Monday, December 03, 2007

My Dry Version Pan Mee + Soup

I wanted to try something different. And since I have a packet of Ina Pan Mee and some ground pork, so I was thinking of making Pan Mee but the dry version. I have seen some dry version emerging from some food blogs lately but I have never tasted it before. Can't even buy it here if I wanted to, so how? Have to make my own lor.

So, here's my version after mixed it together. Just like ko lor mee/wontan mee sauce but using this pan mee noodle instead. I used oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper and garlic oil.

I made this soup with the seasonings came with the Ina pan mee. Added chai hsin (green) and frozen dumplings to boil it together. What a satisfying dinner it turned out to be. Oh yeah prepared some cut chili padi to eat with the noodle, hor jiak!

This is the picture of the Ina Pan Mee, taken from I like the Ina Yee Mee too, very good!

Lots of out of stock products have been back in stock so grab yours before it's gone again. Expect to see more new product arriving this week too. :)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Easy Tiramisu

Tiramisu anyone? I made too many vanilla cupcakes the other day (as you all know) and I was left with 5 unfrosted cupcakes sitting in the fridge. Thus, I have to turn it into something so that my family will eat it. I have cream cheese and heavy cream in the house and thus light bulb, Tiramisu it is! I always wanted to make that anyway, but always lack of one or two ingredients. So, I invented this Easy Tiramisu. Timing was right also because it became our Thanksgiving dessert. :)
Note: Best to use cupcakes that are soft and fluffy or sponge like cupcakes.

3 in 1 Tag - About me

I got tagged by Rainbows for this 3 in 1 tag and she picked to do only one tag which is About Me and so do I. Hehehe....

1. A movie that made you laugh.
Place of Glory. Those two actors skating together as a pair for a chance to win a Gold medal is enough to make you laugh.

2. A book that made you cry.
"Chin Yao" Chinese romance story book writer always made me cry!

3. A Best Friend.
I have a few best friends, unfair to just list one.

4. A favorite childhood memories.
Traveling overseas with my parents and siblings.

5. Your favorite animal.
I would say cute little puppy.

6. Your favorite food.
Nasi Lemak and many more.

7. An item of clothing you cannot do without.
Right now it's my winter coat because it's freezing cold outside!

8. Something you collect.
My old clothes! *hide*

9. Your favorite store to shop in.
Can't list a favorite because there are stores I go in for different things.

10.Your favorite flower.
Rose. :)

I would like to pass this tag to:

East Meets West Kitchen

Daily Affairs

More than Words


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Radish Chicken in Tamarind Sauce

This is a dish that my mom used to cook. The sourness from the tamarind, the spiciness from the dried red chillies just made this dish wonderful. I bought a small white radish while marketing this past Sunday because I wanted to recreate this dish. I added some dried Chinese mushroom just because I had some. Just writing down an "agaration" recipe here for my record, if not I would have forgotten what I put in it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

World Best Friend Week

Oh wow, how nice of Singarishgirl to pass this to me. I feel really honor. :) *big smile* Thank you and big HUG!

"Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that! Life is like Hell without FRIENDS. Its ‘World Best Friend Week’. Send this to your best friends to let them know you appreciate them.

Your Love is Ur Heart,
Your heart is Ur Spouse,
Your spouse is Ur Future,
Your future is Ur Destiny,
Your destiny is Ur Ambition,
Your ambition is Ur Aspiration,
Your aspiration is Ur Motivation,
Your motivation is Ur Belief,
Your belief is Ur Peace,
Your peace is Ur Target,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS.

I would like to pass this on to my real life best of friends: East Meets West Kitchen (the more the merrier right?) and Lily's Wai Sek Hong. :)

And to the fellow blogging friends who always leave me comments and support me:


Big Boys Oven

Kedai Hamburg

The Art and Science of Food


More than Words (more for you too!)

Daily Affairs (back to you again!)

Thank You! :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Birthday Cupcakes

Made some cupcakes for hubby's birthday. Since using cupcakes as a birthday cake is so trendy these days, so why not right? It's pretty fun to make since I didn't make it too difficult. I used the vanilla cupcakes as the base and the butter cream frosting to frost the cupcakes. Oh man, it was really hard to do a good job with a little one crying and the other one kept asking for this and that! What a day!

I was really stingy with my butter cream as in I only spread a thin layer of cream on top because thinking it will all go into our body, so the less the better. Thus, left with lots of butter cream, next time will half the recipe, don't want to be wasteful. But if it's for a party of course the more the merrier as I know people do love to eat frosting. It also make a prettier presentation too.

Close up of my heart cupcake, signified the love we have for him. Not very good at piping so just "chin chai chin chai kao dim". Evy made him a birthday card, sang birthday song and even helped him to blow the candles. Oh, Evy helped in making the cupcakes too (mixing and stirring, her favorite part!).