I love to steam my fish in the oven. It is no fuss, no cleaning, super easy and ready in 10 minutes, who wouldn't love this method as compared to the traditional Chinese steaming method using a wok? To steamed fish, you just need to cover the whole fish in the aluminum foil and let it steam in the oven. After you done eating, just fold and toss away the aluminum foil. As easy as that! I was trying a new recipe for my steamed fish and it turned out so good so I would share it here and for my own record. It was a little spicy from the chili oil but not too bad, even my girls had no problem eating it. The saltiness came from the black bean and soy sauce. And I loved lots of ginger and garlic for extra flavor.
Had some leftover tofu and decided to pan-fry it. Tofu can be quite bland so remember to season generously yet not over board. Best to enjoy the crispy tofu with a condiment such as this Thai sweet chili sauce or ketchup.
These baked donuts are not very sweet and suitable for glazing and icing. Texture is cake like and soft. The texture is different from the dough like deep fried donuts that we grew to love. But a healthy alternative to introduce to children. A very good breakfast grab and go or after school snack. I omitted the glazing and icing because I see those as extra calories and fat. I am also one of those that would scratch off the icing/frosting on top of a piece of cake before I eat it (yeah we do exist!). I have learned eating healthy starts at a young age. If you start them young, they will probably follow this eating habit when they grow up. I started when I was in my teens (I used to love all the fatty meat and chicken skin), but when my parents started having issue with high blood pressure and high cholesterol and thus changes in my mom cooking to accommodate less salt, no red meat, no high cholesterol food, etc. It changed my way of eating too and made me awared of the term "cholesterol" and how to eat healthy to prevent it. So, twenty+ years down the road, I can tell you IT WORKS! I'm medium size build, always like this (not the skinny type) and in Malaysia, people are considered me FAT. But, I have very good overall cholesterol reading, good Tri, good HDL and LDL numbers (without any exercise, but now I try to incorporate 30 minutes of cardio exercise and some running everyday). Whereas my older sister and younger brother now both have high cholesterol and my brother is the skinny type. So, it proved to me that my diet works and I just have to keep following this eating habit and fight off the temptation.
Okay, back to topic, I re-created this recipe to accommodate the American 6 oz. size of yogurt. Using 150g out of 170g tub of yogurt we have here just too troublesome for me. I just wanted to use the whole tub without doing any measuring, and hence this recipe for my future reference. Can certainly add a little more sugar if you like it sweeter or just glaze it.
Foodbuzz and Buitoni partnered up and sent the Tastemakers of Foodbuzz a packet of Wild Mushroom Agnolotti to try. This is one of Buitoni newest products and I was glad to be one of the first to sample this, even before it hits the market, cool right? Frankly I never had this before and was scrambling my head of how to cook this pasta. Just so it happen that Buitoni is also running a promotion contest for the original pasta sauce recipe to compliment one of these pasta in the month of April. So, put on my creative hat and started to picture a sauce that will compliment the wild mushroom agnolotti that I received. I thought shrimps will go well with the wild mushroom and some Italian herbs and white wine reduced sauce. So, this recipe was created and it passed the taste test of the four of us. The wild mushroom agnolotti was flavorful on its own but in combination with my shrimps sauce made it a more complete meal. Truly delicious! You guys should try it! Now, just hope that my creative shrimps sauce (something different eh?) will win me a prize from Buitoni. :)
Whenever you cook a big pot of curry gravy for your curry noodle and have some leftover curry, don't throw it away. You can use it to make curry vegetable. Throw in some prawns too if you like. That's what I did with my leftover curry gravy. I was left with a bowl of this delicious curry gravy and it was too "sayang" (wasteful) to throw it away. So, this idea came to mind and I whipped out this delicious bowl of curry vegetable in 15 minutes, just enough to soften the carrot and cooked the veggies.
Leftover curry laksa gravy
1 cup frozen cut green beans
1 carrot, cut
1/2 red bell pepper, cut
Heat up the curry gravy in a saucepan until boiling, then add in all the veggies and let it boil again. When boiled, turn the heat to low and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Serve with hot rice.
This is one of my easy all in one dish. All nutritious and protein into one bowl. I used the regular bok choy, the one with darker green leaves for this stir-fry. My friend told me the darker the green leaves in a veggie, the better it is for us. I know for a fact that leafy greens are good for us, so I always make sure that I serve lots of green leafy greens in my family.
3 heads of regular bok choy (darker green leaves), separated, washed and cut into small pieces with steams and leaves separated.
