sticky. So when I try to blend with a hand mixer, the mixture sticks to the beaters and I couldn't make it smooth. I wonder if anyone else runs into the same problem? Thanks for your help!
Hmmm...I hope others might be able to help you Benhoxiu.
What type of oil did you use for your cake? I've been using canola oil lately and I think that could be my problem. Thanks!
Benhoxiu, I used canola oil in all my cake/cookie baking. So, I still have no idea what is your problem. Perhaps you need to ask someone who knows how to bake a chiffon cake to do a demonstration for you? Or try to search the web for a chiffon cake demo.? Sorry, I couldn't help.
wow b4 tis, i've tried to make pandan chiffon cake but everytime failed, or no taste of pandan. But today i tried using ur recipe, and it turn out to be extremely delicious. Everybody gv a thumb up! Yeah... Many thanks to ur wonderful pandan chiffon recipe.
Thank you for your feedback Anon and was glad to read that it was a success and everyone loved it. :)
I made this pandan chiffon cake for my sister to bring to a potluck and it was a hit! People loved it! Thank you for your recipe. Anyhow, I do have a question for you. In your note, you mentioned to put the cake in the refrigerator after 2 days…so my question is how long can I keep the cake in the refrigerator for? Thanks!
Quyen, probably another 3-5 days? Not really sure because mine never lasted this long. You can probably freeze it too. Just take it out to room-temperature 2 hours before serving (leave it on the counter). And thanks for the feedback. :)
Hi, I must congratulate you on your excellent blog, which I had read with great interest as I am a great fan of chiffon cake, but have never had the courage to try and bake one myself. Your recipe sounds easy and I am goinog to try it this weekend. Before so doing,
can you please advise me:
1 would the top of the cake be flattened once you invert it [turn it upside down?]?
2 How long do you leave it inverted?
3 Do you leave the cake tin on the cake whilst it remains invereted?
I hope you will respond to my query as I do so much want to bake a chiffon cake. I live in the UK and miss eating this cake so very much! Thanks, Susan.
Hi Susan, as for your questions, the top of the cake won't be flatten when inverted because the top never touches the base, the chiffon cake pan came with three leg stands to cool the cake. I let the cake stays inverted in the pan until it is cooled, probably 30-40 minutes before moving it from the cake pan. Good luck in your first attempt at chiffon cake! :)
Hi, thank you very much indeed for taking time to reply to my email so swiftly. You are a gem!. I will let you know next week or so when I pluck courage to make the cake. I have just ordered a chiffon cake pan with three little ears on top.
I have just worked it out, silly me,that the bottom of the cake becomes the top!!! Thank you, I am most grateful. Best wishes, Susan
hii i am going to make this for dessert tonight :). let you know how i go . thanks for the recipe!
I tried to make this cake but when it was baking at about 10 mins it rises nicely but was sinking tremendously after baked for 20 mins although it was still in the oven. Is it because of the tube pan used is to big in size? I am using a 28 cm tube pan.
Hi Shirlynn, it might be the problem, or the way you mixed in the egg whites.
Hi, me again Shirlynn. I have baked this cake again and viola it was very successful. I have done a bit of changes in the recipe by replacing the coconut milk with pandan juice instead as I am in Penang and pandan leaves are available here. Thanks a lot for the recipe. ;> .Have you created this recipe?
Glad to hear that Shirlynn. :) Yes, I created this back in 2005, since then a lot of people have used this recipe and made a successful chiffon and also created their own version.
Thank you so much for sharing this nice tasty cake for us. I tried it 2 days ago, it's so delicious. But i just baked 28 mins with 350F. Thank you :-)
Thank you for your feedback Kit, so glad to hear it. :)
I love reading your blog and found this Pandan Chiffon cake recipe. I have tried a few recipe but was unsuccessful until I tried yours. The cake is so soft and fluff and I am so happy that I can't wait to tell you this. Thank you for sharing this recipe!
I am so happy to read this Corinna and thanks for your feedback. :)
I have a stupid question :)
I don't have the tube pan. do you think I can use normal round or square pan instead?
I have never seen people bake in that kind of pans though :p
Minty, I have never tried baking chiffon cake in any other pan, so I am not sure. But I did see others bake it in other pan or in cupcake and it worked for them. So, if you try, let me know if it works for you. :)
i love cake,, but i havent try the pandan...I need to try this..thanks for the share...I am new to bloging community..if you have time please do check my site...http://masarapdin.wordpress.com/
Hi Ching
Thanks a lot for your recipe. I made it and it was quite a success!
Here are the pics :)
I have a question though, can I lower the amt of baking powder, I think 1 tbsp is a bit too much. I am afraid the taste of baking powder can be detected. :)
Miss B
Hi Miss B. I have no idea since I never try it before, you can experiment.
Hi Ching,
Would you happen to have your original recipe in grams? I tried weighing the 1 3/4 cup of plain flour, 1st time= 144g, 2nd time = 150g & for the 1/2 cup sugar: 1st time = 106g & 2nd time = 115g. It's not very consistent.
