To serve with: Finely shredded cucumber, pineapple, red onion, iceberg lettuce, chilli padi, mint leaves (I couldn't find fresh one thus omitted it), lime slices (to drizzle on top) and prawn paste.

When stirred and ready to savor. :)
Best thing about homemade assam laksa is I put lots of fish and big pieces too!! I was so disappointed at the assam laksa served in M'sia, I tried the one at KLCC food court and some shopping centre food court, hardly could see any fish at all and the serving was so small. :(
I just found a Vietnamese grocery store in Denver selling Hup Loong assam laksa premix, what a thrill because now I know whenever I crave for assam laksa, I can cook it and eat it anytime I want. Don't have to day dream about it anymore. :)
Ching, you craving for sour stuff? :) Hope you're not having too much discomfort.
Looks really yummy....now why do food pics always make me so greedy!!! :D
Ching, I have come across quite a number of Laksa recipes lately, too bad I have only tasted Sg Laksa so far. Yours looks very delicious, I will look out for Asam Laksa when I eat out and see how it tastes like.
Btw, preggy should drink lots of Red Dates Soup. It's good for you and the baby. Remove the seeds of the red dates, boil with water and add a little rock sugar. Haha... me kpo huh?
If you didn't say, I didn't know I was craving sour food. But really not sure. :P
Thanks buzzbuzz. :)
Kpo is good. I want to know everything. I didn't know drink red dates soup is good for pregnancy too, I only know this is the only drink I can drink during confinement. Thanks!
hmm..learning from all mummy..red dates water....lets see in 3 weeks time..
Enjoy ur preggy..and take care..
Hope my local shop here in Perth stock that instant assam laksa. I really have a craving for it but too lazy to cook myself.
Hay! Just got back from the neighbourhood Oriental shop. I found the Hup Loong Asam Laksa and guess what I'm cooking it now! I'm so happy and thank you....
Mike, good luck!!!
Flower, you're welcome! If you want it to be more sour, add some tamarind water. More spicy, add some half chilli padi. As for seasoning, in addition to salt, I also add fish sauce, belacan powder and sugar to get the right taste. If not, I found it too bland.
Yah, I found it later after finishing 2 bowl of it. I will try to tweak with it. But at least my longing and dream of having a laksa finally materialised.
Wah...assam laksa!!! Yummylicious!!! Hope that it stopped your cravings liao!!!
Hey...knowing that u not feeling well...the baby start to kacau already ?? Do take good care..
If u r back in M'sia, u can try the assam laksa in Chao Yang pasar malam, it tastes good and can see a lot of fish meat ,too.
JP, yes it did stop my craving. Hahaha... :P
Janet, I don't know whether what I felt was the baby kicks or not. I think it's still too early but I do read that for the 2nd time mom, you do feel it sooner. But I still can't be sure, sometimes I think it's too high that it's impossible to be the baby. So, I guess not yet.
Hey, thanks for the Chao Yang pasar malam assam laksa tip. I didn't get to go to any pasar malam the last time I went back, too afraid of the heat lah. But would definitely make an effort to visit the morning and night pasar the next time. :)
This spicy noodle soup looks so good. Can you please give me the recipe? Thank you so much!
Hi Ano,
Thanks! Just follow the Hup Loong Assam Laksa package instruction from the back. To add flavor, read my post to Flower above.
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