Monday, August 04, 2008

Use of Leftovers 3: Stir-fried Soba Noodle

Haha, my hubby was real funny the other night when he saw the leftovers from picture on the left, he asked what are you going to do with this? I made noodle soup the other night and I have a plate of extra ingredients sitting on the table just in case he wanted more (he can always add in with his noodle you see). I told him, I could make something out of it. Now, see how I turned these leftovers from a Chinese take-out and ingredients for noodle soup into a yummy plate of soba noodle.

I just boiled some soba noodle, drained and rinsed with cold water and set aside. Then, I stir-fry all the leftover ingredients in a wok with a little soy sauce and pour them on top of the soba noodle. Mix well together and season to taste with Chinese vinegar, more soy sauce, a little salt and sesame oil. This noodle can be enjoyed cold or warm.

Now, I have a plate of yummy soba noodle that didn't look one bit like eating from leftovers! Serve this up with cut chili padi (bird eye chili) or my chili in oil. Delicious!

I'm also serving this dish to Pesto Pasta Night. This week host is Michelle, from the Greedy Gourmet
, do check out her blog on Friday for the round up.


  1. You are so creative. You can come up with a whole new dish with leftovers.

  2. it's abt lunchtime here and i'm so hungry looking at yr pics!

  3. you are always so good with leftovers, girl! well done well done!

  4. hehhe. I always like the way u use your leftovers! So creative.

  5. Haha, that's what I would do with my leftovers. :)

  6. soba good right? so versatile. i like it the fact that it has some flavor already so you don't need intense flavoring of ingredients to complement it :) I'm also serving soba this week, if I can make it!

  7. Thanks yosunbuka.

    Thanks Gert. I have one more coming up. :P

    Hehe baking fiend, sorry to make you hungry ya. :P

    Thank you thank you Rita. :)

    Thanks Daphne. Got to make the meal looks delicious.

    High Five SIG!

    Oh yes Tigerfish! Thanks to you we are adding soba noodle into our mee collection. I love it in soup too! I need to look for dashi granules to purchase. Thanks again. :)

  8. not fair , not fair . . .. I am so so jealous now! you can just turn anything into so delicious and so food porn! :)

  9. Perfect way to use up leftovers! We have the same sensibilities when it comes to using what we have instead of wasting it.

  10. Here in the UK the amount of edible food that gets chucked in the garbage is scary. We need more people like you around. :-)

  11. You does it with your bakes BBOven!

    nate-n-annie, think it's our upbringing! My mom always said finish all your food, do not waste any food, there are a lot of hungry people else where who won't even get a chance to eat, etc...etc...

    Thanks Michelle。

  12. Great post and thanks for sharing your terrific use of leftovers with Presto Pasta Night. I can't think of any base better for using up what you have on hand than pasta.

  13. Thanks Ruth! Need to save a few bucks especially now everything is expensive. :)


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