Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Lychee Konnyaku Jelly

The weather is turning warm and what a better way to cool off the body than some cold jelly? You can either make this with the normal jelly/agar-agar powder or konnyaku powder. I like to add the fruit for the extra refreshing taste.

Our family favorite ~ lychee konnyaku jelly.

1 packet of Konnyaku powder (10gm)
Juice of one canned of lychee + water to reach the amount of water indicated by the packet.
1 cup of sugar
Lychee from one canned

1. Mixed the konnyaku powder with sugar in a bowl. Boil the water + lychee syrup in a saucepan until boiling.
2. Add in the powder and sugar mixtures. Stir to dissolve.
3. Arrange the lychee inside the konnyaku molds. Pour the jelly liquid to reach half of the molds and come back to fill the molds until it reach the top.
4. Let it set in the refrigerator before serving.

Happy 4th of July to those who resides in the United States!


East Meets West Kitchen said...

I made that too!:)

Anonymous said...

Instead of sugar, you can add some juice (carrot, apple) to sweeten up the jelly. But maybe have to adjust the water ratio accordingly. Love lychee in desserts and savory dishes.

Anonymous said...

I also thinking to do this during this weekend .... Malaysia is as hot as the kuali liao ^_^ !!!

WokandSpoon said...

I still haven't tried the konnyaku jelly! It looks a little like agar-agar. Your's are so cute!
Where do you get the moulds from?

Home Cooking said...

wow yummy...luv it >_<

SteamyKitchen said...

This is sososo pretty! I have some fresh Rambutan - maybe I shall make jelly with them.

Anonymous said...

Your jelly so pretty.

cocoa said...

Do you know what's the different between konnyaku and agar-agar? I have the agar-agar straw( not the powder) at home and am thinking to make agar-agar this weekend. Do you know what is the ratio between agar-agar and liquid should i use? Sorry with so many question ;)

Little Corner of Mine said...

V, good leh! :)

Can't do that in this case since I want my jelly to taste like lychee, thus can't confuse with the flavor of the juice. Unless next time I want to make apple jelly or carrot jelly (hmmm..not so sure about this! LOL!).

Hi Janet,
You finally updated your blog! Will go read later. :) Alamak, as hot as kuali ah...pengsang! You better make some this weekend! :D

Yeah it's like agar2 but a more chewy version. I got my moulds in M'sia from the baking supply store, cheap cheap only.

Thanks ISha!

Thanks SteamyKitchen, Rambutan jelly sounds yummy!

Thanks Cooking Ninja!

Hi Cocoa,
Konnyaku is made from a kind of Japanese seaweed and the texture is very chewy and supposedly very good for us.

Does you agar-agar straw comes with water measurement at the back of the package? I haven't been making agar2 from the straw for ages and have totally forgoten how much water I used before. I hope others can help you here since I don't know leh. Sorry ya!

WokandSpoon said...

Thanks for the tip - I'll have to find a baking shop in Malaysia when I'm there!

Jialan Wang said...

Hello! Have you been able to find Konnyaku jelly powder in the US? I've looked everywhere but have not been able to find any. What kind of package does it come in?


Baking Fiend said...

Ching, yr jellies looks good! The best dessert for warm weather, and healthy too, with the fibre in the jellies.

Little Corner of Mine said...

You're welcome WokandSpoon. You really have to go, got a lot of things to buy there.

Hi JW,
Here's the link where you can buy the powder and moulds.

I don't think you can find it in the shops here.

Thanks baking fiend.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Konnyaku is actually derive from a perennial plant growing in Japan, China and Korea, known as Konjac. It is not made from a Japanese seaweed like I previously stated.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to make some of these with the konjac powder I just received in the mail. I would like to add a note to those who are not familier with the jellies that children should only be given very small bites at a time. The jelly does not disolve like Jello does and can be a choking hazard.

Anonymous said...


I have one query...whenever I make these jellies, i find that after a few hours in the fridge, they are not "hard"...after I try to remove them fr the moulds, their shape either break away or they "lose their shapes on the plate and look very "watery" and "soft".

why is that so?


Little Corner of Mine said...

Are you sure you used the Konnyaku jelly powder to make this and not the normal jelly powder? If you used the Konnyaku powder, then it might be the brand, different brand has different texture too, some brand produce softer Konnyaku jelly, less chewy type. I recommend Redman. If you use other brand, remember to follow the water instruction at the back of that packet. With Redman, you shouldn't encounter the problems you described at all, the jelly should be solid and not soft at all. Some of the water might come out after a day in the fridge but the texture of jelly remained the same.

Anonymous said...


I cant remember what brand I had used. Finished my supply from Spore, I shall check if they sell any here too.

I shall try again!
