Saturday, September 04, 2010

Oven Steamed Tom Yam Salmon

I loved to use my oven to steam fish.  It was fast and cleaning up was easy.  That's why I named my fish oven steamed tom yam salmon.  I always oven steamed my fish with Teriyaki sauce, miso paste, Chinese soy sauce,  yellow bean paste and I wanted a change.  I was getting bored with the same old way of steaming fish after a while.  And I thought I could try it with Tom Yam paste, but not just the paste alone as I wanted some kick.  So, I added an extra sauce in there to make it better.  Read more to find out.

I likes this as it was a little spicy, a little sour and went really well with rice.  Took less than 15 minutes and you would have a delicious dinner waiting for you. 


2 pieces of salmon fillets
2 Tbsp. of tom yam paste
1 Tbsp. of chili paste with soy bean oil
1 Tbsp. of hot water
1 Tbsp. of key lime juice

Cilantro leaves for garnish, cut cilantro stem for steaming together with fish


1.  In a bowl, mix together tom yam paste, hot water, chili paste in soy bean oil.  Set aside.

2.  Rinse salmon.  In a baking pan, line a piece of aluminum foil, big enough to cover the salmons.  Add two pieces of salmon fillets on the aluminum foil, spread the top with the prepared paste and cilantro stems.  Add the lime juice.  Then, wrap the foil to seal the fish.  It has to be completely sealed.

3.  Put into a preheated 450'F oven and bake for 10-15 minutes.  How long depends on how thick your fillets are.

4.  When done, take it out of the oven, carefully open the foil and garnish it with cilantro.  Serve hot!


  1. now this is interesting, I wonder how it would taste? :)

  2. This looks so delicious. I love to try. Is it possible for you to show us a picture of your brand of tom yam paste, chili paste in soy bean oil and key lime juice? I am at a lost of these ingredients. Thanks. Wendy

  3. This is fast and very delicious, and the clean up is minimum too. I love meals like this.

  4. Fantastic idea! I want to try this as well. Drooling at the recipe and photos already.

  5. The sauce or paste that goes onto the fish makes the dish! And your sauce is awesome!

  6. This looks really delicious!! I love steam fish too but haven't tried this style!

  7. Haha BBOven, sourish!

    Hi Wendy, I just took a picture of these three ingredients, will post it up when I uploaded the pictures. Stay tuned for update.

    Noobcook, me too! ;)

    Thanks Ju.

    Thanks busygran.

    Thanks mycookinghut. This style is different. Try it!

  8. Great twist on Tom Yum! looks really good....

  9. Now this looks and sounds really tasty. And easy to clean up is always a fav with me. I happen to have a big piece for my family to makan tomorrow night. Thanks dear once again you saved me.

  10. I can only imagine how delicious it will be to eat with a bowl of steamed rice. I love to cook this way, easy and clean.

  11. Thanks Belinda. :)

    You are welcome Googly. Hope you all enjoy it.

    Thanks baking fiend. :)

    Thanks Charmaine!

  12. This is the kind of almost-minimal-effort yet super-great-tasting dish I love.

  13. What a great idea!!! I want to try this.

  14. I am even lazier than this as I don't like turning on the oven in the summer. I put all the ingredients in an aluminium pan, cover with foil and place in the BBQ. Voila! Have done this with mussels, crabs and lobster. Besides tomyum, have also used (flat or fresh) beer with chopped up garlic and tomatoes/ green onions/corainder and whatever is available!

  15. brilliant idea! totally have to copy hehehehe

  16. Me too Tigerfish, cooked it again yesterday. :P

    Do try, Indo-eat.

    Haha Chris, yours was a great one too! But my grill was broken. :(

    Haha Rita, sure! :)

  17. Thanks for posting a picture of the ingredients. Now I can show them to the store if they don't know what I am talking about.

  18. I found the same Tom Yum Paste and the Chile Paste. I will try it with some fish one day and let you know. Thanks again.

  19. I tried this dish and it came out great! I cut up tilapia fillets for the recipe. It's so easy and quick. Exactly what I need. Thanks.

  20. You are welcome Wendy. Glad you found the ingredients and liked my recipe. Thanks for the feedback. :)


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