Friday, September 19, 2008

Deep Fried Imitation Crab Legs with Dessicated Coconuts

This dish was created because a reader asked me to come out with a dish which had imitation crab meat, coconut and preferably deep fried for her party. This was what I suggested for her and thought I would share it with everybody as well. Did you know that imitation crab legs can be deep-fried into such a great looking appetizer before? Now I know deep-fried imitation crab legs actually tasted divine especially with the added dessicated coconuts. My recipe is super easy too as I don't like complicated recipes. So, everyone can make this!


1 packet of 8 oz. imitation crabs, leg style
Dessicated coconuts as needed, probably about 1 cup

1/2 cup of self-raising flour + enough water to make into a thick batter

Oil for deep-frying


1. Heat the oil into a medium heat (not too high or else it will burn the dessicated coconuts).

2. Cut the imitation crab leg into half. Dip one half into the flour batter and then coated it with the dessicated coconuts and drop into the medium heat oil.

3. Deep-fry until golden brown and drain on paper towel. Serve with Thai sweet chili sauce, or what ever sauce you desired.


I didn't add any seasoning here because the imitation crab legs were already salted. But of course you can season the flour batter with salt and pepper if you like.

I am sharing this dish with Culinarty's Original Recipe blog event. Check it out every month on the week of 15th for the round up.


Anonymous said...

wah, you are really good! lovely golden hue & lovely photos :)

Lore said...

They must be heaven dipped in some sweet Thai sauce, yum! There's nothing like a coconut crunch :D
Thanks for sending them my way :)

Finla said...

The fake crab legs, is that a kind if a stick like shape.
That is what i have seen here in the shops.
Anyway they look delicious

Anonymous said...

As a dedicated Maryland Blue Crab aficionado, I have always had serious reservations about that imitation "crab meat" I see in some supermarkets.

But, I must say, that your appetizers look and sound like they would be tasty.

I am asking my wife, Dr. E, to whip up some for the clubhouse's "pot luck" brunch next weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow - those look awesome - what a great idea!!

Lia said...

yummmm, iam really enjoyed fried snack ;)

Ah Shui said...

Nice blog, I have link your blog to my blog at thank you.

Camemberu said...

Oh wow, gimme some now!!! These look fantastic!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks noobcook. :)

No problem Lore. I have lots of original recipes can share in your event each month. :)

Happy cook, YES! Those stick like one is the imitation crab legs. It's made of process fish actually. :)

Wow, thank you DocChuck. I hope it turns out good for your potluck.

Thanks Jamie.

Thanks Lia. Me too, but don't really like the frying process, have to stand for a long time to deep-fry those sticks! :P

Thanks for linking Ah Shui. :)

Thanks Camemberu.

Big Boys Oven said...

oh this is very very interesting dish! you are so so creative!

ICook4Fun said...

Great idea Ching. The only thing I know what to do with this imitation crab legs is to make sushi and put in my instant noodles :)

Beachlover said...

look crunchy and crispy!! I love coconut shrimp at Outback.I think your crab stick look exect like coconut shrimp!! Very interesting!!

tigerfish said...

After deep frying, "imitation" crab legs do not sound so unappealing anymore! :)

Baking Fiend said...

Thanks for sharing the idea! it's wonderful fingerfood and perfect for parties.

Deborah said...

Wow, it doesn't get much easier than this! they look great.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks BBOven! You are very creative in your baking too. ;)

Thanks Gert. I used it in my stir-fry vegetable too.

Thanks Beachlover, actually I have a coconut shrimps recipe in my blog. The recipe is the same as this except using shrimps. :)

Haha Tigerfish, anything deep-fried and maintain the crispiness do sound appealing.

You're welcome baking fiend. Bonus is very easy to make too!

Thanks Deborah! :)

Family First said...

Nice and easy recipe for beginners like me. Would love to try this someday for the many pot-luck get-togethers I have with my friends. May I know how long it stays crisps?

SIG said...

Lovely... you shud have taken a bite and taken a photo to show us the inside. Haha!

Unknown said...

wowwww....i love anything deep fried...i wish those are panko crumbs though...i dunno why but i am not into dessicated coconut flakes T_T

i should NOT be calling myself indonesian at all :(

Anonymous said...

definitely a great idea... a perfect appetizer... thanks for sharing... :)

daphne said...

wah. that is a nice party food. Very creative and something that I will go for at a party for sure!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Family First, frankly I don't really know because I finished mine within an hour. Sorry. :(

Sig, haha...yeah I should right?

Rita, no problem at all, you can substitute it with Panko, should yield similar result. ;)

You're welcome Mikky. :)

Thanks Daphne. Yeah me too, would go for this. :P

MrsDocChuck said...

Shhhhhh ......

I have secretly been using artificial crabmeat for about a year now, after my husband's abismal cholesterol tests.

I did a "test run" of these tempting treats last night, in preparation for Avalon's clubhouse potluck (I will also be bringing my awardwinning crockpot crab rangoon, should that interest you).

We loved the crispy coating but thought it overall lacked seasoning. I think it probably needs more than mere salt and pepper, so we'll be doing a bit more tweaking before the weekend.

Thanks for giving us a great idea and good recipe to start with, though.

Little Corner of Mine said...

You're welcome MrsDocChuck. That's why I served mine with a good dipping sauce. ;) But if you eat it just like that then it would certainly need more seasoning. I think Old Bay seasoning would go well with this. Anyway, happy tweaking! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the above poster "MrsDocChuck", and it is unfortuante that you did not recognize this poster for what she is . . . a TROLL.

The following message was sent out to all reputable food bloggers today:


Louise in Clearwater, Florida:

We REALLY enjoyed the "MrsDocChuck" gBlogger website you designed and used yesterday (, and then used to post on one of our favorite blogs, following a post by "DocChuck" (

You continue to harass people on the food blogs, despite the fact (although you have denied it) that your former, hate-filled website CassandraCrossing has been shut down.

I suppose that you are welcome at the SeriousEats website under your various names ("chiff0nade", "therealchiffonade", and others), but we will continue to expose your attempts to disrupt many of the food blogs of which you are so insanely jealous, of the women on the Food Network who apparently drive you to drinking cheap vodka with your "anti-depression" drugs, and anyone else on the internet that you choose to attack and mimic.

Yes, you are a very sad individual. Most people who have attempted (or claimed to have attempted) suicide multiple times, who have covered themselves with tattoos and body piercings, who have been divorced FOUR times, and who constantly fabricate "fantasies" to justify their lonely life . . . well, I suppose that would explain why they are "very sad individuals".

Louise, since everyone who cares (and apparently not many people care), knows that you live with David Wyers on Clearwater Beach, Florida, 33767, and that your phone number is (727) 467-9009, they know how to contact you with offers of help.

Louise, we all know about your terrible childhood, your mother Aida's terrible depression when your father (a milkman) ran off with a 16-year-old floozie, when your mother Aida was fired from her factory job for stealing, when she killed your pet rabbit, and on and on . . . as described on your THOUSANDS of sympathy-seeking posts across the internet.

Louise, you are FIFTY years old, you need to get over it. You need to get a life. You need to stop drinking and taking drugs.

Your estranged daughter will NEVER accept your sinful lifestyle.

Have a good day, Louise ("therealchiffonade") while you seek your redemption in the anonymity of your made up fantasies on the internet.

Why do you not seek professional help, Louise?


Thank you, and I am SO sorry that your blog, like so many others has been invaded by this sick individual.


Anonymous said...

You were right, never come to the idea that imitation crab legs can be as gorgeous as your did. I just simply add it when I make fried rice/noodles. Thanks for sharing, will definately make it for gatherings