Showing posts with label Edda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edda. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Girls

My lovely girls!

Edda smiling!

She is pushing up finally!

This is for my record, so I will know whether Edda is behind or not.

2 months before turning three, Evy knows:
~ All the phonics (through LeapFrog Phonics dvd).
~ Speak Mandarin in sentences.
~ Speak some English in sentences (self-learn through T.V. and her notebook).
~ Converse with grandpa and grandma on the phone (mummy's friends too).
~ Know most of the animals name in Mandarin & English.
~ Know all the common shapes and colors in Mandarin & English.
~ Learn to recognize and pronounce Chinese characters correctly.
~ A-Z, and sing the whole song correctly.
~ Sing a bunch of English and Mandarin songs.
~ Say 1-20 in Mandarin & 1-10 in English.
~ She can write 0, 1, 2, 10, H, E & F.
~ She can spell Evy, baby and Tad.
~ She can draw circle, rectangle and our family picture.
~ Tell me what to buy her on her 3rd birthday and what kind of birthday cake she wants. *Geez...*

As for Edda, a bit slow on her development. Still not turning over yet. But at least finally she is pushing up on her own. Not enough tummy exercise I guess, but she always cries when I put her on her tummy, so... Well, as long as she can sit up on her own at 6 months, I'm not going to worry about her turning over or not.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More of Edda

I love this picture of them. Their daddy managed to catch them smiling together, priceless!

This is her at exactly 3 months!

Finally, I managed to catch her smiling or laughing?

She loves taking bath, just like her big sister!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Evy & Edda

It's so hard to take picture of my two precious daughters together. Evy wants to join in whenever I try to snap some pictures of Edda (which I have not been doing it often enough), so I would have to accomodate her in the pictures as well.

Oh mine, look at Edda's spiky hair! Evy's hair was not like that before, guess it will fall down when it gets longer, if she hasn't turned "botak" (bold) already. She started losing her hair at 2 1/2 months and still losing. If she is like Evy, she will become almost bold around 6-7 months and then her hair will start to grow back.

Edda is 3 months old today! She is such a happy baby. She will smile to everyone who talks to her. Guess a chocolate a day while pregnant and remain stress free during the whole pregnancy really produces a happy baby. ^o^

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Edda Update

Sharing some pictures of Edda at 2 months 1 week plus. She sures grow up fast. I think she is at least 12 lbs already since she is pretty heavy to carry. I finally has a baby who has fat rolls since Evy was a thin baby who didn't has any. I always amazed at other babies with fat rolls and how chubby they looked, now I also have one. :D She also has double chins that make her looks even chubbier. Haha...

She gives the sweetest smiles every morning when she first sees me. That's the most rewarding wake up call for me. She always wakes up around 7 or 8am, then she would make noise or cooing to get my attention (or more precisely to wake me up). If I peek inside the crib and she sees me, she would just smiles and smiles. Those smiles always melt my heart.

I try to snap pictures of her smiling but it's just too difficult. She just won't smile for the camera yet. So, can't show off her two dimples yet. :P

Trying to snap her smiling here, well almost!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Edda's Full Moon Celebration

A little family celebration. I didn't make the angku because it is just too much work since I don't have the filling on hand.

Red Eggs, more like pink huh?

Nasi Kunyit, too much coconut milk thus too sticky! :P

Curry Chicken with Potatoes

Pork Wontons

Vietnamese Honeycomb Cake

Almond Agar-agar (jelly)

Normally with baby full moon, Chinese people gave out angku, red eggs, nasi kunyit, chicken curry or even cake to friends and relatives. One month old in Chinese meaning one year old for the baby so it called for celebration. Last time with Evy I only managed to do the red eggs. This time with my mom here, I am more hardworking. :D

Monday, November 13, 2006

Edda's One Month Pictures

Wahhh...big angpow from Popo (grandma). Thanks ya! *kiss kiss*

Mommy said better take the pictures with two red eggs also, just like big sister.

