My girl friend from China first introduced me to this barley tea. She said she had it in Korean restaurant and really liked it and thus she bought it to make it at home. Strangely though, I was never served barley tea when dining in Korean restaurants, or I have to ask for it? They said it usually served with Korean BBQ.
Anyway, I saw this barley tea recipe in multiple Korean cookbooks and it's really easy to make. You just have to search for this toasted barley in the Korean supermarket or Asian market. This barley tea is very nutritious too and said to aid weight lost. Chinese has been catching up and this barley tea is popular in other Asian countries too. I found the benefits in a Chinese article which I copied and pasted here, 据本草纲目记载,大麦味甘、性平;有平胃止渴,消渴除热,益气调中,宽胸下气,消积进食,补虚劣、壮血脉,益颜色、宝五脏、化谷食之功. Sorry I don't know how to translate it.
This is how it looks like and it's really fragrant. The house was infused with toasted fragrant when I was boiling this. The tea itself was fragrant and I like it without sugar. The instruction at the packet of the barley that I bought said you can also served it cold with condensed milk or sugar for breakfast. I will show you the picture of the packet in the next page.