Monday, January 03, 2011

Baked Chicken Fries

Evy's school cafeteria was offering chicken fries as a menu one day.  So I let her had her lunch at school.  She came back and told me it was baked and the chicken was cut to resemble fries.  She requested me to make it for her at home because she liked it.  I liked the idea that it was baked and not fried.  So, I told her I was going to make it for her but mommy version.  She said she liked mine better than the school.  Haha... I was not sure she said that to make me happy or what, but she certainly confirmed that mommy version was better.  Perhaps she liked the crunch that the panko gave.  If you don't have panko at home, you can use crushed cornflakes for the coating as I did here.

Do enjoy this healthy chicken fries!!


  • Skinless boneless chicken breast, slice into long thin strips
  • EVOO (extra virgin olive oil or any cooking oil)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Poultry seasonings
  • Large eggs
  • Panko (Japanese bread crumbs)


1.  In a bowl, add in sliced chicken strips.  Mix in EVOO, poultry seasonings and salt and pepper.  Mix well.

2.  Break eggs in a bowl (one or two eggs depending on how many chicken strips you have), beat well.

3.  Spread panko in a plate.

4.  Preheat oven to 400'F.  Lined a baking sheet/pan with foil for easy clean up.

5.  Take one piece of chicken strip, dip in egg and then coat with panko.  Then place it on the foil baking sheet.  Finish the rest.

6.  Bake for 15-20 minutes or until chicken is cooked.  You can broil it for 3 minutes to brown it a little.


  1. great idea, and of course more healthy :)

  2. Ooooh! My kind of dish, it's so healthilicious!

  3. looks nice and i agree, healthy too. I love panko breadcrumb , it just givesnthat crunch that normal breadcrumb doesnt...=) sure ur daughter really thinks that urs are better. Mummy's foods are always d best.

  4. What a fun recipe. Looks wonderful.

  5. I like the idea of chicken fries, especially when it's baked :D

  6. And I bet yours is FAR FAR tastier and healthier. These look sooooo good. I'd sneak them in to the movies.

  7. We can exchange the chicken fries and fish sticks, shall we? ;p

  8. i always love baked version of fried yummies ;)

  9. Hmmm did you pack lunch for Evy? I think this day all school have healthy version lunch for children.I just paid for Mishu lunch at school,save time and work for me! haha! lazy mommmy!!

  10. Normally, I'm not one to eat these type of things, but if you gave me a plate of those, I would definitely gobble it all up. :)

  11. at first, I thought u meant chips coated with chicken salt! then i read the recipe and realised what u meant. LOL home made is definitely better!

  12. I like your baked version. Definitely a healthier choice!! They look yum too! ;)

  13. This sounds delicious!

    I've got to try some on a rainy day!

  14. hihi this looks good. But may i know what is poultry seasoning?

  15. Poultry seasonings is a blend of spices for poultry that sold in a bottle. It has black pepper, salt, coriander and sage. If you can't get this at your area, just use your own seasonings. :)


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