Just sharing a bento I made recently. This was for myself as Evy doesn't eat much and her share couldn't fill the bento. LOL! Got this Hello Kitty box at Dollar Tree for $1, what a steal right?

I made rice mold for Evy too in her dinner plate and she totally loved it as well. She said, I want the carrot for the eyes too. LOL! Next time might have to use black sesame seeds cause the toasted sesame seeds didn't stand out.
The bento box is so cute. I am starting to eat lunch now (last time used to skip ;p)after I find the food photos taken in the afternoon are nicer than taken at night. haha
Wah, Dollar Tree got sell Hello Kitty box meh? So cheap somemore.
I like bento with chinese "liao" (ingredients). :p
ur bento so cute@!@ i saw meow~ hahax
oh lovely bento....got some lovely dish there....yummy!
wah!!..so cute Hello Kitty and some more $1.00.I love Dollar Tree and 99 cents store.I must visit them every week.I bought few bento box $1.00 for 2 but dunno what to do with them...maybe I should try your style for Mishu fill in the food she refuse to eat!!..good idea,right??
Mmm...looks good!
Oh, lol. How cute. Love the box, a steal for that price. Reminds me of those lunchboxes I used to take to school when young, with the two compartments. :)
food looks delicious in bento box.
seems that for a child age 3 - 5 yrs, the box capacity is 400 ml = 400 calories.(it shd be written on the box). so filling up the box wld be just right for her to eat.
You got that right, now I really don't know what to do because I only cook at night, lunch is lunch box from yesterday dinner and now it is dark at exactly 5pm. So, have to take my picture under the white light on my stove! Some turned out pretty bad, but what to do! Man, I love summer!!
Hahaha...tigerfish, chinese liao looks delicious hor? :P Got sell, but I think for a limited time only lor, when I got it that time, it only got a few left and no more pink color!! :(
Thanks yammylicious! :)
Thanks BBOven! :) Got sambal harbee somemore...hahaha....
Hmmm...don't know leh, if she refuses to eat at first, do you think she will want to eat if you place it in the lunch box ah? I know my daughter won't eat it too. But you can certainly give it a try and see what happen! ;P
Thanks ilovepearly! :)
LOL, yeah lor exactly the lunch boxes we used to eat. Will be Evy's lunch boxes next time! :)
Thanks Peony. I didn't pay attention, will go see whether it states any box capacity or not. This one is not from Japan or Korea, so might not have that on the box. :P This one cheapo one lah! LOL!
CUTE! I got our Hello Kitty snack box from Dollar Tree as well. I didn't see this box when I was there few months ago. Will definately go back and get this one! Does it come with spoon/folk?
Welcome to the bento club! Be careful, it can be very addictive!! hehe.....
Hi aiknhoon,
Hope you manage to find it. I read that some Dollar Trees don't carry them. It comes with a fork. It also has the double decker one.
Thanks BlurMommy....hahaha...I might be too lazy to let it be an addictive to me....hahaha...
Cute, cute, cute! I got some rice molds with our friend recently! :)
Lovely bento! If the box doesn't state the capacity, fill it with water and then pour the water into a measuring jug. Lunch in a Box has a handy guide to the lunch box size you would need according to age and activity levels: http://lunchinabox.net/2007/03/07/guide-to-choosing-the-right-size-bento-box/
Yay V!!! Going to see more creative bento from you soon! And welcome back!! But what a change hor, back to this winter snowing cold cold place!!
Thanks Nilmandra for this great tip and the link. Will sure go and check it out. :)
$1 bento box! wow, good value ya. yummilicious food in bento box.
Hi Cranberry,
Thanks! Yes, what a bargain and I bought three! Hehehe....
You're a very dedicated mum. It looks so much more appetising! When my turn comes (a mother to a kid), I'm going to do the same. Lovely Bento idea!
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