Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Yi Lu Fa Cai

This is my copycat dish of Chef. Steven "Hou See Fatt Choy". I added some wolfberries for extra color effect. Whether it's a good idea or not, I don't know but wolfberries is good for us, so why not? Why I didn't name mine "hou see fatt choy" you might asked. That's because I couldn't find any dried oyster here. Nada...not one in sight. So, have to make mine without the dried oyster and gave it a new name which I read at Tigerfish's blog. This is the dish I brought to Lily's house.

Does this dish looks appertizing to you? I would really love to know because my hubby thinks this dish is soooo unappealing that he didn't even bother to try one. *Sorta pissed to learn later that he didn't even bother to try one of my CNY dish creation because to him it looks unappertizing, my own hubby!* You tell me!

Lastly, I want to wish my readers a "Happy Valentine's Day" !
Hubby wants to bring us out for dinner and so no cooking for me. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

CNY Potluck Party, 2008

I had a potluck party at my house on Feb 10th. Sharing some food pictures here. It turned out to be a good gathering. Great food and met some new faces too.

The spread.

Highlight some of the dishes here:

My mixed vegetable with fa cai.

My sambal cutterfish and shrimps.

Y's store-bought good looking roasted duck.

Am's homemade yummy jiaozi (she is from China).

M's delicious dry chicken curry.

Su's Mushrooms with Bok Choys.

Sh's Fried Noodle.

T's store-bought orange chicken.

The below came late thus didn't make it in the 1st. picture:

Sa's oyster sauce veggie.

Sa's potstickers.

Sh's yummy egg tarts, my steamed cassava kuih and red bean nian gao.

My Nian Nian You Yu Agar-agar.

Su's Kuih Salat.

You guys should recognize this right? :P

Snack containers.

Look at all the shoes!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Golden Rats

Since I am making another batch of pineapple tarts. I decided to play with the dough and made these six little rats to welcome the Rat Year. I got this inspiration from aunty Yochana's blog. Let me tell you, these are not easy to shape at all and really have to kudo to those that have the patience to shape so many rats, or the rose shape pineapple tarts. This was not my best job as I had to do it fast as little one was crying (wanna sleep), thus some turned out looking more like pigs. LOL!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Baked Pork Floss Mini Puffs

I saw the mini peanut puffs at Lily's blog and it gave me an inspiration to make mini pork floss puffs. Reason being I have a bottle sitting in my pantry ready to be used. Since I have no plan on making any deep-fried CNY cookies this year, I decided to experiment with the basic pie crust recipe for my baked puffs. The resulted pastry is buttery, crispy and flaky!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Kuih Bangkit II, 2008

I baked my 2nd batch of kuih bangkit this morning. Ahhhh, practice makes perfect (I also didn't use frozen coconut cream). I achieved the light, crispy and melt in the mouth texture that I like. I'm going to make my 3rd batch next week using the Pandan extract like I did earlier and let my brother brings it back to M'sia for my mom.

Playing with the different cookie cutters.

Are those pineapple and pine tree designs? What do you think?

For my kuih bangkit recipe, click here.
For my step-by-step-pictures guide, click here.

Tagged: 5 Facts About Myself & Award

I got tagged by Ling's Passion to do this 5 facts about myself. You are supposed to list 5 facts about yourself, link back to me and tag 5 more blogs.

Fact 1:
I got married at age 24.

Fact 2:
I am soooo not a vain person. My mom even told me to at least wear a lipstick when I go out! :P

Fact 3:
I have two degrees.

Fact 4:
I don't own a lot of shoes, just the essential. Unlike most women, right? :P

Fact 5:
I am practical and sometimes emotional.

Now, I would like to tag:

Baking Fiends Unite!
V's East Meets West Kitchen
The Art and Science of Food
Edith's Precious Moments
Retno's Kedai Hamburg, Germany


I received another award from Retno's Kedai Hamburg, Germany. Thanks Retno! Now, I would like to pass this on to the above blogs and the following:

My Kitchen Snippets
Beachlover's Kitchen
Daily Affairs
Daphne- More than Words
Big Boys Oven
Ling's Passion
Cocoa-Masakan Istimewa
Jadepearl's Play-Play in The Kitchen
Tigerfish - Teczcape
Big Fish