Am I the lucky one or not? I received this as a gift all the way from Singapore from one of my blog readers. She decided to remain anonymous and I respected that. But how nice right? In case you were wondering, the butterfly one is for making Konnyaku jelly and the bear and face molds are for making sushi rice molds. Cute right? She said it's a gift for my girls, so that this lazy mommy can make pretty lunch boxes for them. :P *Ok, I added the lazy mommy end, lol* This package really made my day and I was grinning from ear to ear. Not only me, Evy was excited as well. Thank you so very very much from the bottom of my heart on your thoughtfulness, you know who you are! *muak* ^o*
wow what a surprise. how nice is that! my friend in singapore is helping me to get some bento box and Konnyaku mold from Daiso Singapore too.. we are doing good exchange haa.. i am getting some gerber toddler food for her daughter :)
Oh, you're lucky indeed! And sooo cute!
I love prizes!
OH!How lucky your are! we had yet to receive any little presents from readers....lol!
Wow, you are one lucky girl. ;)
I just put up my full list cake menu, please have a click, click, www.bigboyscakes.blogspot.com
Hi cocoa,
Yes, it's very nice of her to do it for someone who she never met or know personally. So, I'm very lucky! :D
V, hehehe... cute hor! If you ever go back to S'pore, really have to make a stop at Daiso too! ;)
Me too, Kelly! :)
BBOven, LOL! Maybe your time will come?
Yes, I am singairishgirl! :D
Will do Big Boys Oven! Definitely need to go check out your cake menu. :)
How cool! Evy will love it! Tyler really enjoys his snack bento and eats more if I make something cute. I couldn't get rice molds in my area so I've been using ice cream molds and cookie cutters as rice molds. Work pretty well too.
Hi aiknhoon,
Yeah...I saw your bento! Very cute leh. It works well with cookie cutter too and I like your gold fish little touch. Nice!
Thats cute, you can make more stuff with those mold.
WOw...that's so touching and such cute little stuffs! I love konnyaku jelly:D
Whoever that anonymous blogger, I am sure he/she is a GREAT person:D
i suppose theres no mileage barrier when it comes to common interest in cooking/baking. And despite being in foreign land, you can whip up delightful Asian dishes with ease. Amazing.
Your dotters are very adorable. You must be a pretty Mommy yourself. =D
Hahaha...got to work with my creative juice huh?
Hi Christy,
Yes, I bet she is! So generous and kind too! Konnyaku jelly is one of my favorites as well. :)
u lucky duck!! that's such a lovely gift. You have to showcase what you do with them soon! =)
Thanks Yan for the compliment! :)
Ok, ok daphne...be patient okie. :P
You so lucky,your reader send you a mold.I hear the mold look beautiful but it's so expensive to buy in US.I found a online store who sell it.Anyway,I''m going back next year,so I will buy there.oh!! I just found a candy mold,but I use Konnyaku jelly.hahaha!!Like chinese said" no fish,shrimp also can"!!
So cute! Now u can make cute bentos too!! :) Regarding ur question, my rabbit cup is just like ur butterfly ones except mine didn't have a label saying it's for konnyaku, so I guess can use for jellies or dips. Mine very multi-purpose. :)
Hi beachlover,
I know, lucky right? :)
Yes, just wait until you go back next year to stock up. This can wait. Like you said, at the mean time just use the candy mold, I'm sure it works just as well, got to be creative when we live here right? ;) Stock up on Konnyaku powder when you go back too!
Yes, that's what I thought! I bet I can use the butterfly one to fill ketcup or dip too. :) Now, I need to look for a bento to buy, if not no cute bento leh. LOL!
you must be very nice lady then:) they looks so adorable... I should pass this blog to one of my friend who married with Singaporean. She is collecting them.
How thoughtful. Very cute.
I'm spilling the beans... the person who gave you the molds are Peony aka Popo Cooking. Just so happen to see her website and saw she had the same molds too and that she is in Singapore. I can become Private Investigator now.
Hehe Dwiana, I hope so! Sure, pass it along! :)
Yeah I know! :)
Hahaha...Candy Spooner! You are not supposed to spill the beans when that person wants to be anonymous! However, I published this because wrong guess buddy! Guess being a Private Investigator is not that easy huh? :P Ok, no more guessing okay! :)
correct, me not the person - for a v simple reason... I don't know how to send things by post, unbelievable huh ?
aiya, next time must check with what u post first before I do mine, heehee.
It's okay. Just post whatever because people bound to have the same things. Especially people who loves baking/cooking tend to share their "toys" among friends/bloggers. Don't worry about it! :)
Oh what a lovely surprise you got there :)
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