Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stir Fried Chicken with Broccoli Stems

You can separate the broccoli from the broccoli steams and make different dishes out of it.  I used the broccoli for my microwave broccoli with butter and thyme and the stems I used in chicken stir-fry.  Nothing is wasted right, I even saved the green leaves on the stem to stir-fry.  I julienne it and if you are not an expert in taste, you might not even know what you are eating, unless the leaf gives you the hint.

I couldn't remember how I cooked this dish already, it had been left in the draft for too long and I couldn't refresh.  Looking at the picture, I don't think it is just oyster sauce, I seriously couldn't recall.  I know I lost a few good ones because of that.  Even I have to refer back to my old recipes to cook a certain dish again.  It was just too many over the years and I realized some of my old favorites I hardly cook it again.  Do you have the same problem?


  1. I don't do enough stir fries!!!!!

  2. I never throw away the steams. I actually prefer the steams rather than the florets :)

  3. wow! great idea to cut the broccoli stems that way...it should soften them wayyy faster. I will follow next time :D

  4. ya, agreed with you, I have the same problem sometime. Thanks for sharing the tips!

  5. I could not even recognize them as broccoli stems after you julienne them this way...I usually slice mine into circular pieces - length wise along the stems.

  6. Oh, very creative use of broccoli stem. I normally dice it and toss through stir-fry as well :)

  7. shame on me, I have been throwing away the stems and cooking only the florets. Shall try your way of slicing one day.


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