The three lines signified a girl.

Her cute little face! Can see her eye, nose, mouth and her hand with a little thumb.

Her little feet!
I was hoping for a boy and thought I would be greatly disappointed when I found out it will be a girl. Strangely though I didn't, guess deep down I was thinking girl since I have a few girl names that I really like but none of the boy name that caught my eyes.
She was so cute during the ultrasound. When the tech. trying to measure her head, she did a complete 180' (from facing up to facing down) and the tech. had to look at her spine instead. Everything looks great and she sures is an active one. I could even feel a few punches from her during the ultrasound.
Can't wait to see her sweet face again. Guess we will pay for a 3D ultrasound in 10 weeks so I can see her in my womb again. I can't believe how fast I fell in love with this baby already. :o) It's like love at first sight with this 2nd ultrasound. I didn't with Evy until she was one month old. Strange huh?