1/4 red bell pepper, cut into small pieces
1 small carrot, cut
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 chicken breast, sliced and marinated in salt, rice wine, sesame oil, white pepper and cornstarch
2 Tbsp. oyster sauce
1/4 cup water
In a wok, heat up oil. When hot, add in marinated chicken pieces, stir-fry until half cook, add in garlic, fry for a while. Add in steams part of bok choy, carrot and bell pepper. Stir-fry until chicken is cooked, add the leaves of bok choy and stir-fry well. Add water and season with oyster sauce.
My family loved dodol. We adored the triangle shaped Durian dodol and Pandan dodol. But the online store where I got my fix from had closed down. So, what to do? Guess I will have to make my own. When I was at Lily's house on CNY party, I got a taste (more than a taste, :P) at her homemade dodol. It was so gooooood, I got a fix then. Later, her daughter told me it was very easy to make, just use the microwave. Okay, anything easy was what I liked, so I went to look at Lily's recipe, very few ingredients which I have, instruction seem fairly easy too. So, why not?
Well, not so easy! Expect to have some good arm exercise at stirring the mixture vigorously for about 11 intervals or so. I kept stirring and stirring and when I touched the dodol, it still stuck to my finger even though it was shinning. Luckily at 11 intervals, I finally did it, I thought it would never stop. So, if you want to eat some dodol, expect to work hard for it. :P
This dish is so good. Definitely saving it to make my salmon dish in the future. The sauce is slightly on the salty side, so remember to eat it with lots of rice. You can probably dilute the sauce with some water, but I like my sauce thick. You don't have to season the salmon at all. Just enjoy the salmon with this thick and yummy sauce is enough to make you clean your rice bowl at no time. This is one of my experiments in the kitchen that turned out superb. Now I am a converted salmon fan (but I only like WalMart wild salmon)! What an opposite to people who dislike WalMart wild salmon eh?
The recipe I promised. Sharing with you my healthy whole wheat and oats cookies made using canola oil. No fragrant of butter but each bite leaving you feeling less guilty. Canola oil has lower saturated fat, zero trans fat, higher monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat which are better for your heart. Whole wheat and oats are also recommended heart healthy diet so this cookie is sure a healthy cookie to me. Still no over indulgence, limit to 2-3 cookies per day. Any over snacking will result in gaining weight as you know. But of course it is better to snack on some thing healthy for you instead of bad for you. This is a crispy cookie and sort of addictive (well to me).
One of my quick dinner is to stir-fry noodle. I always have some chopped garlic and cut carrot in my refrigerator ready to be used. So, all I needed to do for this noodle is to julienne some red bell pepper, shallots and washed and cut some baby bok choy (available at WalMart or your local Asian supermarket). I kept boxes of 100% whole wheat spaghetti in my pantry for use in Asian or Western cooking, whichever strike my fancy that day. According to American Heart Association, diet rich in whole grains and other plant foods, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Only look for those that said 100% whole grain or 100% whole wheat to get the full benefit.
100% whole grain or whole wheat spaghetti can be delicious, just cook to the maximum amount of time listed at the back of the instruction. Cook it a minute or two longer if you prefer the texture to be softer. I once tried a sample at Costco where they tried to market the whole grain spaghetti but the salesperson undercooked it as the spaghetti was hard and chewy, what message did he send? That whole wheat/whole grain spaghetti was hard and chewy which seem to be agreeable with what the majority think. Do you think people would buy it with that kind of experience? I am doubtful. Anyway, instead of eating it with Parmesan cheese (as served in Costco), why not try stir-frying it Asian style? I have no doubt it is much delicious this way. Try it!
I am so proud of my two girls. I decided to move them into their own room yesterday after months of mental preparation injected into Evy. I put them on a queen size mattress so that if they fell off from the mattress, they were not going to hurt themselves. Everything was set, I put on a new bed sheet, more mental preparation talk on both girls while doing that. The night came, Edda was easy because she already fell asleep down stair so I just needed to carry her to the bed. I accompanied Evy to brush her teeth, showed her her own bathroom (sharing with her sister of course), but her own sink and her own face towel. Then ushered her into bed, kissed her good night and laid at the bottom of the bed to wait for her to fall asleep. I was afraid that she might be scared because she always told me she is scared to sleep alone. Thus, the co-sleeping with her sister was my solution. But you know what, she actually told me to go back to my room. I was like really and she said yes and I was real impressed. I actually felt weird sleeping in a room without my two girls or simply worrying about them (took me a long time to fall asleep). I had my monitor on the whole time and they did so well, they slept through the night, no crying, not a single sound. I was so proud of them and I told them so. I kept praising them in the morning and told them how well they did and how proud I am of them. They both kept smiling and I know they understood it. So, another smooth sailing move to their own room.
