Leftovers: one piece of salt & pepper pork and XO fried steamed rice rolls from a Chinese restaurant.

Turned into: Yummy plate of stir-fried steamed rice rolls with shrimp paste sauce.

I cut the steamed rice rolls into smaller pieces, added 1/4 yellow onion, 3 stalks of scallions and sliced the salt & pepper pork into smaller pieces. Heated up my wok with some oil, added in some garlic, onion and the pork, steamed rice rolls and stir-fried until warm. Added in shrimp paste in chili oil, my homemade chili in oil and dark soy sauce. Lastly added in the scallions, gave a few good stirs and dished out and served hot.
How come you make all the leftovers food look so good? Mine never look like that :)
oh im so drooling over this!! how can left over look this good! yummy
Hmmm look good like chow fun !! make me want to eat a spicy CF right now!!.isn't steam rice roll is "che cheong fun"?
OH GOSH, my stomach is totally gurgling when i look at this.
i absolutely love steamed rice rolls hehehe too bad they don't serve this in all yumcha joints
Yes, I love my stir fried chee cheong fun too!
great idea=esp with the shrimp paste and chili oil!
Is that chee cheong fun? Hmmm... must try your stir fried version. Looks yummy to me.
hmmm good idea, awesome!
I like to eat some steam rice rolls, great way to make a meal out of left overs.
Hahaha Gert, don't know leh. :P
Thanks Dhanggit, it actually look and taste better than the before.
Yes Beachlover, steamed rice rolls is chee cheong fun. :)
Rita, we get this steamed rice rolls in a Chinese restaurant for ordering dishes, not in a yumcha joints too. Yumcha joints here serve the kind of steamed rice roll with char siew or shrimp.
Good huh Tigerfish?
Thanks daphne! :)
Thanks suesue, yes it's chee cheong fun and yes it's yummy!
Thanks Lia! :)
Thanks Ms_2 be! The stir-fry steamed rice rolls is actually delicious. Try it!
Wow, your creation looks better than the original! I love the look of those rolls, I've never seen them like that. Also, your chili oil sounds fantastic! YUM!
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