I went for the first trimester screening which included a blood work and an ultrasound to measure the fluid on the baby neck to check for any abnormality. Seem like this is something new because I was not offer this option when I was pregnant with Evy.

The pictures were not very clear, guess we couldn't really complaint since this was not a 3D one that others get. Still we could make out the head, nose and body. It was still too early to know the sex yet, so the ultrasound guy didn't even bother to check.

Look! He managed to make the baby facing us. Thus we could see the face with the eyes and mouth. Looks like I'm going to have a big head baby number two too!
Oh yeah, don't think I have it easy with this pregnancy. I was actually suffered from a pretty bad morning sickness since 5 weeks. Vomitted up to 3-4 times a day and felt sick most of the day. Last two days were the worst because I think I got stomuch flu/virus which resulted in severe vomitting (up to 7 times a day). Whatever I put in, out it came, even 1 french fry and water. Thus, I was not getting anything in for the last two days and actually lost 2 pounds. I never experience this before and thus it sorta freak me out.
Luckily I felt much better today and actually got to eat and not throw up. * knock on wood* This in fact is a great news because this morning I actually felt very weak from not eating for 2 days. Oh yeah, guess now I will have to blog about my pregnancy and baby too. Hehe...
Update April 3th: Both the blood and ultrasound tests came back normal. :)
Congratulation ! I had been thinking when u going to have the second one since Evy is already 2 ....
Anxious to know is a didi or meimei ...will wait !!
Congratulation! I was about to ask that in your previous post abt your dd's birthday. Take care, morning sickness sure is a nuisance most preggies have to go through. :(
With your little girl and morning sickness, you still can update your blogsite. Wah, I salute you. When I was pregnant I feel like sleeping all the time and vomitting all the trimester ......
congratulations - hoping to rub some of ur fertility - chuckle
we are going for another round of IUI somewhere first week of April. Really hope, my wife will be ready.
Congrats! That's a great news for you and your family.
Ching, congratulations ! Good rest and take care !
Hey Congrats!!!! What wonderful news! Hope you'll be feeling better now that you've passed the frist trimester...:)
Ching, congratulations on your second baby! Do take care and cook some nourishig food for yourself ya!
Thank you all! :)
Janet, I'm anxious to know whether it's a didi or meimei too. Hahaha...
Mike, I'm sending you lots and lots of baby and sticking dusts! So that you will have a baby and the baby will stick. Best of luck to you! :)
Buzzbuzz, what they said about every pregnancy is different is correct. The m/s started early, really bad with this and lasted longer, I'm still waiting for it to be over. With Evy, I was completely normal again at exactly 12 weeks. This one, hopefully soon since I still vomitted and felt like crab yesterday. :( M/s go away...go away pls....
Angie, you know whether I can drink tong kway chicken herbal soup or not? Thus far, no energy and appertite to cook anything nourishing to eat. Hopefully when I have my energy back and feel better then I will start cooking.
congratulations, take care of yourself.
Hi Ching!
So happy to hear you are with baby 2!! Hubby and myself, we are starting to try... we've been married for 13 years now but have never been more ready..guess the age kicking in so like foodcrazee...I oso want to rub some of your fertility! Hee hee!! Hey, I've got some good recipes for soups..let me go and dig it up and will forward to you..hope you can get the ingredients in the states. Speak soon and take care!
thanx..luck received and locked for coming IUI. Sticking dust in place - chuckle
congratulation Ching. I am so happy for you. Will be a nice playmate for your little princess too.
Ching, I'm not sure abt tong kway, I think pregnant ladies can't take a lot of herbs right? Maybe the other mummies can help, I totally clueless on pregnancies.
Congrats Ching!
Congratulations to u. Take care :)
Thanks Jingle, precious moment, tt and puspha! :)
Hi Enzomama, don't I know about biological clock ticking! Haha... Best of luck on trying to conceive too and here's some baby dusts to you as well. :) Oh yeah, looking forward to your soup recipes. ;)
Mike, :)
Angie, no problem. I think everything in moderation should be fine.
Congrats, at last I know why you are not feeling well...
I have been to your blog many times but I did not write anything down here.
So once again take care...
Cindi (Jodeli/KC
Hi toon,
Thanks for your advice. Guess I should avoid the danggui then. Didn't know it will cause contraction to pregnant moms.
Thanks Cindi and thanks for dropping me a note! :)
Yah should seriously avoid donggui. I was told the same thing by my granma when I was pregnant with Ethan. It induces labor.
So how's your morning sickness?? Hope it's all gone by now..:D How's your girl taking all this? hehe...I'm sure she would be excited!!!
congrats ching!
Congrats!!!! Have a happy & healthy 9 months!!! Now, you little girl-girl will have a peng-yu liao!!!
Take care and rest, rest, rest!!!
CHING...! CONGRATULATION to you & your family. What a great news!? *Happy for you*.
Take good care of yourself... ;)
Yeah, my m/s is over I think. Guess I can start enjoying my honeymoon trimester! :)
As for my girl, she seems happy to have a little brother or sister to play with soon. Believe it or not, she knew I was pregnant before I even knew it myself.
Thanks Nadine, JP and Fonia. :) Yeah JP, I purposely want to give her a peng-yu to play with.
hi ching
sorry to be so late, but I have been away and not checking out blogs! So here I am joining the chorus (albeit at the bottom) to congratulate you. how exacting!
Thank you Jan! :)
Congratulations! And it is amazing how clear the ultrasound pictures were, they never fail to make me marvel at the wonders of growing life. I envy you being pregnant, I've already 3 children and my hubby doesn't want another one. I do miss being pregnant so much.
Beau lotus, thanks! Wow, I can't believe you miss being pregnant. Definitely not me! The m/s alone is enough to make me think about being pregnant again. I think once I feel the baby move, it would be better and more real. Then again, I also don't like the last month of being pregnant. Too uncomfortable and belly is too huge to enjoy anything. And the dreaded confinement month...oh man...help!!
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