Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Braised Five Layers Pork with Extra Firm Tofu

I made the above to bring to a friend's potluck gathering.  I took a chance and bought the Five Layers Pork to make this.  Honestly, it was the best thing to do as the fat would melt-in-your-mouth and blended so well with the meat and oh so good.  Yes, I know it was sinful but I never buy this for our own family consumption so this was just an indulgent once in a blue moon.  I actually threw away some extra fat while slicing the meat which I kind of regretted because the other party really liked it.  Oops!

I used the extra firm tofu to braise with the sauce and it turned out so well marinated as the flavor of the sauce all went into the tofu.  Since I simmered the tofu in the sauce, it turned soft and oh so flavorful.

The recipe of this braised dish can be found here.  I had made this numerous times and it was all good.  I started to miss this dish already.


  1. This looks so good. I love the kind of fat that melts in your mouth.

  2. My daughter would love this dish, she adores tofu.

  3. My mom like to make this type of lor bak too during festive season. She normally add some eggs to it.

  4. Woah, how can throw away the fat? It is the essence :) .....nice to add in extra firm tofu - they look almost like the braised pork.

  5. What is Five Layer Pork? Do you cook the pork and the tofu at the same time? Thanks.

  6. this is so mouth-watering! I like this dish too and I just had it few days ago :)

  7. My husband's drool could fill a bucket! LOL! He loves this type of dish! The more fat, the better to him!

  8. Me too Belinda, so sinful but yet sooo good.

    Joy, I am sure she will because the sauce all seep into the tofu and making the tofu so flavorful. My girls loved it too.

    Gert, I probably add some eggs next time. ;)

    Hahaha Tigerfish. Ok lor, learned a lesson here, save all the fat. :D

    Wendy, you can only get this pork in the Asian market. It consists of a layer of skin, fat, meat, fat and meat. So five layers total. I braised the pork first, probably 3-4 hours until it was tender. Then, I took out the meat and added in the tofu and let it braised for 45 mins-1 hour or until the sauce thicken.

    Jess, it is indeed mouth-watering. Looking at the picture and I am missing it. :P

    Haha busygran, I can totally understand. :)

  9. oh!! this look good!! I like pork belly too but seldom cook coz too fatty!!

  10. Delicious! I love the way this comes together...and so easily too. It's the molecules in fat that really carries the flavor...that's why fat free food has to be "beefed up" with sugar...no taste otherwise!


  11. that sounds sooo soo soo awesome! with the melt in your mouth pork..
    u r right, it is sinful but then when we do eat, we can just appreciate it right?

  12. Thanks for the simple yet awesome recipe! I cooked this just now and my boyfriend loved it. Due to time constraint I didn't braise it as long though. Would definitely add eggs in it the next time I cook this! :)

  13. Les, I totally understand what you meant.

    Thanks Jessica.

    Yes Daphne. :)

    You are welcome Adeline. I loved this recipe too, so good.


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