Monday, January 02, 2012

Stir-Fried Dried Anchovies (Meddruchi Bokkeum)

I tried this soy sauce version at one Korean BBQ buffet place that we went to and was impressed.   It was different from Myulchi Bokkeum and had some green chili on it.  I loved this soy sauce version too so I wanted to recreate it at home.  I added red bell pepper and onion in mine.  You can omit the red bell pepper but don't omit the onion as it went really well with this dish.  This dish can be spicy, it depends on the green chili that you use and how hot they are.  My green chili was not hot at all so it didn't turn out spicy but sweet and savory.  I duplicated it pretty well and close to the one that I had tried.  My hubby finished the whole bowl!!  Luckily I saved some away for bibimbap the next day.  This is part of a banchan or side dish of a typical Korean meal.  Enjoy!  And as you know I welcome feedback.  :)


  • 1 cup dried anchovies, rinse and let dry
  • 1/4 red bell pepper, thinly slice (optional)
  • 1 small (or 1/2 large) yellow onion, thinly slice
  • 4 green chili, half (you can use Serrano or Jalapeno)
  • 2 tsp. minced garlic
  • 2 tsp. minced scallion
  • 3 Tbsp. light soy sauce
  • 2 Tbsp. light brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. toasted sesame seeds


1.  In a small bowl, add in soy sauce and brown sugar, stir to melt the sugar.  Set aside.

2.  Heat up your wok, add a little cooking oil.  When hot, add in the washed anchovies.  Stir-fry until brown and crispy.  Scoop to one side, add in more oil if needed.  Add in the onion, red bell pepper and green chili.  Stir-fry until soften.  Then, mixed with the anchovies.

3.  Add in minced garlic and scallion, stir-fry well.   Pour in the soy sauce mixture.  Mix well and let the sauce thicken.  Lastly add in the sesame seeds, mix well and serve.


  1. Def one of my favourite Korean banchans! Love how you added more colour to the dish as well :)

  2. I need to buy a lot of anchovies to make this cos it is such a light dish.

  3. I love this dish, too. Are the anchovies already salted? Do they have unsalted version at the stores? Thanks.

  4. one of my favourite dishes, I used to add peanut :)

  5. Goodness I simply adore this, you know I have this strong weakness for salty food besides anchovies, dried fish is also up there on my list. Just that I have learned to cut down because with age catching up, I am afraid of high salt contend in my body.

  6. I love it how korean shows and food inspire you. This looks so authentic. I feel like I am a fan of it already!!

  7. Thanks Smoky Wok, this is one of my favorites too. :)

    You were right Tigerfish! Luckily I found a store in Denver that sells anchovies from Malaysia. :)

    Wendy, I am not sure there is a unsalted version of dried anchovies since the salt acted as a preservative right? But you can wash it really well to get rid of the salty taste.

    Retno, peanut sounds great in this dish. Thanks!

    Nava, yup we definitely have to be more careful as what we eat as we grow older (especially after 30). Occasional treat would be fine. ;)

    Daphne, try it! It's really good!

  8. interesting dish! I am gonna try since we love anchovies!

  9. This anchovies dish looks delicious...never made anchovies this way...I just need a bowl of white rice to go with it :-)
    Happy New Year!

  10. I'm not a fan of anchovies but this dish seems pretty good

  11. This is my fav and eat lots of these whenever I go to a Korean restaurant. I will bookmark this recipe and make them at home.

  12. This is one of my favourite banchan! You seem cooking a lot of Korean foods lately, i should call you as Korean food sifu, hehehe..Thanks for sharing.


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