Okay, okay enough, I'm getting tired and sleepy!

Actually it's one month and a day old, mommy and daddy forgot to take picture on the actual day. Luckily still have some red eggs left. Hehe...


At her one month doc. appointment, she still looked pretty yellow thus the doc. sent her for another blood test. Turned out her bilirubin level was still high so now she is off breast milk and has to eat medicine twice a day until another blood test (this Monday, today) .


Got the result back today. Finally her bilirubin is low enough that she is off medicine and back on complete breastfeeding again! Horray, no more pumping for me! :)

Monday, October 23, 2006

More Pictures!

I hope you guys enjoy looking at baby pictures because I have not been cooking and no food picture to post. :P

This is Edda at 2 plus weeks old. She still has jaundice and it has been two weeks and she is still yellow looking. Her blood test today showed slight decrease in the bilirubin level, so that's good news. She will need another blood drawn this Wednesday to see if it's down for good. My poor baby feets were covered with bandages since birth. Poor thing!

My mom burping her.

Sun bathing in her bassinet.

Sun bathing in her bassinet.

Picture with her big sister.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Birth Story

Oct 3rd was like another normal day for me. I brought my mom and Evy to walk around the neighborhood since the weather was nice. Went to bed as usual, but awoke with some coughing and found I was leaking fluid. Thought I peed myself since I never had water broke on it's own before. Cleaned up and went to bed again but with a towel underneath just in case. Another burst of water few minutes later and started to think it might be my water broke. Went downstair to tell my hubby and it was around 12:30am. Called my birth center to let them know I was going to come in, packed up some last minute item, woke up my mom and Evy and headed to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, around 1:30am, I started to have some contractions (not really painful). Reached the hospital at 2am, checked into Triage and got checked, I was already 5cm dilated and 90% effaced, and contractions around 3-5 mins apart. It took them awhile to get me a room and by the time they did, it was already 3am. Evy was too excited about the new baby coming that she couldn't sleep at all. I was having contractions on and off and the pain was manageable. Got checked again around 4:15am and I was only dilated to 6cm but fully effaced. I was thinking it must be awhile before I was going to have this baby since the progress was kinda slow. But my mom predicted I was going to have the baby at 5am.

But at around 4:45am, I knew I was in transition, I asked to be checked because the pain was very intense and it had moved to the back. I was right, I was at 8cm and half of my cervix was gone and the nurse rushed out to call the doc. on duty. I wanted to push around 5:05am but the nurse asked me not to push yet. The doc. came in at 5:10am and I was asked to push around 5:15am. After 4 contractions and pushing, the baby was out at 5:18am. I did it all without epidural or pain medication, so I felt the "Ring of Fire" through and through, it's the most painful thing I had experienced. No episiotomy this time, but a 2nd degree tear. My healing was so much easier and less painful from the last time.

Glad to experience both natural birth and birth with pitocin (induction with Evy) and gladly say that it's so much faster and less painful with natural birth then being induced with pitocin, so for the ladies out there, if you can hold on until your body is ready to have the baby, just wait it out, the contraction is soooooo much less frequent and less painful. Also, let it tear naturally instead of an episiotomy, talk to your OB/GYN about it because the healing is so much faster and less painful .

Lastly, sharing two more pictures of little Edda. She is still under the light treatment as her last blood test showed her level was still high. Will get check again on Monday.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Edda got jaundice and she has been under the light since yesterday and continue today because her level is still high. Will do another blood test tomorrow and hopefully it goes down further. She hasn't been pooping well also and thus she looks pretty yellow.

Since she is breastfeed, she rejected the pacifier and used me as her pacifier instead. So, she needs me to fall asleep. She loves to be carried or sleep besides me instead of her crib. So, we are working on letting her sleeping in her crib. But if I am tired, I will let her sleep besides me since she sleeps well like that.

Sorry won't be able to update as often as I like, quite tight down with a sick baby at the moment.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Introducing Baby Edda

She has a little jaundice today so we have to get her under the sun for the next two days before going for another blood drawn.

