Showing posts with label Chinese New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese New Year. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Introducing: King Oyster Mushroom

Have you seen this in the Asian market and wondering what it is? It is called king oyster mushroom which is also referring to as almond abalone mushroom in China as when it is cooked, the texture is similar to that of abalone. I was told of this mushroom when shopping with Lily (she introduced me to a lot of things eh...hehe). She told me this is the fresh abalone mushroom (instead of canned) that we read about in the forum. I was like really and quickly grabbed one to try. Since that day, I have been buying this mushroom every time I was in an Asian market. I really like the meaty white steam as well as the cap as this mushroom really soaked up the flavor of the broth you cooked it in.

This is what I came out with. Just a simply stir-fry and then cooked it in a oyster sauce flavored broth and top on green veggie. So good man, even my hubby finished it all. I also stir-fry this mushroom with sliced chicken breasts for variation. If you spot this mushroom in the store next time, do give it a try ya! :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Golden Bread Shrimp Rolls

This recipe has been with me for 19 years. I was asked to prepare a dish in the final day of my secondary school cooking class. At that young age, I knew nothing about cooking, let alone came out with a recipe. Thus, this recipe was courtesy of my mom. I recalled I really enjoyed the cooking class but have completely no idea how I ended out in that class (Maybe we have an option of cooking or sewing?). Anyway, Janet, if you are reading this, do you still remember? I remembered we made yam ring together because you were my partner. I think you helped me cooked this dish too because I remembered you mixing the shrimps with curry powder? Correct me if I'm wrong! It is ages ago!

Recipe is posted at I posted this recipe in 1999 when was just launched. I received a very negative review in 2003 and I was telling myself, I can't believe she ruined this for me. Come on, who is going to try a recipe with a one star rating, at least I won't. Then, recently I found out I got another review and it was 5 stars!! How happy that made me and kudo to him to give this one star recipe a try and loved it! So, calling all readers, if you tried this recipe of mine and loved it and is a member of, PLEASEEEE go and give me a good review okay? Preferably 4 stars and above a little love or support for me leh. *so thick face*

Okay, I took the trouble to snap step-by-step pictures here. This recipe is very easy and you should have all the ingredients at home. I made this again because I want to post a picture at Allrecipe with the intention to entice or seduce more people to give this a try. :P Please do go to allrecipes for the complete recipe.

Click next for step-by-step pictures guide:

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Lychee Konnyaku Jelly

The weather is turning warm and what a better way to cool off the body than some cold jelly? You can either make this with the normal jelly/agar-agar powder or konnyaku powder. I like to add the fruit for the extra refreshing taste.

Our family favorite ~ lychee konnyaku jelly.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Braised Mushrooms

This recipe will only give the ingredients and techique used because that was how I cooked this dish.


Dried Chinese mushrooms
Dried lily buds
Dried beancurd rolls
Dried wood ear fungus
Fa cai (optional)


Oyster sauce
Dark soy sauce
Light soy sauce
A little chicken stock granules


1. Soaked all the dried ingredients with boiling hot water until soften.

2. For the mushrooms, cut the stem off of each mushroom. For the lily buds, cut the top harder part off (like a black tip) and tight it into a knot. If you used pieces of big woodear, just cut it into smaller pieces. Cut the beancurd rolls into 1 inch pieces.

3. In a big saucepan, add some water to boil. When boiled, add the mushrooms, beancurds, woodear and (A). Let it simmer for an hour or so. Lastly add in the lily buds and fa cai (if used) and let it simmer for 5-10 mins. Serve hot!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Chap Goa Mei (15th night)

Chap Goa Mei in Hokkein means the 15th night. It also marks the end of CNY celebration. So, I decided to cook and invited my neighbor for dinner. Fellow members at IK told me that people eat Tang Yuen at this last day of CNY, preferably the one without syrup that roll in ground peanuts. Some said people also eat the fried nian gao on chap goa mei. The fresh nian gao they eat it during the first few days of CNY and the last day of CNY, they eat the fried version. Maybe less fresh so they fry it?

I cooked four dishes (seem like three huh?). The one on top is too dark to be seen. Anyway, I stir-fry a mixed veggies, baked a soy sauce chicken, steamed some cod fish fillets and lastly braised some mushrooms (pic. below).

This is my braised mushroom with lily buds, wood ear, dried beancurd and fa cai.

