Thursday, August 07, 2008

Cute Toasted Breads

Don't we moms want to make eating breakfast fun for the kids? I got the inspiration from Peony as she loves to make bentos and lovely toast for her grandson. Of course she used the cute Hello Kitty print for toast bread which I don't own. Then, I was thinking, wait a minute, I did buy some ice-cream sandwich molds last year at WalMart. It was on clearance for $4/pair and I just couldn't let it pass because I saw the possibility in it. Hence, I took them out from my drawer and gave it a try. It made a really nice clear print on the bread and came out great. The bonus was of course both my girls finished their toasts!

Now I know I can use this print to make pig or cow face cookies too! At first, I saw that it was great for making mini mooncakes and now I have more uses for it. I know it can be used to make cute pig and cow boiled eggs too, just need to tie it with rubber band. So, for $2 each, not too bad a toy to own right? :)


  1. oh!! so cute!!.why I didn't see it in walmart??

  2. How cute! What are ice-cream sandwich moulds? I love the piggy! :)

  3. omg so cute!! How do u imprint it on the eggs n the bread? I have a bear one I think but it's only used for making onigiri ... I love the piggy face :D

  4. how cute! Your lucky girls with such adorable breakfasts!

  5. These are cute!!

    I have some simpler cutter, too!

    Good to cut bread into shapes...

  6. oh my goshhh SO ADORABLE!

    hey do you love hello kitty? hihihi

  7. So cute. I prefer the piggie wan coz the print is more obvious! :P

  8. These are cute-cute! You're right, the possibilities to use them are endless.

  9. Beachlover, I bought it last year. I haven't seen it recently at WalMart too.

    Thanks SIG. It is used to make ice-cream sandwich. Use the cutter to cut out cookie, place ice-cream in the middle and top with another pie of cookie and close the cap and sandwich it together. The result should be a pig/cow face sandwich ice-cream cookie. That was what I remember from the instruction paper, I never make it before. :P

    Thanks Jeena!

    Noobcook, for the bread, just press the print on the bread and toast. For the egg (if I remember it correctly, never make it before), after the extra-large egg is boiled, peel the shell and insert them into this mold and close the cap and tie it securely with a rubber band and place in ice-cold water for 10-15 minutes and you will have a pig/cow face with inprint boiled egg.

    Thanks daphne!

    Thanks my wok life.

    Rita, I do like hello kitty because it's cute but not crazy with it like must have to own it that kind of way. :)

    Same here Tigerfish. We prefer the piggy one too. They should draw a nose on the cow print too so that it's more obvious.

    Thanks Lore!

  10. Too cute for words! Your kids must love their mealtimes!

  11. Wow good idea ya. I have few of that at home too and didnt know what is the usage apart from shaping the rice. Now I know. Hehehe

  12. Yea, I wanted to get a set too but couldn't find a place that sells them cheaper..heheh

  13. Thanks holler! :)

    Thanks Sig! :)

    Hahaha Sue, now you know right? I need to try it with boiled egg next. ;)

    Yes Ms._2 be, $4/pair is the cheapest I have seen thus far. But, I haven't seen any of these in the store this year though.


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