Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm back!

Glad to be back! Sorry Kirsten and Jo about me being unable to meet up with you ladies. My short time in PJ was really rushed and with no vehicle, it's just tough. The heat and humidity were something we were not accustom to anymore, we are really spoiled by the weather here. Poor Evy always had wet hair (covered with sweat) and rosy cheeks (from heat) while back home. She also got sick on the night before we were flying home. She made it through the flights and now resting at home. She hates her medicines and we have a hard time feeding it to her. This is her first time being so sick and we are just an inexperience parents. Hope she will recover soon.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Will be MIA!

I won't be around for a month or so. Flying back to Malaysia on Monday and will stay for roughly a month. Can't wait to eat all the yummy food and kuih. :) Just hope that I won't gain too much weight and would be able to lose it after I got back. :P

It would be great to let the grandparents see Evy for the first time too. I could tell they are getting excited. It has been six years since I last went back, heard that a lot have changed, can't wait to meet my parents and siblings as well.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Kuih Bunga/ Kuih Rose/ Honeycomb Cookies

This was the kuih bunga I made for this year CNY. I used Jo's crispy honeycomb recipe from I didn't get to eat much since my husband basically finished all that I had save for ourselves. I brought more than half to a friend's CNY potluck. My husband just ate it like a snack. Next time I would have to double the recipe.

Heart Shape Kuih Bangkit

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This was the kuih bangkit I made for Chinese New Year. I used Hugbear's recipe from It was the best kuih bangkit I had ever made and definitely a keeper recipe. The kuih bangkit was crispy when you bite into it and then simply melt in your mouth all at once. Sooo good!

Pineapple Tarts

This is my favorite Pineapple Tarts recipe. I first adapted Amy Beh's recipe but was not satisfied with the result because I wanted a melt in the mouth tart.  So, I played with the recipe couple of times until I got the end result that I was looking for.  The recipe below was the result of my experiments and is the recipe that I used every year since then. The pastry was soft and has the melt in your mouth taste to it.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

One Year Old

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Hmmm...what's this that mommy gave me? Let's take a bite...yummy!!! Mommy, this is so good, can I have another one? I promise I will sit here quitely if you just give me one after another, okay? *wicked smile*

That is shrimp cracker for those who are wondering!