Next would be Edda potty training (I will get it done when she turned three, right now I am mentally preparing her) and teaching her shapes, colors and alphabet. I will really work on her when her sister goes to Kindergarten this Fall. At that time, I will have the private one on one time with her and thus the best time to really teach her. I will start to prepare her for kindergarten. Phonic digestion at 3 years old and at 4, she will know how to read like her sister. One thing though her learning skill is a bit slow, I guess it was my fault because I did not read to her from 6 months up to a year every night like what I did with her sister. So until now she still cannot differentiate shapes and colors which her sister already knew at 9 months. I can really see the difference what advance reading do to their learning ability. One a fast learner and really smart, the other a slow learner and not as smart. Luckily she started talking in sentences and more now, at 2 she still hardly spoke at all and I was worried. Just that sometimes I have to figure out whether she is talking in Mandarin or English because her pronunciation is a bit off. But she sure try to express herself in sentences.
Evy is going to Kindergarten this Fall. I enrolled her into a school that teaches Mandarin from K to grade 5. She already has good Mandarin foundation and I hope that it will get reinforce in the school. I have prepared her well for Kindergarten as I did not send her to pre-school. She knows how to write, how to read (very good at reading, can read the whole Dora (1) book with no mistake), how to count, how to add and minus in her mind, without using her ten fingers (her mathematics skill is up to grade 1 level), how to use a computer, how to draw, color and tell story of what she drew. She even made a story book, drew some pictures, illustrated the story to me and had me wrote down the story in that book for her. And she would read the story over and over again and kept it as her possession. I have no doubt she will do well in school.
Extra update: The next day, I put both of them in bed, kissed them good night and left the room. Edda still wanted to play I guess because I heard (through my monitor) Evy said, "睡觉了,好不好?". Edda replied, "好". Some comforter ruffle sounds. Few minutes later, Evy said, "睡觉了,好不好? 姐姐累累了,要睡觉了." Then, silent. The following day I asked Evy, she said her sister was trying to tickle her. Haha...
Translation: Evy said, "Let's sleep, ok?" Edda replied, "ok" Evy said, "Let's sleep, ok? Sister is very tired and wants to sleep now."
I was in the mood for some jelly and red bean jelly to be exact. The only jelly powder I had in my pantry was Konnyaku jelly powder, so Konnyaku jelly it was. I bought some mooncake jelly molds when I was in Malaysia last year so I thought this would be the perfect time to use it or open ceremony with it like we Chinese said. I do love this molds, making the jelly looking ultra cute. I wanted to make a red bean jelly because I had a canned of red bean and making a red bean jelly was much easier than making a red bean kuih even though both tasted great. Also I got to use my new jelly molds. :)
Who wouldn't love fried chicken strips? Anything deep fried with batter is pretty appealing, unless you are a health conscious person who seldom eat fried food. I have cut down a lot of deep-frying at my house, but once in a while I do like to treat my girls to some deep-fried food. I love freshly ground grinder and you can easily find the Spice Depot spice grinders at WalMart. It came in bigger bottle with cheaper price which I liked, any bargain is a great bargain to me. You can visit the website for recipe idea, recipes or check out the variety of spices they carry. Here's my crispy fried chicken strips recipe to share with you.
Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acid and is one of the fishes recommended for heart healthy diet. My husband and I are not a fan of salmon. Often time I eat salmon is due to the fact that it is rich in omega 3, that's the only reason that I would eat it. Another reason is salmon is not cheap at all, especially wild salmon. I don't really like the farm raised salmon mainly because coloring is added to make it looks pink, not to elaborate about the farming of salmon and the condition the salmon were in before it has been packaged. But, I found that you can actually buy affordable wild salmon at Walmart. I bought One lb (16oz) of individually vacuum sealed fillets, wild caught, all natural salmon for only $3.50 (about 4 fillets) on sales, usual price is $3.95. And the whole half size of the wild salmon for only $7+, that's affordable to me. So, I got tempted just because it's high in omega 3 fish oil. I want to balance this fish with the Tilapia fillet that we liked. When I bought this, my hubby actually said who wants to eat this yucky fish. *roll eyes*