Showing posts with label Evy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Evy Posing for the Camera

She loves to take picture these days. Always ask her daddy or me to take picture of her. Look at her posing for the camera...hahaha...

Recently, she started to watch T.V. cartoon especially Nick Jr. and PBS channels. She loves Dora the Explorer, Blue Clues, Little Bill, Max and Ruby, Lazytown, Osward, Sesame Street, Dragon Tales and Barney. Thus, instead of fighting over the computer, now she is fighting over the T.V. *roll eyes and sigh* I guess we will have to get another T.V. soon!

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Big Two

My little girl is going to be two in a few days. It's great to see her grow up and being independent. I remember when she was a baby, I was thinking how I wish she could sit, then crawl, then walk, then talk and being more independent. Hahaha... guess I'm the opposite from all the moms who wish their babies will remain babies forever.

We got her a notebook after we moved. Now she has her own little corner in our computer room. I saved a few children friendly websites on the desktop and taught her how to open her notebook, use it, open the links on the desktop to play and shut down the notebook when she is done. She definitely is a fast learner because I only need to show her once and now she is a little expert.

Teaching her how to use the computer definitely paid off for me because now she learned to recognize A-Z and even pronounced all of it except a few she still couldn't. 1-10 in English and a few English words she learned while playing and surfing on her own. She already knew how to say 1-10 in Mandarin, I taught her that. She speaks Mandarin to us and can I say she starting to form sentences in Mandarin. I know she understood a lot of words but she still couldn't pronounce it, but I believe all this come sooner or later.

I am very happy with her progress. How proud I am of her speaking in Mandarin because no matter where we are, deep down we are pure Chinese and I don't want people to call her a banana (yellow outside but white inside) or being look down by Chinese in the future. No matter what, bilingual is a plus no matter where you are. I always look at the wider range and into the future and I strongly believe we made a right choice.

My little girl, mommy and daddy only want what's the best for you and for your future. A little obstacle in the beginning is nothing because you will be fluent in English in no time. All we wish is you remain speaking in Mandarin with both your parents and never forget the language.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Three Faces of Evy

I took some pictures of my little girl few days ago. Often time when I took picture of the food, she also wanted to be in the picture. Thus, the result of these pictures.

Snapping picture of her is not an easy task these days because she won't sit still for me to snap it. She would sit for a little while and then rush over to see her picture through my camera screen. My digital camera often takes its own sweet time to focus, lock and snap, so by the time the camera done all that, she already standing up ready to come over. As a result, I have all sort of weird and blur pictures of her.

1) Her Smiling Face!
2)Her Laughing Silly Face!

3)Her Serious Face!

Anyway, thought I will share the three different looks of my sweetie. They sure are growing up fast.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Look who came to visit!

This adorable baby boy is Lily's grandson. He is getting bigger from the last time I saw him. Not sure what was up with my daughter. She just sat on the sofa the whole time the visitors were here, no smile and speechless the whole time. Not sure whether she knows how to play with a baby or not! One thing though, she didn't get jealous when I was carrying him.

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Isn't he just adorable?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Who Would Know

Look at what my 20 months old is doing now? She is addicted to and has to be on there a few times a day. Hahaha... Oh yeah, she would climb on top of the chair, sit herself nicely and says, "Mama...mama...PB....". Of course I will get her to pbs kids and from there, she would surf it on her own, find her favorite games and play. If she go to a page that has song, she would dance to the song. She knows how to paint and play some simple games. Look at how concentrated she is in the picture below!

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Oh yeah, hope that this early use of computer will make her smarter and interested in the computer. Well, she's definitely interested in it now. I told my hubby, we will have to get her her own computer set when we move into our new house, so that she would leave ours alone. Hahaha...

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She is painting one of the boohbahs on the picture above. Boohbah is one of the kid shows feature in PBS T.V. channel here. Boohbah and Teletubbies are suitable for her age to play, and she knows how to go and find it to play.

Friday, November 18, 2005

My little artist

Evy loves to draw. She has been asking for a pen or pensil since she was 1 year old. Until these days, drawing is still her favorite playtime. Just give her a piece of papar and a pen and she would sit by herself, doing her own thing while talking to herself. :)

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"Look here Evy. Mommy wants to take a picture of you."

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"Give mommy a smile!"

Monday, October 31, 2005

Evy's First Halloween

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I'm determined to get myself some candies tonight!

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Oh wow, look at the candies I got!

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Yum..Yum... Mommy I can't talk, I got a mouth fulled.

