Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Steamed Banana Muffins

The main purpose of this post is I want to share this tips with you. See the picture above? For those that own the oval shape silicon cups, you can actually use the round paper cups in your oval silicon cups. When you pour in the batter, it actually spread into the oval shape like mine above. I love to use paper cups because I am too lazy to clean the silicon cups, if you are like me, you will love this tips.

For some reason my steamed banana muffins actually smiling at me. It's probably because I poured in more batter and steamed at rapidly boiling water. ;)

I just love this steamed banana muffins! Hmmm...should I called this a muffin or cupcake? I like to call all my cake baked or steamed in paper cups cupcakes because they are basically cake in a cup right or cup size cake? But I read that the frosted cupcake is called a cupcake and all the unfrosted cupcake is supposed to be called a muffin? Don't know why I always associate muffin to have denser texture compared to cupcake. :P


  1. Oh how cute the oval ones and the smiling ones. Cupcakes are called cupcakes because they used to be made with cup measurements and that's how the name was coined. These days, we have cupcakes in weight measurements but we bake them in paper cups, thus the name stuck I guess.

  2. I just happened to bake a banana cake last night. Will have to steam some like yours tonight cos I still have some ripe bananas sitting in my fridge ... thanks ya.

    Im new to blogging .. feel free to drop by my blog and give me some advise and guidance ya ... Joanna

  3. i thot u made huatt kuehs! LOL...

    From what I understand, muffins and cupcakes are differentiated by the different methods of mixing and the resulting texture.

  4. muffins can be steamed?! Great idea ... as a failure in baking, the option of steaming is definitely worth exploring ;)

    I love the tip too, now I am inspired to buy some silicon baking cups :D

  5. the steam cupcakes has a lighter colour..I wonder is it because the oven gives it a browning effect?

    it looks really moist though.And good tip on the oval shape cakes!

  6. what a great idea!! banana muffins in steamed version!! i love love this

  7. The oval "cake" in the first photo looks like a mini baguette :P

  8. Thanks SIG for the clarification. I always it's called cupcakes because it's baked in a cup. LOL! :P

    Ok Joanna, will drop by and say Hi later!

    A bit like huat kuih hor? Baking fiend, I think I need to go pay wikipedia a visit to read the difference. LOL!

    Noobcook, silicon baking cups is a good investment. I used them for steaming cupcakes. *thumb up*

    Daphne, you were right. Oven bakes the cake to golden brown color, while steaming maintain the natural color. ;) Steam cake is actually very soft and moist.

    Thanks Dhanggit! Steamed version tasted light.

    Hahaha Tigerfish, really meh? :P

  9. Wah very interesting one. I never thought it can be steamed. :) So basically the batter is the same except put to steam instead of baking is it? Somehow your steamed banana muffin reminds me of the steamed egg cake ;) hehehe

  10. I love making banana bread...what an interesting twist to an old favorite;-)

  11. Thanks for the tip.Steamed banana muffin is good and healthy as a snack.

  12. Hi

    There's an award 4 U at my blog. Check it out.

    :) VG

    PS: Did not know whether to refer to you as Belachan...it felt rude to do so!

  13. gosh this looks good! I like the colour, very light and make the feeling that it is not heavy! very attracted to eat them too!

  14. Not sure Cooking Ninja. I used the recipe provided by a blogger. I have her link in my 1st steamed banana cake post.

    Yes Johnna. This is my favorite way to use up my old bananas instead of baking them.

    Yes Chawanmushi and thanks for dropping by.

    Thanks VG for the award, will claim it and pass it around. You can call me LCOM, but belachan also can since this name is stucked with me. LOL!

    Thanks Karim!

    Really BBOven? Glad you like it! It does give an impression of less heavy isn't it? Perhaps that's why I love to steam them, make me feel less guilty in eating them. LOL! :P

  15. your steam muffin look moist and soft!!I never steam cake or muffin b4,must try out one day!!

  16. i love banana! cakes, cupcakes, muffins...recently i might just call them baked goods hehehe

    i tried steaming some muffins before but didnt turn up very well and i forgot to document my failure (bummer!)

    i'll try again next time and see if will succeed hehe

    wish me luck!

  17. Beachlover, I used the recipe provided in my first steam banana post.

    Best of luck Rita! :)

  18. hey ching! i tried again! hehehe this time is much better

  19. Good for you Rita! Will hop over to take a look. :)


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