We received our first snow of the season yesterday. We had an accumulation of about 5-6 inches in our yards. Evy enjoyed playing in the snow, even in the freezing weather of 30s'F. She played until her cheeks and nose were red and finally I had to call her in when I spotted she had the running nose. She was so happy when she woke up this morning and the snow was still here. She was shouting, "The snow is still here, the snow has not melt yet, can I go out and play?" Of course I let her played til her heart content this afternoon. She came in and said, "Look mommy, I built a mountain!" Luckily today was not as cold and the sun was shining, that's why I let her play on our deck so that I could see her. I took the picture above when the snow has melted about 50% away! Didn't think of taking a picture before but I want to show V how much snow we got.
Snow already in Colorado? We were in 80s here in Illinois yesterday!
jeremie's co-worker came at noon and she lives in brighton. she said that there is no snow up north.
guess we are the lucky ones eh?
wa, you already have snow this time of the year! So fun!
Wahhhh! You had more snow than me! Yay! Glad Evy enjoyed the snow as much as my kids did! :)
Awwww....snow!! So beautiful!!:D
Wow, wow, wow! How fun. I'm sure mine would love to play in that!
wwwwwowwwwwwwwwwwww I bet Winnipeg will get it soon :D
Welcome winter season
wow!! so fast got snow already!!!.NY is still around mid 70 f today.I go out to run errand wearing short and t-shirt.hahaah!!I'm not looking forward to shovel snow :(
wah, you and your family so lucky, I wanna play in the snow too.
dont forget to take pic around X'mas time to show me the decor n the snow-covered landscape, ok ?
lucky you .. snow already . we in nyc have 70s'F can't wait for SUMMER to disappear. enjoy your blog much.
Yup Yup! The weather in CO is really unpredictable. We were at the high of 80s'F on Sat. and on Sun., boom, high 30s'F and snowed the whole day!
Hi Lily,
Hahaha...yeah lucky for Evy because she lovessss to play in the snow. Not me though, snow day just make me lazy and want to cozy up in the house!
Yup Mandy! :)
V, I think all the kids love snow, but so cold leh.
Hi Christy,
Yes, snow is beautiful! :)
Hi Andaliman,
I can see that you love winter!
Hi beachlover,
Luckily I never have to shovel snow. My man job! Now, he has a snow blower to help him and it's more like playing with the big man toy than working up! How I wish I can still wear a short and t-shirt to run errand! Guess I really not a fan of cold winter days! :P
Peony ah,
After you live here for more than 10 years, you don't want to play with snow anymore. LOL! I don't decorate my house during Christmas leh, maybe will try one on my neighborhood.
Oh thanks Diane! :)
This will the 1st year I think my son would enjoy the snow and will be looking forward to building a snowman (or two).
Yesterday, our temp was around 21*C. Today's forecast would be around 15*C! I guess, winter would be too far away!!!
You and me same ... would rather walk around summer temps!! No fun running errands with a 3 yr tagging along!!
So much snow! What a different feeling it must have been all these winters. I need to go stay in the mountains in California to get this.
I prefer summer too. Anyway, we don't have snow in Sydney during winter. Would love to experience a snowy winter though.
In Sydney, the summer heat is
beginning to seep in.
I really like your blog and am starting my own blog (WorkingMumNFood.blogspot.com) too. Please do visit.
Hi Ching, snow came real early this year eh? I'm still in Singapore and can't wait to go back to the cool cool weather in Sacramento, it's too humid here :(
I love snow..... give me slow, please!
cool. we also love winter holiday. My kids enjoyed it so much. Then again, the grass is always greener on the other side. *wink*
Hi Tricia,
Snowman is fun, will definitely build a few with her this season. Yes, winter also come suit up before we can go out!
Hi Tigerfish,
Winter here can gets extremely cold though. Skiing resorts are 2 hours away from me.
Hi Working Mum N food,
Thanks, will go visit! :)
Hi Lin,
Yup, earlier than last year I think. Not only humid, hot too in S'pore!
Hehe BBOven! *throw snow balls at BBOven*
Hi Edith,
Great! They would love skiing!
wah, u already got snow? I can't wait for ours. It'll be my gal's 1st time seeing snow. :)
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