Saturday, February 24, 2007

Longevity Noodle & Bak Kwa

Nice or not, my Tangerines? CNY is in the air! :o)

My Longevity Noodle

My Homemade Bak Kwa

Just an easy yellow noodle stir-fry. CNY has to eat long noodle since it symbolizes long life. So, an easy dinner for us since I was too lazy to whip out other dishes. :P

Also trying Gan55 version of Bak Kwa which uses LKK char siew sauce, brown sugar and a little rose wine. Taste good too! Recipe can be found here.

Click here for my other bak kwa recipe. I strongly recommended this recipe as this is the best I have tasted so far and received rave reviews.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Deep-Fried Imitation Crab Sticks

Deep-fried Imitation Crab Sticks

Stored in a container

Is it a bit too brown (or chao ta, lol)? To ensure it is crispy, I have to fry mine until this color, if not it is kinda soft. This is very easy to do, just shred the imitation crab meats into pieces and drop it into a medium heat hot oil and deep-fry until golden brown and crispy. Drain on paper towel and when cool, keep in a container. Very yummy to snack on!

Note: My homemade one lasted only four days. It turned soft on the fifth day.

Check out my other deep-fried imitation crab legs with dessicated coconuts. This is a great appetizer or party finger food for your guests.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Goodies from Ray & Soo

How nice of Ray & Soo to send me a package of goodies for CNY and wished us Happy New Year. Evy grabbed for the Mamee as soon as I opened the box. She said all the Mamee are hers. LOL! As for me, I can't wait to try the Curry Laksa that people have been raving about.

If you miss your childhood snacks like Mamee, Fish Satay, Muruku, Twisties, Dodol Durian, etc. You can buy it at MyTOA. This online store also sells a lot of premixes and Old Town Ipoh 3 in 1 White Coffee. Believe me, that brand of White Coffee is the best! Hearing that he is going to import some M'sian ikan bilis, custard powder, Konnyaku powder, etc in the future. So do check out MyTOA for new products ya.

Ray & Soo, thanks for the yummy goodies! I just placed a big order at MyTOA. :o)

Xin Nian Kuei Le and Gong Xi Fa Cai ya! :o)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pig Year - Oink! Oink!

Dear readers,

Hereby wishing you and family a Happy and Prosperous New Year and may this pig year brings you health, money and lots of happiness! :o)

Xin Nian Kuai Le &

Gong Xi Fa Cai &

Nian Nian Yo Ye!!

In addition to that, from my house to yours ~ my CNY cookies and goodies. Do help yourself ya!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My GoldFish Wantons

After seeing the Goldfish wantons at LeeLee's blog, I just have to try it. I love the idea of using the springroll wrapper and make it looks like little goldfishes, aren't they cute?

Oops, just noticed that mine look slightly different from hers because I didn't fold the meat into half. I forgot to recheck her pictures before I stated making mine, anyway still look good hor?

This is the closed up. I didn't have anything to use as garnish, so just simply borrowed the spring onions that was meant for stir-frying my bean sprouts.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Pictures Update of Evy

Mom, quick I wanna watch Arthur! (a cartoon series)

At her friend's birthday party recently.


Can we look at the magazine together?

Being funny!