Thursday, December 30, 2010

Asian Sweet Soybean Milk

Like many Asian who are used to the Asian sweet soybean milk, I cannot stomach the American soybean milk.  What worst is most soybeans produced in the U.S. is GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) product.  Anyway, it doesn't matter to me as I don't like the American soybean milk anyway.  I buy my dried soybeans at the Asian grocery store here as it was imported from other Asian countries. I remembered I helped my mom made soybean milk before but I forgot how easy it is to make our own.  Until I saw Noobcook's soybean post.  I was like wow it is very easy to make our own sweet soybean milk at home.

I measured the amount I used to give my readers a guide.  1 cup of dried soybeans made 1 pitcher of soybean milk for me.  I keep it in the refrigerator because I like it cold.  It should be able to keep for a few days in the refrigerator.  If you like to make your own American style soybean milk, just omit the rock sugar.


  • 1 cup dried soybeans
  • 1/2 cup Asian small white crystal sugar (pin tang)
  • Water
  • A powerful blender
  • 1 piece of cheese cloth
  • 1 fine sieve


1.  Wash the soybeans until water runs clear.  Soak it in water overnight or until triple in size.

2.  Strain the soybeans.  My 1 cup of dried soybeans now measure about 3 cups expanded soften soybeans.

3.  Put 1 cup of expanded soybeans in the blender, add in 3 cups of water.  Chop, Mix and Liquefy the mixture until well blended.  Pour into a prepared bowl with a big sieve and a piece of cheese cloth on top.  Strain the mixture.  Repeat 2 more times.  

4.  Squeeze the pulp inside the cheese cloth as best as you can to bring out more liquid.  I strain the soybean milk two more times through the fine sieve to make sure it is cleared of pulp.

5.  Pour the soybean milk in a pot and boil in medium heat.  Then turn to low to simmer for 10 minutes to remove the strong smell of raw soybeans and toxin.  Lastly add in the crystal sugar, stir until dissolve.  Turn off heat and serve warm or cold.  Keep leftover in the refrigerator to be enjoyed throughout the day.  I made 1 pitcher like you see in the picture.  Enjoy!


  1. I think the GMO stuff is why I can't drink soymilk in the U.S. It makes my throat itch like crazy!

  2. I love to make my own soybean milk too. Not only it's easy, we can also use organic beans to make it. As it is without preservative, I usually consume it within 1-2 days.

  3. I know! I'm amazed how easy it is too.. just that need time to do it!

  4. Some soybeans from asian countries are GMOs too.

  5. I want some soy milk now!!Mishu love soy bean milk but I'm lazy to make myself..The one I bought in asian market don't stay too long in fridge..Each time I drink the bought one I get several headache,dunno why this happened..wish I can soy milk machine like you!!

  6. One of my fave drink, luckily there's a good one near home so I don't have to make my own :p

    Wishing you and your family a splendid year ahead with good tidings coming your way. Happy New Year!

  7. You reminded me of those Silk brands of American soy bean milk I see in the grocery stores. I never buy them though cos it contains funny ingredients which I know is supposed to preserve the soymilk a lil' bit longer. I like unsweetened version.

  8. i like mine cold with a bit of ginger flavor. my helper knows how to make soybean milk but i should not be too lazy and give it a try myself eh? i am too spoiled these days!

    happy new year to you and your loved ones! cheers!

  9. I love your version of soybean milk and the fact that's homemade! Happy New Year!

  10. oh boy, i really miss soya bean milk :)

  11. Cool...! You made your own soy milk, I always buy mine ;). Happy New Year 2011 :)!

  12. I didn't even know the soybeans in US are GMO. Thanks for the informative post! This asian version sure looks delicious and healthy !

  13. I love thick soy milk, which is almost impossible to find on the shelves nowadays. maybe making my own is the only solution. :P

  14. I've never drank the American type before, but I think I'd prefer the Asian type too. Thanks for the mention and happy 2011 :)


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