Sunday, April 18, 2010

Almond Konnayaku Jelly

I promised my girls to make them some Konnyaku jelly.  I always made the konnyaku jelly to bring to friend's house or party and my girls always complaint that they never got to eat it.  Poor thing right?  So, this time I made it all for them.  I have a canned of evaporated milk and I loved almond jelly so decided to make it almond jelly.  I added slightly more water so that it was not as chewy as usually we liked our almond jelly soft.  Almond jelly was best served with mixed fruits or canned longan (picture shown) or lychee.  It was a great party favorite dessert too.  Truly delicious!

If you don't have the konnyaku jelly, just use the normal plain jelly powder and added some evaporated milk or milk and almond essence.  Usually the milk is an added on as this almond jelly should be enjoyed soft.  Read the direction at the back of the box and change according to package direction.


1 package of Redman Konnayaku jelly powder (10oz)
1 cup of white sugar
950ml water
150ml evaporated milk
1.5 tsp. almond essence


1.  In a bowl, mix together the jelly powder and sugar.  Set aside.

2.  In a large saucepan, boil the water and evaporated milk.  When almost boiling, add in 1 above, stir to dissolve the sugar.  When boiling, turn the heat off and keep stirring until bubbles become less.

3.  Pour into prepared konnyaku jelly molds.  If not, just pour into a rectangular pyrex pan or any deep shallow pan would do.  Let cool.

4.  Put in the refrigerator to harden, at least an hour.  Open a canned of longan or lychee and serve with this almond jelly.


  1. My daughter likes konnyaku jelly very much that I think she can eat that whole bowl! When I go back for holiday again, I'll have to buy a lot to bring here. It's my favourite.

  2. a great light dessert after meals for sure. I like how u made almon jelly using konnyaku- would have not thought of that! to mix them up.

  3. My dad loves these - maybe I'll give a go for him one day.

  4. that looks sooo good! i want jelly!

  5. nice dessert, my daugther loves this!

  6. This is like my childhood favorite dessert ;p

  7. I love this combination of jelly and longan. A refreshing dessert after a heavy meal.

  8. This looks so refreshing, perfect dessert for a hot day.

  9. Canned longan! I love! (Also canned lychee) :)

  10. I love almond with longans. It's been some time since I have this yummy dessert.

  11. my kid don't really appreciate almond, but for me, this look interesting!

  12. I wanna make this for my children. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'd like to link your blog to mine.

  13. Your jelly molds are so pretty! Usually when I make this, I just put it in a large pan and then cut them up into small squares.

  14. I never had konnyaku jelly but I love almond jello. Especially when it is with lychee.

  15. Same here MaryMoh, I always bought the whole box. :P

    Daphne, because I only have Konnyaku powder at home. :P

    Belinda, YEAH! Father's day is coming! ;)

    Thanks pineapple man.

    Thanks Pete, my daughters too. :)

    Tigerfish, what about now? ;)

    Agreed Ling. We loved it!

    Yup homemaker! :)

    Me too Rita, another I liked is the canned rambutan with pineapple. :)

    Haha noobcook, it's time to make some? ;)

    That's a pity Sonia, but other flavor jelly would do lah!

    You're welcome Tata.

    Kirbie, that's the usual method but I'm trying something different mah. :P

    Joy, you will love this!

  16. you always make pretty jello!! must get more cute mould when go back Msia

  17. the jelly looked sexy while the longan looked charming and want both of them! :) the devilish in me!

  18. Hi,

    Red man Konnayaku jelly powder comes in two different types - one with malic acid added and another one without. Did you use the one without the malic acid?



  19. Yes Lesley, you really must go to buy those cute jelly molds when you go back. It's a must for me! Hehehe...

    Hehe BBOven.

    Hi K, yes I bought the one without it.

  20. This is one of my favorite dessert dishes. I've been wanting a recipe.

  21. Don't have logan at home. do think this will taste good with Mix fruit? i am preparing this for this weekend BBQ party ;)

  22. Yes Cocoa, goes well with mixed fruit too, I did that before. :)


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