Friday, December 30, 2011

Korean Barbecue Meal

I have this electric grill for about 13 years.  This is by far the best home shopping network product that I had bought.  I used to sit at home and watch the home shopping network all day, I didn't know what got into me at that time but I seriously watched it all the times and knew the names of the hosts!!  Of course, I got tempted and bought some things from them and this was one of them.  But this was the best buy ever, the rest I didn't even want to talk about it. :D

I used it to grill our Malaysian satay and now I used it for my Korean BBQ too.  How convenient!  As you can see, I went all out for my banchan.  I wanted to make pa muchim (scallion salad) too but decided not because I got lazy.  :P

Banchan from top right clockwise, unless otherwise noted:  pickled radish, cucumber & carrot, seasoned spinach, seasoned mungbean sprout, spicy Korean radish, seasoned spicy chayote, spicy cucumber salad, red pepper sauce (for dipping), stir-fried soy sauce anchovies, red leaf lettuces (for wrapping).  Served with barley brown rice. 

Recipes for the new banchan and barley brown rice will be shared in my blog later.  Otherwise, look under the label Korean, you will see the recipes I have already posted.  I marinated some thinly sliced chicken breast in my special sauce for this grill.


  1. Looks like a totally worthwhile investment!

  2. totally delicious!!

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy 2012 and may all good things come to you!

  3. waaaa! i want that grill pan, and talking about k-fever, i am going to watch SNSD concert in january! so exciteddddddd

  4. love your electric grill!! mine is propane:( Happy New Year 2012!!

  5. hahhaa.. I know about impulse purchases!! Looks like this is a good one for sure- so many good uses! Hope your family had a great time enjoying this bbq! Happy New year and more to come Ching!! I'm so glad I got to know you through your blog.

  6. My husband and I had something similar yesterday, it's nothing Korean but we also used an electric grill to have 'raclette' -you grill the meat and then eat it with different types of sauce. Underneath the grill there are little pans where you can cook your vegetables with cheese :). Happy New Year 2012 :)!!

  7. Everything looks so good! Look at all those delicious Korean side dishes! Wishing you the very best in 2012!

  8. Thank you ladies, have a great 2012 too! :)

  9. I did not know you were such a fan of the shopping network (that you even know all the hosts' names)! :p

    Anyway, it is a good buy if you put it to good use. My bad habit is that - sometimes I buy on impulse and then don't use the product. :(


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