I also made red bean paste tang yuen with ginger brown sugar syrup for dessert (don't have ground peanuts, so eat with little syrup lor).

This is Evy's hot dog tang yuen (as she called it) that she made herself. I thought she is too innovative so I snap a picture of her creation to share with you. :D

I fried some nian gao with sweet potatoes for lunch in the afternoon. This nian gao was given to me by Lily. You can look up her recipe at her blog.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Cereal Prawns

Just showing a picture of the cereal prawns I made for a CNY gathering. Sorry no exact recipe because I was using a cereal prawns premix. You can buy it at Giant supermarket in S'pore.

Ingredients stated in the premix are cereal, sugar, non-dairy creamer, pepper and seasoning.


1) Deep-fry the prawns. Dish out and discard the oil.

2) Add 2 Tbp. of butter, when melted add curry leaves and chilli padi. Fry til fragrant then add the prawns and the premix. Fry and serve.

3) If you don't have the premix, just add those ingredients listed. I will try to make this myself without the premix next time.

Note: For the seasoning, it's probably salt and msg. For the cereal, it's just crushed cornflakes cereal. You can substitute with oatmeal.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Steamed Huat Kuih

My first huat kuih and I cheated by using Redman Huat Kueh Mix.

I added Pandan extract to one. Yellow coloring plus banana essence to the other and lastly just red coloring. "Swee bor?" (pretty or not?) :)

This is how the package looks like. It comes in this multi-colors one and the other is brown sugar only. Ingredients stated in the package are flour, sugar, baking powder and vanillin. All I need to add is water or coconut milk. Very easy! One package yields 12 small huat kuih.

I got one easy recipe for you to try. It's FenYing's Xiao Fa Gao recipe. Since all the ingredients can be found at home, why pay so much for a premix? I bought it earlier because I didn't know it's so easy to make. :P

Edit to add 02/27:
My conclusion: Use Gula Melaka for extra fragrant. If you want to make this colorful ones (more appealing to kids), use essence in addition to coloring (it tasted so much nicer). I thought of this while laying in bed:

~White color, add Coconut, Lychee or Almond essence.
~Green color, use Pandan extract or green tea powder.
~Yellow coloring, add Banana or Mango essence.
~Red coloring, add Strawberry, Raspberry or Rose essence
~Orange coloring, add orange essence.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Longevity Noodle & Bak Kwa

Nice or not, my Tangerines? CNY is in the air! :o)

My Longevity Noodle

My Homemade Bak Kwa

Just an easy yellow noodle stir-fry. CNY has to eat long noodle since it symbolizes long life. So, an easy dinner for us since I was too lazy to whip out other dishes. :P

Also trying Gan55 version of Bak Kwa which uses LKK char siew sauce, brown sugar and a little rose wine. Taste good too! Recipe can be found here.

Click here for my other bak kwa recipe. I strongly recommended this recipe as this is the best I have tasted so far and received rave reviews.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Goodies from Ray & Soo

How nice of Ray & Soo to send me a package of goodies for CNY and wished us Happy New Year. Evy grabbed for the Mamee as soon as I opened the box. She said all the Mamee are hers. LOL! As for me, I can't wait to try the Curry Laksa that people have been raving about.

If you miss your childhood snacks like Mamee, Fish Satay, Muruku, Twisties, Dodol Durian, etc. You can buy it at MyTOA. This online store also sells a lot of premixes and Old Town Ipoh 3 in 1 White Coffee. Believe me, that brand of White Coffee is the best! Hearing that he is going to import some M'sian ikan bilis, custard powder, Konnyaku powder, etc in the future. So do check out MyTOA for new products ya.

Ray & Soo, thanks for the yummy goodies! I just placed a big order at MyTOA. :o)

Xin Nian Kuei Le and Gong Xi Fa Cai ya! :o)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pig Year - Oink! Oink!

Dear readers,

Hereby wishing you and family a Happy and Prosperous New Year and may this pig year brings you health, money and lots of happiness! :o)

Xin Nian Kuai Le &

Gong Xi Fa Cai &

Nian Nian Yo Ye!!

In addition to that, from my house to yours ~ my CNY cookies and goodies. Do help yourself ya!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My GoldFish Wantons

After seeing the Goldfish wantons at LeeLee's blog, I just have to try it. I love the idea of using the springroll wrapper and make it looks like little goldfishes, aren't they cute?

