Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mom's Crepes

This is the crepes I remembered from home.  One that is plain and sweeten.  My mom used to make this plain crepes for us when we were young and I remembered we all loved it very much.  Did you have this plain crepes before?  When I came over here, I was actually surprised that American served their crepes differently, with so many condiments and fresh fruits.

Now, I made it occasionally for my girls (no school day).  As you know, fortified cereal with milk is the easiest breakfast to serve kids in America.  We don't have a pasar pagi (morning open market) to go to buy the kuih-muih, nasi lemak, porridge, or whatever goodies the market sells.  So, I just give them what is convenient and also healthy for them.  Even though most cereals that my kids liked are probably sweet but it is still better for them since all have been fortified with vitamins and minerals and they had it with milk.


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1 cup milk


1.  Mix all ingredients together and stir until smooth.

2.  Heat up a wok or non-stick pan.  Add a little oil to coat.  Add in a scoop of batter, swirl the batter to cover the pan.  Make the crepes as thin as possible.  Cook on both sides until done.

3.  Roll up and serve.  We have it plain in my mom's home as sugar is already added.  Of course you can add jam, Nutella, peanut butter, whipped cream, banana, berries or whatever you desired.


  1. Thanks for the recipe, I was going to look one up to make a savory crepe with some leftover rotisserie chicken. Yum!

  2. Oh yes ... that do bring back lots of memory. My mom used to make this often when I was little and I love it very much. It's very different from the French ones. :)

  3. Simple but so delicious! What a lovely memory to pass along.

  4. My mom also made these crepes for us. Now they are my nieces and nephews's favourite too! Yours looks so beautiful. Must be very tasty!

  5. hello, I love your mom's crepe. It looks very similar to my mom's home style pancake. However, we Malaysian Chinese served with Kaya, a kind of caramel~

  6. Brings back memories to when I was a kid. My mum used to make them quite often. Sometimes she would spread peanut butter or jam and roll them up.

  7. My mom used to make this type of crepes for when we were young. She usually added some sheredded coconut to it for the sweet ones and as for the savory she will add a bit of dried shrimps and chives to it.

  8. My mom did this crepe for us too, when we were young, Thanks for bring back my sweet memories!

  9. You're welcome Mother Rimmy. What a great idea to roll it with rotisserie chicken. :)

    Cooking Ninja, same here!

    Thanks Belinda. My girls loved this too, hope they will pass it down to their kids.

    Thanks F4T.

    Chenboon, what a great idea to serve it with kaya too.

    busygran, guess it's pretty common for moms in Malaysia to cook this crepes too huh?

    Wow Gert, another great idea to add shredded coconut, I would never thought of that. I never tried savory crepes before, with dried shrimps and chives, have to try that some time.

    You're welcome Sonia. It's really a childhood food for most of us. :)

  10. Thanks for the recipe...
    My mom used to make them quite often when I was a kid..

  11. This crepes reminds me well with my mom coz she often made closely similar to this. She just added some peanut butters but I love chocolate syrup.

  12. Does it taste like poh piah skin, but more sweet than savoury? Yours look really thin and yummy :)

  13. wa~ i want to try...hope i wont fail :D

  14. Hi Little corner of mine,

    I stumbled across your entry on "siew mai" and love what i saw!!! my husband is craxyover siew mais but its really difficult to get nice authentic ones where we are at (Abu Dhabi).
    I was trying to find the recipe to ur entry but cant find any.. Would it be possible for u to email me the recipe? Many thanks in advance!

  15. I had mine like an "apam" version when young. I guess it would be called a sweet crepe then.

  16. Thanks for this recipe. I tried them at dinner tonight using our wok. Turned out great! According to my husband I can add this to the list of things I make often. :) ~Jessica

  17. You are so welcome Lin, enjoy!

    Gabriel, sounds great with chocolate syrup.

    Noobcook, it's not like poh piah skin, the taste and texture are different, more like crepe.

    Rita, good luck! :)

    Hi lucretia, I will type up the recipe at my siaw mai post when I am free, should be up later today. :)

    Yes Jo, my mom also called it "apam". :)

    Hi Jessica, thanks for the feedback, I am really happy to learn that your family liked it. :)

  18. I love crepes. My dad would make them everytime I would visit.

  19. Have not tried such crepes before. My childhood was deprived!

  20. gee this really jog my memory, yes yes my mom made these for us too!

  21. The simplicity of these crepes remind me of the crepes I'd get on Parisian streets! GREG

  22. Thanks for your recipe. I tried it with wholemeal flour and low fat milk and it was great and very healthy!

    Hai Wei

  23. Thanks for your feedback Hai Wei, so glad you liked it. I used 1% low fat milk too, but I certainly want to try your wholemeal flour version. :)

  24. Thanks for the recipe, I was going to look one up to make a savory crepe with some leftover rotisserie chicken. Yum! looking forward.

  25. This one is my favourite. It's a childhood memory. It's the one that my mom used to make.

  26. I would never thought of that. I never tried savory crepes before, with dried shrimps and chives, have to try that some time.

  27. I've always had trouble with these; they come out good, but never perfect. For sweet crepes, use 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla.

  28. I never tried savory crepes before, with dried shrimps and chives, have to try that some time, You're welcome Sonia. It's really a childhood food for most of us, thanx for sharing.

  29. I find very informative on your post, really thank you for sharing those stuff and I enjoy doing your recipe at home. I'm looking forward to read and learn about your recipes.

  30. This recipe is great! So easy! And they taste absolutely great on their own or with pretty much anything. Love it! (:

  31. Your post looks really sweet. I'm sure its sweeter to be prepared in the breakfast. Thank you.

  32. I am catering an event and have recommend chicken salad crepes for the menu. However, I have not seen these crepes in some time. They are like silver dollar size or smaller, already prepared and ready for stuffing. Any idea where I can find these or is there a website where I can order them?

  33. I used 1% low fat milk too, but I certainly want to try your wholemeal flour version, thanx for the share.


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