Friday, April 28, 2006

Simple Dinner & Update

Featuring one of my everyday dinners. Look at the date, it has been a while back. Have been getting lazy these days, not sure whether it's pregnancy related or not. :P

Spring onion omelette

Spicy ground pork with sliced tau kwa

Stir-fry baby dou miao

Oh man, I'm getting the pregnancy brain which makes me very forgetful these days. I forgot to video call my mom two weeks in a row!! Beat me, I hardly being this forgetful before. Another thing is I think I also becomes a blur queen because I can't tell whether I have felt the baby moves or not. People said you will feel it sooner with your 2nd because you should know how it feels like right? But blur queen here, can't really tell whether it's the baby or just my inside shifting. I thought I felt some kicks, but can I really feel kicking this early?? It's supposed to be flutters right? So, I don't know.... Which made it worst was my OB couldn't detect my baby heartbeats for the longest time during the last visit. I was almost sweating thinking of the worst because it never happen with Evy. Luckily she found it after what seem like forever. I would definitely feel much better if I can feel my baby moves, at least then I know he/she is okay. The unknowning is pretty scary especially now we are equiped with all the knowledge from the web. It helps but it also makes one wonders.


jadepearl said...

Simple meal is still so sedap!!! Wah, you go, gf!!!
I know what you mean about NOT be able to find the HB...thank goodness your obgyn found it in the end. Sweetie, blur queen or not, you have to take care of yourself and feed the little one well, ok? Also, rest, rest, rest!
Take care!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ching,

How are you doing? No wonder...when I asked Lily about you, she said that your expecting and has been sick, throwing up and all, poor thing! Hope your doing alright lately?

Congratulations expecting your 2nd baby!!! *hugs*

I have added your link to my blogger site along with Lily's and the others.

Please take care and do not over strain yourself too much! God Bless you and all at home!


Unknown said...

Ching, take good care of yourself ya. Get more rest and don't stress :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thank you JP, Junie and Angie. :) Yes, I don't need any stress now, I don't want a cranky or colicky baby. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Belachan

Congrats!! :-)). No wonder nowadays I didn't see you at KC or Jo's Deli. You take good care hor.


FooDcrazEE said...

i was thinking the tau kwa is orange peel....lolz

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thank you Artchoo6! :)
Oh, I have been kicked out of KC for lack of participation, so won't be in KC anymore.

Mike, it does look like orange peel hor. :D

Anonymous said...

no worry .... i also felt wei ern's kicking quite late . talk your baby and ask her/him to kick you asap !

Anonymous said...


I have the same situation (blur and forgetful)as you have now when I was pregnant with my number 1 and I didn't know why and very upset because I was still studying Dutch in a Netherlands. When I was pregnant my number 2 I search from a website and knew that I have to take the DHA because the baby is taking away of your DHA from your body so we have to either eat a lot of fish which provide lots of DHA or the suppliment and it worked on me. I told my doctor I were taking the DHA even before the pregnancy of my 2nd one and she said "wow! you are really "Kia Su" - she is from S'pore" and she said it is o.k. to take it as the baby's brain develop in the very early stage as early as we didn't even know we are pregnant. Check with your doctor to see whether it is advisable for you to take the DHA.

Anonymous said...

oops! It's me. I forgot to leave my name above. Ha! Ha! it seems like I also need some DHA now.

Evelyn (still in Mexico)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Evelyn, thanks again. In that case, I would prefer to eat more fish than the suppliment. :)

Anonymous said...

thank for u blog
i like so much
your baby n Evy so cute
i want to ask u something
your tou gan fried with pork look so delicious
can u give me the recipe

Little Corner of Mine said...

Thanks Anon! Here's my recipe:


1/4 pound of ground pork
1/2 deep-fried tofu, cut in slices
2 cloves chopped garlic
fish sauce to taste
2 tsp. chilli in soy bean oil
2 tsp. shrimp paste in soy bean oil


1. Heat oil in a wok. When heated, add ground pork, stir-fried until quite done, add garlic. Then, add the tofu. Stir-well then add the seasonings. Add a little water to make some gravy. Dish out and serve.