Oops, just noticed that mine look slightly different from hers because I didn't fold the meat into half. I forgot to recheck her pictures before I stated making mine, anyway still look good hor?

This is the closed up. I didn't have anything to use as garnish, so just simply borrowed the spring onions that was meant for stir-frying my bean sprouts.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Microwave Muah Chee

I used to make muah chee using the boiling method. It is also easy to make but not as easy as microwave muah chee. I saw this short-cut method posted at kitchencapers a while back and decided to give this a try.

It is definitely easy but the dough can be very sticky and difficult to handle. Taste good though!

Recipe from Gina at KC:

250g glutinous rice flour
375ml water
2 Tbp. shallot oil

Mix (A) in a Pyrex bowl and microwave on High for 7 mins. Cut into tiny pieces using a kitchen scissor and drop it into the peanuts and sugar mixture. Coat well and serve immediately.

250g peanuts, toasted and grind
50g sugar

Mixed (B) together to create peanuts and sugar mixture.

Oops! I think my peanuts is not fine enough, should have processed it more. :P

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bak Kua

Yeahhh, I finally made Tazz's bak kua. Her recipe can be found here. It took me awhile but glad I did it. I followed the original recipe provided by her blog. I baked mine in a convection oven.

I only made 1/2 pound of ground pork just to test it out. The result was delicious. Even my daughter kept asking for more. Definitely finger licking good and a die die must try recipe. What's more, super easy to make!

Eat it plain or sandwich it in the Hawaiian sweet bun for breakfast or snack, yummy! Will definitely make more the next time, but need to buy parchment paper first, out of it already.

Eve said it can be kept at room temperature up to 3 days in a plastic container. Thanks Eve! :) 

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Baked Nian Gao

I just love nian gao, either baked or steamed. Of course if I have to make it myself, I would prefer an easy recipe. Got this nian gao recipe from Lin, courtesy of her co-worker. But no clue why mine looks so different from her. I did omit the red bean paste, perhaps that's why my nian gao is so flat.

I also added Gula Melaka into the brown sugar and baked it in my new convection oven. Since my convection oven automatically lower the temperature to 325'F, it also took longer to bake. I ended out baking mine for 65 mins. The top is crusty brown and inside is soft and a little chewy. The sweetness is just nice and overall I like it. See that big slice on top, I ate two of those!!

Haven't pan-fry it with egg batter yet. Will see how long it keeps and whether the texture will be different as the days go by.

Oh, next time I would probably use 2 smaller pans to achieve the height that I want.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Malaysian Style Spring Rolls

This was my easy version which used only a few ingredients. As this was my last minute subtitute for what I had in mind to cook earlier and thus I didn't have time to thaw the ground pork. You could add ground pork and shredded soften chinese mushroom in your filling.


-1 jicama, julienned
-1 carrot, julienned

-3-4 cloves of garlic, chopped
-1/4 cup of dried shrimps, soften

-Canola oil for stir-frying
-1 tsp. chicken stock granules
-Salt & Sugar to taste
-Sprinkle of white peppers
-A little sesame oil

-Spring Roll wrappers
-Cornstarch glue (2 tsp. cornstarch + 2 tsp. water)
-Oil for deep-frying


1. Heat up a wok with canola oil. When heated, add in garlic and dried shrimps. Stir-fry until fragrant, then add in jicama and carrots. Stir-fry a little while, add in salt, sugar & chicken granules. Add in a little water. Stir-fry well until jicama soften. Turn off the heat, sprinkle with white peppers and a little sesame oil. Stir well to mix. Dish out to cool in a bowl.

2. When cooled, wrapped the filling in the spring roll wrappers, sealed it with the cornstarch glue. Covered the made one with wet paper towel to prevent them from drying out.

3. When done, deep-fry the spring rolls in hot oil until golden brown and crispy. Drain on paper towel. Serve hot.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Abalone with Chicken Soup

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Look at the Abalone slices! They are not stingy about it.

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This is the packet that I used. Strongly recommended. :)

I tried to cook chinese herbal soup once a week. I will alternate different type of herbal soup to cook each week so that it's a new flavour every week. I just dump two chicken drumsticks and the packet above and slow simmer it for few hours. What a yummy and nutricious soup to drink. The abalone was so soft and got such a nice bite to it. My mother in-law sent me those from M'sia.