But I'm guessing the difference is not that big so it shouldn't really matter.
Thanks! :)
Hi Chi, the original recipe was in cups. Like you said, it shouldn't make a difference since the gap is not much.
Hi, I'm Kit. I just baked the Pandan Chiffon Cake again tonight. Just want to let you know it's still soooo delicious. Thank you again for the sharing :-)
Just come to let you know again, i baded the Pandan Chiffon Cake again tonight, it is still that YUMMY.. love it, love it..
Thanks again for the sharing :-)
I'm so glad you loved this recipe Kit. :) Thank you for taking the time to feedback to me ya. :)
I would like to comment that the texture of your cake recipe is great. I have baked many chiffon cake recipe and always experimenting with everyone recipe but yours turns out really good. I tweaked the recipe a little by increasing the coconut milk to 1 cup (thick) and 1/4 cup canola oil because I didn't want to waste my coconut milk. I baked this in a 9 1/4 inch (23.5 cm)non-stick spring form baking pan. It came out good. Because the cake was big and rose above my baking pan I didn't turn the pan over after baking. It gives me a 2 1/2 inch cake and I could slice it to 2 halves and added pandan coconut fudge. I increase my fudge recipe to 1.5 times since the cake is big. I am really happy with the results. Thanks for this great recipe.
Thank you dramaqueen for your feedback. :) I'm so glad you liked it.
when u mix A with B, and beat well till smooth. do u use the k beater or the balloon whisk.
Neither Anon. I just used my hand held beaters.
Thank you so much for this recipe. I tried another recipe with my mother in law and failed badly. Then I found yours, it was awesome my husband ate half the same day!
I'm so happy for you Dinah and congrats on making a successful pandan chiffon cake. :)
Thanks for the recipe, First time trying and it is very good .
The pandan paste that I got might be too thick, the cake turns out too green. I will use 1/2 tsp or 1/3 tsp next time. Thanks again for sharing.
Thank you for your feedback Tan Tan. Glad it turned out well for you. Yeah, I think 1/2-1/3 tsp. of pandan paste is sufficient. :)
Hi Ching,
I have been successful at making chiffon cake but recently I run into a problem. After I take the cake out of the oven and invert it, the top sink/collapse. I didn't have this problem before. I tried baking in all types of pans - angel food cake pan, round pan, rectangle pan - the top sink every time. Can you tell me what the problem is? Thanks for your help!
Hi Anon, I will refer you to this link: http://allthatmatters2rei.blogspot.com/2008/06/chiffon-cake-tips-and-trouble.html
THIS IS THE BEST PANDAN CAKE RECIPE IVE TRIED :) thank you very much. the first time i baked it too long, but the second time, i baked it shorter time. Absolutely bakery worthy! 5 *****!
thank you
Thank you so much for your feedback Crystal, it makes my day. :)
I just made this cake yesterday and IT WAS THE BOMB!!!! I would like to get your permission to reference you and re-post this recipy on my blog. Is that alright with you?
Hi Huey,
I'm so glad you liked it. Yes, please link back to my recipe. Thanks.
Hi, I wrote to you a few months ago when I first bought my angel cake pan. I plucked courage and made one last week, and it was most successful considering it is a first attempt. Only problem was, after I had inverted it, the bottom and sides of the cake was stuck to the pan. It did not look pretty as parts of the top and sides were brown and parts were green. Can you tell me what has gone wrong? Do i need to invert it?
Can I just take it out of the oven and cut it as shown in your picture. This way, the top of the cake is perfect and I love the cracks on top/. Thanks, Susan
Hi Susan,
Perhaps your oven temp. is not even? You can try it and see what happen, I always invert mine so I don't know what would happen if I don't. Nothing might happen or the cake might sink, I don't know.
oh I like that it looks so tasty this so lovely cake i ever see here on internet.
i love eating that's why im too fat now :)
but most of the time what i eat are any kind of chocolates
like milk chocolate ,French macarons, and macarons london and so on.
well anyway that cake recipe above is interesting i wanna try that.
I really like this chiffon cake recipe. I have baked 3 times using pandan paste, mocca and mix 3 flavors. This is the texture & taste of the chiffon cake that I'm looking for. ���� the cake that I've baked using this recipe never cracked. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Have a great day..☺
Thanks for leaving me with a nice feedback Feni. :) I am so happy that you liked this recipe! :)
Hi id like to ask if it freezes well. If so, for how many weeks?
Hmmm Kawaii,
I have not freeze chiffon cake before, so don't know how to answer, but you can always cut half and try to freeze it and test it yourself. If it freeze well, should freeze up to 3 months.
Hi there! When I make a different flavor, what would I substitute the pandan paste with? Do I just use an extract or doesn't it have to be something of a thicker consistency? Thanks!
Hi Eavey,
Yes, you can just substitute it with different flavor extract, 1 tsp. shouldn't made a big difference.
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