We decided to take Evy for her first trick-a-treat this Halloween. What else to dress her in but the traditional Chinese costume and made her the China Doll for the night. Does she looks like a China Doll? :) For added effect, I painted her cheeks with some red lipstick. She looked so adorable walking by her daddy side, holding hands and went trick-a-treating door to door. She even held her own candy bag and waved and said bye-bye to those that gave her the candies. She certainly seem enjoying the whole experience. We went to about 20 houses and looked at the candies she got!

Monday, October 10, 2005

It's Snowing!!

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Her cheeky face!

It's a snow day today and very cold. This kind of day just make you want to curl up in bed and keep warm. Hmmm...a warm soupy noodle, beef stew sound very good now. Since it's the first snow of the season, we dressed her up and took her outside to snap some pictures. She sure love cold weather, not sure whether it got anything to do with she was born in cold weather??

Sunday, September 25, 2005


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Evy at 17 months. In a few days, she will be 1- 1/2 year old, yup...time sure flies on you. She can say 32 words already and what a fast learner she is. She understood a lot of things we said, so can't really say certain thing in front of her. As an example, her daddy said, "Don't give her the pensil, after she would poke it into her eye." And sure enough after hearing what her daddy said, she tried to poke it into her eye (she never know how to do that before). And she tried to do that again when her daddy said the same thing few days later. As you figure, I gave her pensil to express herself in writing and drawing, she knows how to write 1 and said it correctly at the same time. As for drawing, she can draw straight lines and circles already.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Evy Latest Pictures & Update

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These are her latest pictures. She is growing up, just look at her 6 months old picture on the right, she looks different isn't it? How her facial feature change since birth until now is amazing. When I looked back at her old pictures or video, I was like she looks so different now. And how weird that she has brown hair instead of dark? People said it's the weather here that made her hair brown. She is talking up a storm, keep adding new word or sound as the months go by.

She had her first camping trip over the weekend. Glad to say that she did good, slept through the nights and enjoyed walking around the bushes. Got a few scratches on her knees though because I couldn't keep an eye on her all the times as she loved to walk around. Hmmm...should have put her on long pant but it was sorta hot in the day. Anyway, she loves camping!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Evy is Walking

Finally my sweet little girl is taking off. She started to take steps at 13.5 months and really walking at 14.5 months. Now at 15 months 1 day, she is walking like a pro. It's just too cute to see her walking around the house. When she wanted to be carried and I was half way preparing dinner and ignored her, she would fuss and walk around the house in frustration. Yeah, even a little girl has attitude!

She loves outdoor so I would take her out to the front & backyards everyday just to let her walk around the lawn. Each time I want to go out I would say to her, "Go grab your shoes at the front door and bring it back here because we are going for a walk." and she would go grab her shoes and bring it over. I even asked her to wear her own shoes! She is just too young to get the concept yet but she sure try, like lifting her feet to let me put the shoe in. :) I really amazed at the things she understood. In just a couple of months, she would really start talking and that would be too cute!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Like My Pose?

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This picture was taken in M'sia. I like this picture a lot so I thought I shared it here. She was trying on a dress that her kuku bought her and while undressing her, we thought why not took a half naked picture of her. Who would know she even pose it for us. LOL!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

One Year Old

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Hmmm...what's this that mommy gave me? Let's take a bite...yummy!!! Mommy, this is so good, can I have another one? I promise I will sit here quitely if you just give me one after another, okay? *wicked smile*

That is shrimp cracker for those who are wondering!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Evy Latest Picture

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This is the most recent picture of Evy. We took it at Lily's house when we were invited to celebrate CNY and her son in-law birthday. My daughter is getting big! *sob sob* And yet I do want her to grow up, mostly to walk so that it will be more fun to bring her to the park, Zoo, and do some outdoor stuff together.

She is a smart baby though. She learned how to wave bye bye, give kisses, blow kisses, claps hands, put thing in box, pick a book for me to read to her and point out the chocolate and cookie in the pictures. Oh yeah, did I tell you chocolate is her favorite. * smile* Oh, she also knows where is her head and nose and throws ball. However, she is still not taken her first step yet. She could stand on her own for awhile, but she is such a careful little girl that she won't practice standing, whenever we put her up to stand alone, she would just sit back down. I was are you going to learn how to walk like this? *hehehe* Hopefully she will be bold enough and start walking soon, as Spring is approaching and I couldn't wait to bring her out exploring a bigger size of the world.