Monday, March 10, 2008

My Twist on Macaroni & Cheese

I was left with half a packet of cream cheese from making cream cheese bread. Thought of making cream cheese soup but I was out of milk. So, I put it in my macaroni & cheese! I was really happy with the result. Delicious!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Toadally Awesome Award

I received another award from Rainbows. Thanks sister! :o) And according to her this award is awarded to the blogger(s) who left me the most comments. Or my frequent visitors who always leave me comment. This is the time to tell you, YOU ARE TOADALLY AWESOME!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Cream Cheese Bread

I first saw this cream cheese bread at Peony's blog. And according to her, this bread is really soft and fluffy just like the Hokkaido Milk Loaf. And since I have all the ingredients at home, I told her I'm going to give this a try soon. Why mine turned out looking like that? Oh well, I decided to experiment with the ExpressBake function on my bread machine. It means the bread will be ready in 58 minutes as compared to the usual 3-3.5 hours.

Original recipe is taken from here. I replaced the bread flour with whole wheat flour. I got to say this bread is really soft but mine turned out not as fluffy, perhaps because I used the ExpressBake function? That taught me, one can't really rush the process of bread making. As with ExpressBake, it really didn't provide enough time to prove the bread, and thus my bread looking like the above. Nevertheless, I am going to make more bread using this recipe, but with the normal bread and dough functions. Just to see the difference (in texture and look). :o)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Malaysian Should Watch This!

Watch this video and this video before you go in to vote! Or go to YouTube and watch video clips from dapkl.

"Go VOTE!"

I can't vote but you can, so do your part and vote for a better Malaysia and equality to all Malaysian.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


You can read all about Broccolini at Tigerfish's blog here. I first saw this veggie at her blog and thought this veggie looked divine. While I was doing my grocery shopping recently, I spotted this broccolini was on-sales as Manager's Pick of the week. So, I quickly grabbed this opportunity to try out this new breed of veggie.

Coincidentally, I cooked this just like how Tigerfish cooked her. Guess great mind thinks alike huh? LOL! Anyway, after trying this broccolini, I still prefer my HK kailan. Not sure whether I undercooked it or the veggie a bit old because it was quite tough on the stem (fibrous?). I paid $1.50 for what you see above but normally I think it is priced around $3.50. At that price, I can buy a big bag of kailan already.

Just for fun

I saw this while browsing through Camemberu's blog and decided to play along, just for fun, if you tried it, post it in your blog ya!

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

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Take the Test to Find Out.