She lost 7 oz of her birth weight since birth.

Will post my birth story when I'm free to write. Now I'm suffering from engorgement and backache.

Happy Mooncake Festival Everyone!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Baby Edda is here!!

Only managed for a quick update now.

My water broke a week early around 12am (unexpectedly) and I had the baby at around 5am. Just got discharged from the hospital and now recovering. Will post more detail birth story and baby pictures later.

She is 8lb 6.5oz (another big baby!!)
20.5 inches

Sunday, September 10, 2006


The baby in my ticker has moved to the last one!! Hahaha.... Finally I'm at the final stage, one month to go, 30 days to go, wow! but hopefully this one will decide to come out early instead of later.

My Ob will start doing internal exam next week and I will know whether I have made any progress or not. Last time, I didn't make any progress at all with Evy but at 37 weeks, I was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced. But then again this didn't really mean anything because I was still 2cm and 80% effaced until my due date, at 40 weeks before I had her. So, we never know, the baby will come out when she pleases.

Getting a bit excited now because she can come as early as in two weeks time (hoping!) or as late as in four weeks time. Not sure who she looks like, can't wait to find out! Also hoping three of us can cope with this new arrival well and the transition into a family of four will be smooth and uneventful.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Evy is going to have a ...

Little Mei Mei!!! Guess all of you guessed it wrong. Hehehe...

The three lines signified a girl.

Her cute little face! Can see her eye, nose, mouth and her hand with a little thumb.

Her little feet!

I was hoping for a boy and thought I would be greatly disappointed when I found out it will be a girl. Strangely though I didn't, guess deep down I was thinking girl since I have a few girl names that I really like but none of the boy name that caught my eyes.

She was so cute during the ultrasound. When the tech. trying to measure her head, she did a complete 180' (from facing up to facing down) and the tech. had to look at her spine instead. Everything looks great and she sures is an active one. I could even feel a few punches from her during the ultrasound.

Can't wait to see her sweet face again. Guess we will pay for a 3D ultrasound in 10 weeks so I can see her in my womb again. I can't believe how fast I fell in love with this baby already. :o) It's like love at first sight with this 2nd ultrasound. I didn't with Evy until she was one month old. Strange huh?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Great News!

One look at the pictures, you should have guess what news it is right? :) That's right, baby number 2 is on the way. Baby will be due in October. These are our first glimpse of the baby. During the ultrasound, the baby was very active, bouncing and turning around, perhaps because the ultrasound guy was poking at my tummy and at the baby. He needed to get the measurement done and thus it was necessary. Got to see the beautiful beating heartbeat and heard it for a few seconds. :)

I went for the first trimester screening which included a blood work and an ultrasound to measure the fluid on the baby neck to check for any abnormality. Seem like this is something new because I was not offer this option when I was pregnant with Evy.

The pictures were not very clear, guess we couldn't really complaint since this was not a 3D one that others get. Still we could make out the head, nose and body. It was still too early to know the sex yet, so the ultrasound guy didn't even bother to check.

Look! He managed to make the baby facing us. Thus we could see the face with the eyes and mouth. Looks like I'm going to have a big head baby number two too!

Oh yeah, don't think I have it easy with this pregnancy. I was actually suffered from a pretty bad morning sickness since 5 weeks. Vomitted up to 3-4 times a day and felt sick most of the day. Last two days were the worst because I think I got stomuch flu/virus which resulted in severe vomitting (up to 7 times a day). Whatever I put in, out it came, even 1 french fry and water. Thus, I was not getting anything in for the last two days and actually lost 2 pounds. I never experience this before and thus it sorta freak me out.

Luckily I felt much better today and actually got to eat and not throw up. * knock on wood* This in fact is a great news because this morning I actually felt very weak from not eating for 2 days. Oh yeah, guess now I will have to blog about my pregnancy and baby too. Hehe...

Update April 3th: Both the blood and ultrasound tests came back normal. :)