It's an honor and I'm happy to accept it, even though I am creative as in providing links for her to access other food bloggers. LOL! :P
Joke aside, I would love to pass this award on to:
Lily - for her passion in perfecting a recipe and unselfishness in sharing her knowledge.
Big Boys Oven - For their ever creative juices in baking beautiful cakes and bakes.
KookyCulinary - For her creative way of preparing lunch boxes for her daughter.
Fresh from the Oven - For taking beautiful pictures and bakes store-bought quality cakes and bakes.
Tigerfish - For her creativity in dishing out new dishes.
Enjoy the award ladies and gentlemen! :D
Congratulations on your award!
Big Boys like to thank you Little Corner of Mine for giving us this award. We will work even harder now. :)
Congratulations Girlfriend!
And I guessed 4 out of the 5 you picked! hehe!
Congratulations to you, Ching. :) Enjoy your award.
Congrats on the award! And thanks so much, for passing this honor to me.
congratulations! lol, no award for me? jk!
heehee, ya when I first started blogging (don't know how to do lots of things),your blog is really the window to the world of other bloggers.
even now, 1st thing I do online is - click onto your pg and from there the journey online continue ... :D
of cos also like to read abt your lovely girls, cooking n lfestyle too.
Thanks Kelly. :)
You're welcome Big Boys! You deserved it for the beautiful things you created. :)
Thanks V! Wow, you managed to guess 4 right, you super woman lah!
Thanks singairishgirl, you too! ;)
You're welcome Tigerfish, enjoy!
Thanks Ginger. Oops sorry lah, next time okay? ;)
Hi Peony,
Thank you very much for the award, me joking only lah. :)
Ah, I am so honored! Thanks! You are too generous to me.
opps, I was too happy on the receiving end and forgot to say "CONGRATS!" you totally deserve it. :D
Haha! No lah! Just lucky guess! ;)
Thanks Mandy! You deserved it too! Enjoy! :)
Haha V, that's a very good guess! I need to save some for others to pass on to right? ;)
Congratulations on ur award!! Thanks so much for passing the award to me!! Very surprised but very honored!! :)
Thanks blurmommy, you enjoy yours! :)
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