Monday, December 27, 2010

Pumpkin Cheesecake

I wanted to try a pumpkin cheesecake ever since I tried it few years ago.  It was a store bought frozen kind and it was so good, the memory just stick with me.  I actually prefer the duo version where there was part white and part pumpkin cheesecake.  However, it sort of ended out this way.

You can use graham crackers instead of ginger snap cookies if you like.  Omit the nuts if you prefer. 

Look at my crack cheesecake!!!  This was my first cheesecake and it cracked badly.  Note to self, never offer to bring a whole cheesecake for a party or potluck because you never know how it would turn out.  If you have great tips on baking a non-crack cheesecake, feel free to share with this cheesecake amateur here.  :-)

Recipe adapted from Kraft Foods with slight modification.

Make an 8-inch cheesecake:


  • 19 ginger snaps
  • 1/8 cup walnuts  (1/8 cup is half of 1/4 cup)
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, melted
  • 2 pkg. (8oz. each) cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup (7.5 oz.) can pumpkin
  • 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 2 large eggs


1.  Preheat oven to 325'F.

2.  In a food processor, add in ginger snaps and walnuts, process until fine.  Pour in the melted butter and pulse a few times to mix.  Pour into a 8-inch springform pan and press at the bottom of the springform pan evenly.

3.  In a large bowl, beat together softened cream cheese and sugar until well blended.  Add in pumpkin, spices and vanilla, beat well.  Lastly, add eggs, one at a time and beat until blended.  Pour into prepared crust.

4.  Lined a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place under the cheesecake to catch any drip.  Bake for 45-55 minutes or until center is almost set.  ( I baked mine for 60 minutes and my cheesecake cracked, my friend told me I might be over baked, so if you are making this, check your cheesecake at 45 minutes, 50 mins. and so on) How to know if the cheesecake is done?  You gently shake the pan, if the cheesecake is done, the edge should be slightly puffed and it will be set except for a small area in the center that will be soft and jiggly.  Do not insert a knife into the center as this may cause the cheesecake to crack during cooling.

5.  Loosen cake from rim of pan, cool before removing rim.  Refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving.


  1. Lovely treat!
    I hope you had great Christmas and very happy 2011
    Ciao, Barbaraxx

  2. That cheesecake looks delicious! I'm sure the tasters won't mind the crack because the cheesecake probably tastes awesome. As for the crack, I think it can be avoided by baking it in a water bath, but this recipe didn't ask for one so I'm not 100% sure. I can't wait to see you try out more cheesecakes though. :) Happy Holidays

  3. wow a christmas cheesecake, fabulous! :) so creamy!

  4. Great job! You sure it's your first?

  5. Could it be better if you bake it over water-bath? I'm not very sure, since I never bake cheese cake before. Just suggesting. :)

  6. Another pumpkin bake! I had not been checking if the supermarts hv canned pumpkins on sale! i better go soon...

  7. It looks soft and good! What matters is the taste not the looks. Looks can be camouflaged with icing etc.

  8. I'm sure despite the crack, it tasted wonderful! Remember, you can always cover the crack up with whipped cream or fresh fruit! No one will even be the wiser!

  9. Crack makes it look more rustic and beautiful, would love a slice :p

  10. Wow...pumpkin cheesecake! Looks delicious. never mind the crack...I will eat all :P Making cheesecake looks very challenging to me. Hope to try someday. Thanks very much for sharing. Happy Holidays!

  11. i feel your pain! My cheesecakes cracked too. I find that when it is done. I leave it in the oven for a while w/o opening the oven door. Then i leave the oven door ajar (propped it using a wooden spoon)...and leave it to cool completely, the cracks lessen.

  12. I'd put a pan of hot water below the shelf where you put your cheesecake pan in the oven, and also bake at 200 or 250 instead of 350. Takes a little longer, but your cheesecake won't crack. If it cracks, you can always cut it into slices first before taking them to the party.

  13. Hi!

    I tried baking a Blueberry Cheesecake for my nephew's birthday last week. It was my first time baking a cheesecake and it turned out to be soooo damn goood!! It didn't crack and tasted perfect!

    Before you bake, wrap your pan with 2 layers of aluminium foil. put it on a tray of water and bake.(use the water bath technique) You can read more tips on how to bake a perfect cheesecake from

    Just want to share my victory of baking a cheesecake without failing! Good luck!!

  14. I've found that making my cheesecake filling in a food processor has resulted in no cracking for my last couple of cheesecakes. The food processor doesn't beat as much air into the filling. I bake it at 325F until the sides are set and the center is jiggly, about an hour. Then i turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door open to cool slowly. Once it's almost completely cooled, i put it in the refrigerator. i've found that a water bath doesn't really help because cake still cracks when cooled too quickly.

  15. Thanks for the tips Ema and Anon. Will give it a try.

  16. I found your blog when searching for a pumpkin cake recipe.

    I have LOTS of experience baking cheesecakes. I realize this post is from last fall, but I wanted to let you in on my tips for "no cracks". Yes, the cracks come from over baking. Remove your cheesecake from the oven while the center 3 inches are jiggly. Also, when incorporating your eggs, do them last after all the other ingredients have been added. Unless you are stirring in some add-ins like choc chips, chopped candy, pieces of brownie, etc. Be sure to only mix the eggs just until they are incorporated well. Mixing too much air in your cheesecake causes it to puff up while baking and then falling. That causes the ridge around the cheesecake.

    I'm looking forward to perusing your recipes!!!

  17. Hi Di, thank you so much for your tips. It will certainly help in my next cheesecake attempt. :)


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