Thursday, September 09, 2010

Salmon Cauliflower Porridge

Evy was having a fever last week and I didn't think much about it.  Fed her some Tylenol and expected her fever to go away soon.  We had a potluck picnic in the day and she had been under the hot sun a lot playing and I thought her fever was caused by the heat.  Then, I noticed a suspicious looking bug bite on her leg which had gotten worst, red and swollen.  And her fever hadn't gotten any better, it had been up and down.  So, we took her to see her pediatrician since she was absent from school for three days in a row.  He prescript us antibiotic to treat the infected bug bite.   2 days after the antibiotic, I saw that the infected bug bite was clearing.  She was back to her normal self too.  But we have to take the antibiotic for 10 days.

I made this porridge for her with the thought that it was easier for her to digest.  It was really sweet with the drumsticks and dried scallops added into cooking this porridge.  She only had a bowl of this and after that she asked for rice.  She told me she didn't like porridge and much prefer rice.  Oh well...  Ended out I was the one that was enjoying the porridge!


  • 1 salmon fillet, slice into pieces
  • 1 carrot, slice
  • 1 bowl of cauliflower, about 1.5-2 cups
  • 3 dried scallops, rinsed and soften in warm water, reserved water
  • 2 drumsticks
  • 1/2 cup of washed rice
  • Salt to taste


1.  In a pot, add in sufficient water, scallop water, washed rice and drumsticks.  Let it boil.

2.  When boiling, add in dried scallop, cauliflower and carrot.  Turn the heat to low, covered and let it simmer.  About an hour.

3.  Keep stirring occasionally.  Add more water if dry out.  Simmer until the porridge is formed.

4.  Add in pieces of salmon and covered.  Let it cook the salmon.  Season to taste with salt.  Lightly stir the porridge.

5.  Add a dash or two of white peppers powder before serving.


  1. Looks like a perfect congee type dish to me!! Glad the little one is better.

  2. I nvr had cauliflower in porridge b4, looks delicious

  3. Hope Evy's better now. Luckily you were observant and noticed the bite. Amazing how you can think up of these combination for porridge! I would have just boiled plain and poured soy sauce. ;P

  4. Very nutritious and nourishing! I don't mind eating this anytime.

  5. i've never used salmon in porridge, sounds fusion to me :D

  6. Glad Evy is well :) wonder what kind of bug is that :O ....
    Never tried this combination of porridge before but I bet it is delicious cos I like to steam my salmon and cauliflower together and I like it!

  7. Congee is such a comforting dish, something that my mum would make me as well when I was sick. I love mine with chicken.

  8. Thanks Kathy. She is well now. :)

    Thanks Jess, I used to add cauliflower to make baby porridge for my girls because it mashed easily.

    Hahaha Ju, my Evy is quite a picky eater. So, have to be creative!

    Busygran, me too, I really enjoy this porridge, so sweet and nutritious. I got to finish the rest of the porridge, haha...lucky for me.

    Really babe? Hehe... it's very good in porridge. Try it!

    Yeah Tigerfish, I wonder too but no one knows, not even the doc.

    Cooking Gallery, comfort food when we were sick, definitely.

  9. glad your daughter is better. what a comforting bowl of porridge, I want some too :)

  10. I am not able to find super fine salt like they have in Asia. I used to put some in the porridge and it dissolve right away? Any suggestions? Thanks.

  11. Anon, I used kosher salt or sea salt grinder, so imagine how big my salt is. Anyway, I don't see a reason to use super fine salt.


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