Monday, January 02, 2006

Chilli Crabs

Believe it or not, I never had a chilli crabs before until I came to the U.S. Didn't even know this dish is so popular in Singapore until my Singapore friend here cooked and served this dish to us. My hubby fell in love with this dish after he tried it. And I finally cooked it for him on New Year day. :)

I adapted this chilli crabs recipe from Elaine (YongOne from KC). I made mine with frozen crabs and ready-made Vietnamese chilli-garlic paste that easily available in the United States.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Dear readers,

Thank you for visiting my humble blog. For those that took the trouble to leave me comments, just want to let you know that it is greatly appreciated. Because I believe together we learn from one another.

I feel that I have to say sorry for some of my home cooking recipes because it didn't come with the exact measurement. Thus, I realized that it might not be suitable for the beginner cooks. Just know that cooking gets better with time and trial and error. So, happy cooking and experimenting!

Hopefully the new year will bring all of us joy and happiness and what our hearts desired.

Happy New Year Everyone! :D

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Look who came to visit!

This adorable baby boy is Lily's grandson. He is getting bigger from the last time I saw him. Not sure what was up with my daughter. She just sat on the sofa the whole time the visitors were here, no smile and speechless the whole time. Not sure whether she knows how to play with a baby or not! One thing though, she didn't get jealous when I was carrying him.

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Isn't he just adorable?

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

MeMe - You are What you Eat

I got tagged by Tazz to write this Meme, in which I have to write my top 10 favorite food. Got to say, I'm not someone who likes to do this meme homework. Hahaha... Just not a person who likes any kind of homework, not even in college! Anyway, here it is:

1. Nasi lemak - I just love this fragrant oily rice. The coconut rice mixed with spicy anchovy sambal, a little roasted peanuts, some hard boiled egg and crunchy fresh cucumber, can I say YUM!

2. Chicken - I eat chicken all the times because it's healthy and low fat. Normally I buy skinless and boneless chicken breasts, cut it into strips and use it for my stir-fry.

3. Vegetable - A must have for my daily cooking. I can't do without veggies because it provide us with fiber, antioxidant and all the good stuff that our bodies need. Not to say delicious too!

4. Garlic - Garlic lover here, the more the merrier. Nothing can beat lots of fresh garlic with some chilli padi in light soy sauce as a condiment with rice. I use it in stir-frying my veggies, make garlic oil for noodle soup, fried rice and more.

5. Tofu - I love all kind of tofu. Soft tofu for my mapo tofu, firm tofu to pan-fry, deep-fried tofu (tau kwa) for curry noodle, pork dish, bak kut teh, taufu fah as a dessert, even sweet soy bean milk. What's more is it's good for our bodies!

6. Chinese Herbal Soup - Oh yeah, I love it! I like Tung Kway and ginseng just to list two because I can't named the others (too difficult to remember). I will try my best to cook it at least once a week for my family, normally with chicken drumsticks or pork bones.

7. Fish - Loveee fish. BUT not all kind of fish though. I don't fancy red meat fish at all like salmon and tuna. I know it's good for me, but I just can't stomach the firmer texture of the fish meat. Love fish steamed or deep-fried, yummy. Oh, definitely not raw like in sushi. Hahaha....

8. Crab & Lobster - This I like but we seldom eat it because it's not cheap. We normally eat it for special occasion or once in a while treat. I like lobster in cream sauce and salt & pepper crabs.

9. Mee Siam & Mee Hoon - Grew up loving it and thus I enjoy eating it now. It's quick and easy meal for my lazy weekend or holiday.

10. Steamboat - steamboat is best enjoy with lots of people, mainly your family, relative or friends. It gave me a sense of unity and closeness whenever I had steamboat. I guess partly because my mom always made steamboat on CNY eve, so I associated it with family unity. The piping hot sweet chicken stock with all sort of seafood, meats, veggies, tofu, fish balls, etc...ahhhhh.

Okay, now the fun part of passing this meme over to:

Lily- Wai Sek Hong

Rantings from a Solidary Reverie

My Kitchen- My Laboratory

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tang Yuan

Tang yuan is so easy to make and yet I hardly ever make it at all (lazy mah). Tazz kept reminding us to cook tang yuan for Dong Zhi day which is Dec. 22nd, guess I got persuaded by her. Hahaha... Her blog these few days have been about Tang Yuan and how it symbolized unity in a family, guess I'm sold. So, here's my tang yuan.

I added red bean as filling because I like mine with filling. I made gula Melaka & ginger syrup to go with it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Asparagus & Bell Peppers Omelet

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Featuring one of my home cook dishes. This is my new discovery dish. Asparagus goes very well with omelet, even better than the french beans, so a must try for everyone out there. :)


~ 3 eggs, beaten with soy sauce & white peppers.
~ 6-8 asparagus, cut into small pieces like shown above.
~ Red bell pepper (about 1/4), cut into small pieces.
~ Yellow bell pepper (1/4), cut into small pieces.


Heat up oil in a skillet. When hot, add in the chopped vegetable. Stir-fry until veggies soften and add in the beaten eggs. Flip it over a few times until both sides are cooked and slightly brown.