Thursday, September 04, 2008

Beautiful Site Award

Oh wow, I was given this Beautiful Site Award by Noob Cook. I would love to say thank you Noobcook for awarding me this. Now I would love to pass it to the fellow blogging friends below:

My Kitchen Snippets
Kedai Hamburg
More than Words
Beachlover's Kitchen


Sweet Jasmine said...

Woo hoo..! another award to add to my collections...Terima Kasih Seribu, buddy....

Beachlover said...

wow!!what a lovely award!!Love it:)).thank you very much:))

daphne said...

I think you have a beautiful blog!! And I'm really happy that you feel that I can be part of it too! *HUGS* Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

and you deserve it... :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

You're welcome jasmine! Thanks to you, I have so many awards too. ;)

You're welcome beachlover. :)

Thanks daphne and you're most welcome. :)

Thank you mikky! *hug to you* :)

ICook4Fun said...

Thank you so much for the award. I have yet to put up the other award you gave me :)

Retno Prihadana said...

You have a beautiful site Ching, and I´m glad you share it for me too, thanks a lot :)