It's persimmon season again! I remembered my mom used to buy it from Singapore when I was little. We stayed in J.B. during my primary school days and always drove to Singapore weekly to shop. Now it's the other way round huh? I simply love this fruit and would definitely buy some every year when it's in season.
Guess how much I paid for the above? I was shopping at the Asian grocery store and spotted this persimmon on sales for 68 cents/pound and grabbed a pack without exactly knowing the total cost of it. I have nine persimmons total and it only costs me $1.44!! What a steal considering I always paid 88 cent each at WalMart. Now I know where to buy my persimmon already and definitely not WalMart or any of the angmoh retail store (always $1 each!!). :P
OMG! that is so cheap!!!
wow what a steal. i got mine from costco for 1.99 per lb.. geezz.. next time i should get it from asian store
I would love to have persimmons ice cream.
congrats on the steal!! :D how do u usually eat them? I remember seeing in some HK dramas that they freeze it first n then eat them icy cold...
I love love love persimmons! Used to love the super soft ones when I first started eating them when young, but now I love the crunchy ones. Yummers!
Oops... that was me commenting... not the princess.
hehe. I have the same problem here too. Have to buy persimmons in oriental stores.
Walmart's "Lowest Price, Always"...not true hor! hahahahha!
I need to buy persimmons soon.
Hello.... Do u still remember Wong Lee Ling? She is a happy housewife (like u lah)with 3 kids, I just talked to her last weekend ... She wants your address in US , can u give me again then I will sms to her ^_^
Hi Ching,
Persimmon - one of my favourite fruit.
I like the sippery centre of this fruit.
Pretty persimmons! I bought some too, not at the asian market but at KS. :(
They were delicious though! :)
BBOven, I know...so cheap!
Cocoa, next time you know where to buy it liao! :)
Andaliman, persimmons ice cream...hmmm...wonder how it tastes like!
Thanks ioyces! I would peel/cut the skin off and eat it. Also easier for my kids to eat it too. I can't eat it icy cold like HK people, too cold how to eat?
Haha...singarishgirl, it's okay! I love both texture actually, as long as it's sweet! :)
Daphne, at least you know where to buy it earlier. All my years I have been here, I have been buying from WalMart, I would have gotten more for what I paid there! Anyway, now I know...hehehe....
Hi Janet! Of course I remember Lee Ling, she is my best friend besides you! Oh wow, will e-mail you my address, I want to meet her when I go back next year too! :)
Hi Tigerfish, WalMart is still the lowest price lah because you can't compare it with oriental store, but other American retail stores. Furthermore, you can always match price, so I love to shop there for one stop shopping since I can match all the on-sales items from the other stores into this one store. Convenient is the right word! :)
Hi Florence, me too! Already finished all nine I bought! :P
Hi V, I saw it at KS also, $1 each leh! But sure tastes yummy! :) It's okay, if you happen to be in oriental store again, just look up for them. Otherwise, "bor bien lah"!
Tis' the season for persimmons. I bought mine at a store in Chinatown. There were 26 for $5.99 (a box).
I also bought 2 'jambu' (I think that's what it's called). It looks like a bell .. deep red in color for $3.11!!! Ouch! That one was expensive!!
Anyway, haven't tasted my persimmons yet ... still a little under ripe.
Ah ... I always look at these fruits and have wondered how to eat them too :-) Now I now.
What about the dried ones? Do you eat them just like that too? tia
Hi Tricia,
That's a great deal you got on your persimmons too! Oh man, Jambu! I haven't had any Jambu for years, I have not seen it here yet, not even oriental store. I would have paid to taste some Jambu again! I love the crunchy jambu marinated with dried mandarin peels...slurp!
Hi Chawanmushi,
You mean the dried one people eat during CNY? Yeah, you eat it just like that, it tasted more like a candy. Normally we will see a lot of dried one during CNY.
wow..very cheap...in m'sia here it it very expensive....about more than rm 1.00 for a fruit...i like those sweet and crunchy ones...the dried preserved ones from china r also my favourite.
Hi Sweet Jasmine,
Normally it's $1 each on sales at the American grocery stores. But we get it cheap when it's on sales at the Asian market. Next year CNY, I'm going to buy some dried preserved persimmons from China, haven't eaten those for ages!
oh!!! I love KAKI!!!.there is 2 type of kaki,i like the one you show,not bitter.Another with round and big size taste so"kap"even removed the skin..wow!! your really cheap.I saw kaki in Chinatown sell small size 7 for $2.00.Maybe later on will get cheaper.Usually I buy a box ,just eat fresh...hmmmm maybe now I can bake cake with it!!hahaha!!
You were so right! I once bought the round and big one to try and I just couldn't finished it. So "kap" and I would never buy that again. Yuck!
Hello....may I know which part of Chinatown in Singapore that sells persimmon cheaper? Then, can u tell me how to choose the sweet persimmon from what it looks outside? Thank you before for the info.....^.^
Sorry Anon, I do not live in Singapore so I have no clue. As for me, I always pick the one with darker orange color and no bruises.
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