Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sardine Sandwiches

Sardine sandwich - a popular sandwich in Malaysia. Hmm... but I have no idea whether it is still popular now as I have been living here for so long. This is a flavor I remembered when I was in secondary school when my friends came over to my house to teach me how to make it for a school event. These days, I made it as an appetizer for guest or tea time snack. Not only this is easy to make but very nutritious as well, as we know sardine is a good source of calcium, protein, iron and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Showing here my own recipe. But you can certainly add chopped onion or lime juice if you like.


1 small canned of tomato based sardines, drained

8 pieces of 100% whole wheat bread

Lingham chili sauce

Tomato sauce/ ketchup

Spreadable butter


1. In a bowl, pour in drained sardines. Add ketchup and chili sauce to taste and mash all with a fork.

2. In a cutting board, spread two pieces of bread with butter. Spread one side with mashed sardine and cover with another piece. You can cut the edges off or keep it, whatever you fancy. Then, cut into four little triangle sandwiches. Serve at room-temperature or cold. You can cover the leftover with cling wrap and store in refrigerator.

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I am also submitting my recipe to the Original Recipe event hosted by Lore at Culinarty. Check out others' recipes around the week of Jan. 16th.


Anonymous said...

simple, yet full of flavor... :)

pigpigscorner said...

I miss this! I used to have this a lot when I was in school.

Anonymous said...

last week , i cook Sardine , the took it to office, most of colleague never eat sardine before!!
i also teach them sardine sandwiches!!

Noob Cook said...

I know it's popular in Singapore! Wish I can have your sardine sandwiches for breakfast now! =D

SIG said...

Wow, I've not had a sardine sandwich in donkey years! No one in my family likes sardines. :(

Beachlover said...

hmmm ..long time didn't eat sardine sandwich!! you make me wanna to make some soon! I like mine in lime juice and chili padi!!

Anonymous said...

my sis & I used to make these sandwiches a lot but we added in chopped red chilies & lime juice as well, then baked them in the oven to make the sandwich toasty, yum!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me, it's my flavor too, haven't have it for quite long time. I like to get oil based with chili, add with chopped onion and tomato when making sandwich or pasta. Oh, lime juice is a great idea, thanks for inspiration. Cheers !

Family First said...

Yeah .. when I was young, we had this a lot .. but nowadays, people here "upgraded" to tuna already.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I like this. I wonder if canned sardine in US tasted the same as the Malaysia one?

My sardine sandwich include onion and chili padi, very Malaysia style right? This is heritated from my mum. my mum will fry the smash the sardine and fry with onion and chili padi. Sometimes we also squeeze a limau into the filling.

Lore said...

Well I bet they still are popular because they look delicious and so easy to make.
Thanks for sharing them with the Original Recipes Round-Up :)

Kana said...

This sure brings back memories. I used to make this lots when I was a kid!

Retno Prihadana said...

I haven´t tried it with sardine, only with tuna. Sounds delicious!.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Ahhh...most of you liked it with lime juice and chili padi huh? Chili padi would be too spicy for me and my girls. They even said it's spicy from the Lingham chili sauce that I used.

Hahaha..."upgraded" to tuna already. :D No wonder when I was back in 2008, my MIL bought tuna filling buns from Lavender bakery for breakfast. But I still prefer the taste of sardine more than tuna.

Angry Asian said...

i adore sardines! my grandfather used to heat it up for me as a kid when we shared lunch, adding chopped onions and chili. we would dip french bread in the sauce.

this is kinda sorta like tuna sandwiches.

what a great idea to make them into tea sandwiches!

tigerfish said...

I have been eating tuna sandwiches recently. Time for sardines!

Indonesia Eats said...

I wish i could have those sardine sandwich for my breakfast now.

Anonymous said...

Your sandwiches look so nice!

Food For Tots said...

It is my family all-time favourite. Yummy!

Nilmandra said...

I'm not a fan of sardines myself but your post makes me think of my dad who loves sardines sandwiches :) He makes them with thinly sliced onions.

Anonymous said...

Hi just wondering if do we need to fry the onions if we want to add them? Thanks! ^_^
~ F

Little Corner of Mine said...

Hi F,
No, you don't need to fry the onion, just chopped it into small pieces. preferably red onion for it's sweetness.

Anonymous said...

LCM, I'm planning to make this for a potluck picnic. Do you know if I can prepare early? Will it get soggy on the bread? Any idea? Thank you!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Hi Anon,
Hmmm...maybe a little on the bottom bread. You can remedy this by placing thinly sliced cucumber on the bottom side of the bread. The cucumber will serve as a barrier and prevent the bread from turning soggy. The upper side of the bread should be fine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, LCOM :) Will try to do that.