Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tagged: Six Words Memoir

I've been tagged by Ling's Passion to do this meme. So here my Six Word Memoir.........

Eat Well*Stay Healthy*Live Happy

1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog (and include a visual illustration if you’d like).
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

I’m tagging the followings to participate in this meme:

Soy and Pepper
Daily Affairs
Daphne- More than Words
Florence's Do What I Like

How to Make Your Shrimps Curl

D from Daily Affairs asked me to create a post on how I made my beautiful shrimps. Actually it is very easy, it's just some curl shrimps. First I deveined the shrimps, peel off the shells and then I just slit it into half lengthwise. When you stir-fry the shrimps, it will curl up automatically. Easy right? D, now you have it! :) However, some will curl this way, but some might not oh.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Easy & Delicious Stir-fried Tofu

I like healthy food. Healthy food to me is that the dish has to be colorful, with lean skinless chicken breasts, fish or tofu. I also cook with lots of fresh garlic, ginger, scallion, shallot or onion. The above dish is healthy to me because it has celery, carrot, straw mushroom and tofu. It's a vegetarian dish actually. This dish is so easy to cook with only two seasonings and yet the taste is so divine. Tigerfish cooked a similar version recently too.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I was tagged by My Baking Diary. I got this book when pregnant with Edda, ages ago. :P

This is the deal:

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

"In these cases, simply excuse yourself and go to another area to nurse, or express your breastmilk ahead of time and feed it to your baby in a bottle when you need to after the pressing and storing breastmilk. You may wonder how you will adjust to working while continuing to breastfeed. You may be separated from your baby for longer periods, requiring you to provide one or more bottles of breastmilk to your infant's caregiver to use in your absence."

Tag 5 persons :

Yochana's Cake Delight
The Art and Science of Food
Retno's Kedai Hamburg, Germany
Ling's Passion

Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a Crazy Weather!

When people said Colorado has crazy weather, it is! We were enjoying a record high of 80"F the day before and the next day "Boom", we got snow shower! In Sane! Evy wanted to go out and play so I let her and Edda was inside with a sour face looking at her sister playing outside (by the sliding door). Then, she brought me her shoes and of course letting me know that she wanted to go out as well. Her sour face looked so pitiful so suited her up and put her outside with her sister.

I only let them played on the deck so that I could keep an eye on them.

Edda looking at me. I asked her, "Cold or not, want to come inside or not?" Raised her hand and said, "No", at least that's what I think she was saying. LOL!

Evy was happily playing with her snow shover.

Edda pointing at the snow falling and tasting some which fell on her face. She surely enjoyed it, so cold also didn't want to come in until her sister came in then she got no choice but to come inside.

What's the next day looks like! Inches of accumulation and every where was covered with snow. And it's SPRING here!!

Rockie Mountain. Couldn't capture the famous Pike Peak, it was hidden in the cloud behind the mountain.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Strawberry Muffins

How pretty is that color isn't it? I loved it! Strawberry is pretty cheap these days. I just bought 4lb. of strawberries for $4.99, pretty cheap right? Furthermore, it's really sweet and fragrant. I'm not someone who likes sour fruit like strawberry, kiwi, orange, etc. I prefer my fruit sweet. So, I'm really glad that this batch of strawberries are sweet. I decided to experiment again and made this strawberries muffins using this recipe from but with slight modification.

I'm really low on baking powder, only about 1 tsp. left so I won't be able to follow the recipe. I used 2 cup of self-raising flour and omitted the baking powder. Added 1 tsp. of strawberry extract and 1 1/2 cup of chopped strawberries. Save some of the strawberries to put on top of the muffins before baking. The muffins turned out to be soft, moist, not very sweet and nice with slight strawberry fragrant. These muffins are sure an healthier alternative to cupcakes as no butter was used and only a little oil, one egg were used in making this. Good for my breakfast and tea time snack! Furthermore, my hubby loved it too!