This was just a regular salmon dish at my house, except I was trying on a new sauce. Because the sauce was sweet, slight hint of sour and savory, I didn't bother to season my salmon. I didn't flour it either just to cut down on the refined flour intake. When you flour your meat, poultry, seafood to deep-fry or when you add cornstarch/potato starch to thicken the soup/sauce, do you know that you are actually adding refined processed white flour into your diet? You probably didn't know right? I didn't notice this small little detail until I heard it from a healthy eating guru in some healthy Chinese cooking show. It made me aware of this fact, with the knowledge, I would try to cut down on it as much as possible. It was hard as lots of Chinese dishes need the thickening starches to make a dish palatable. Just look at my sauce above, it would certainly look more appetizing if the sauce is thick instead of watery. Also, the fact that all of the egg drops soup and hot and sour soup in the Chinese restaurants are laden with thickening starches, it does make me think twice when ordering it. Wonton soup is definitely a better option I guess.
Now you are aware, it's up to you to make the right choices! Again, moderation is the key!