Friday, November 09, 2012

Herbs Scallops

Scallops are actually good for cardiovascular health as it has Vitamin B-12, omega-3, magnesium, potassium, selenium and lots of nutrients.  Not to say it is also high in protein, low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  Seafood have iodine in it so scallop, calamari and shrimp are actually a good source for me to get some natural iodine besides seaweed.  These seafood have higher monounsaturated fat (increase HDL) and lower saturated fat (decrease LDL) so eating these seafood should be helpful for the heart, but in moderation of course.

I read that table salt (refined salt) is toxic because it has been bleached and rid of all the natural vitamins and minerals essential for the body to function properly.  And your body needs salt in order to function properly as well as important nutrients such as magnesium and potassium which were found in natural unrefined salt (there are lots more nutrients in tiny amount).  So, I will be buying unrefined salt from now on such as natural Mediterranean sea salt, natural sea salt and natural Himalayan rock salt to season my food.  I will get my natural iodine from seaweeds such as wakame and hijizi, and some seafood.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Matcha Mochi Cake with Sweet Potatoes/Yam


Why green tea you asked?  It's simply because I adore the Redman green tea powder, it's so fragrant and make your baked good vibrant in this beautiful green color.  I made sure I bought some when I went back to Malaysia few months ago. There is no substitution for me!  Not disappointed, my house smelled like green tea when this was baked and this mochi cake really fragrant packed with green tea smell.  If you just want a plain matcha mochi cake, just omit the sweet potatoes.

The texture of this mochi cake is sticky and chewy with the fragrant of green tea and sweetness from the sweet potatoes.  My next experiment will be with taro mochi cake, wait til I get my hands on some taro!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Calamari Spaghetti

Recently, I saw a Healthy Chinese Cooking Show that actually suggested eating squid, calamari, octopus and cuttlefish to lower your cholesterol.  That was completely news to me as I always thought these have the highest cholesterol level among all other seafood and which should be avoided. But they said when you clean your calamari, squid, octopus and cuttlefish completely (don't eat the internal organ and the eggs), then the cholesterol level is not too bad.  Furthermore, it has good vitamins and minerals that the body needs such as Vitamin B2, B3 and B12, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, protein and phosphorous that are actually good for us.  It also has omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA which can lower bad cholesterol.  However, how you cook and prepare this is important too, raw (as in sushi), steam, or lightly stir-fry is best compared to batter it and deep-fry and eat it with dipping sauce.  For people with already high cholesterol level, consult with your doctor first as this piece of information is very new to me too.  Food high in cholesterol doesn't mean it will raise your blood cholesterol such as egg and squid, unlike food high in saturated fat.  In any case, moderation is still the key, occasional treat shouldn't be a problem.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Purple Sweet Potato Mochi Cake

The inspiration of making this mochi cake came from a Korean mom that I talked to.  I never thought of adding sweet potato into a mochi cake until I tasted some that she made.  Hers was different with orange sweet potato and some other things that she added (she didn't give me the recipe though).  Since I LOVE the purple sweet potato because of the color and sweetness, I wanted to recreate her recipe and hence this recipe was born.  I was glad to say that it was a success and we all loved it very much.  On the day it was baked, the crust was crusty and the mochi was chewy with the sweetness from the sweet potato and a little sourness from the raisins, just perfect!  The crust will turn soft on the 2nd day but just as chewy and delicious!  This is definitely my keeper recipe that I want to make all the times.  Next time I want to try it with taro and play with this recipe a little.  Feedback to me if you ever try it!

Seriously it was so hard to stop at just one piece, got to have two!!  Self-control....self-control....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Crispy Pumpkin Cookies

Yeah!  I did it!  I managed to create a crispy pumpkin cookies!!!  Two years ago, I tried my hand on soft pumpkin cookies which I didn't really like as I preferred my cookies to be crisp and tasted like cookies instead of cake.  I told myself that I was going to experiment and come out with a crispy cookie recipe but never really gotten to do it.  So, this year I took on the challenge and happy to announce that I created a delicious crispy pumpkin cookies that we all liked and easy to make.

As you know, my recipe got to be easy to whip up.  And this recipe only required a hand whisk!!  What a plus right for busy mom or for someone who just want to make cookies fast with minimally washing required.  I added the dried cranberries just because I have about 1/2 cup left and I wanted to finish it.  You can omit it or use raisins or chocolate chips, it's up to you!

Your house will smell like pumpkin and spices when you bake these cookies.  My girls totally loved this and said it tasted like pumpkin.  I think the cinnamon and cloves paired really well to bring up the full flavor of this cookie.  Warning:  It is hard to resist, so self-control needed in eating these cookies!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Stir-Fried King Oyster Mushroom

This recipe was adapted from Growing Up in a Korean Kitchen, a cookbook.  In this cookbook, it has a recipe called sauteed oyster mushroom with scallops.  I didn't have oyster mushroom nor scallops, but I have a packet of king oyster mushroom.  I was interested in trying out the sauce from that recipe.  It has a combination of soy sauce and lemon juice.  Interesting sauce, sourish because of the lemon juice.