Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stir Fried Tang Hoon (Glass Noodle) with Ground Pork

I out did myself as this plate of fried tang hoon (glass noodle) was so delicious!  I added my secret ingredient, minced anchovies just to test how it would turn out.  The glass noodle was not broken into pieces and the bean sprout was crunchy and everything just came so well together.  I used chives because I saw a Chinese cooking show which said chives was really good for our body as it had the ability to clean the poison out of your body system. Listening to that I was sold, we needed to eat more chives from now on.  Chives seem to be very easy to plant here during summer.  Guess I will have more chives recipes coming out too.

My plate of fried glass noodle with ground pork!  Another secret ingredients is the fried eggs, you got to have eggs in this to bring out the overall flavor.  The glass noodle I used for this stir-fry is called Special Grade Bean Thread from China.  It has two red dragons on the cover.  I added it here so that next time I would know which brand to get for stir-fry, if my memory served me right, this brand is not expansive.

I'm sharing this noodle with Presto Pasta Nights, an event created by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast This week host is Cynthia, The Kitchen Slave! Check out her delicious round up on April, 23rd!


  • 1 package of glass noodle (250gm), soften in tap water.
  • 1 bowl of bean sprouts, washed
  • 1 small carrot, julienne
  • 6 stalks of chives, cut into 1 inch length
  • 1/4 cup of dried anchovies, rinsed and minced
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 lb. of ground pork
  • 2 large eggs, beaten

  • Soy sauce (Kikkoman)
  • Sweet dark soy sauce (ABC brand)
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Sesame oil (Kadoya)
  • White pepper


1.  Heat up a wok, when heated, add in oil.  When hot, add in half of the minced anchovies and garlic, stir-fry until fragrant.  Add in ground pork and stir-fry for a while.  Add in carrot and chives and stir-fry until pork is cooked.  Dish out and place on a plate, set aside.

2.  In the same wok, heat up some oil.  When heated, add in the rest of the minced anchovies and garlic.  Stir-fry until fragrant, add in beaten eggs.  Stir-fry and add in soften glass noodle with a little water.  Use a chopstick to mix well.

3.  Add in 1 and sauce, stir-fry until well blended.  Lastly add in bean sprouts, give it a few quick stir and adjust sauce to taste.  Serve hot.


  1. first time come here . your cook look really delicious .. nice

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. This time you really did outdo yourself. And in my humble opinion, that's very hard to do.

    This one is glorious, so thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  3. It sure looks good but I am not a fan of chives.

  4. This look so delicious! I always order a plate of this when we take steamboat in outside restaurant!

  5. stir fried tang hoon is the best! haven't had it for some time, I've not added anchovies before, sounds good!

  6. I like tang hun with lots of chilly like char kueh teow....nice!

  7. What is anchovies? Kind of dried fish?

  8. lovely i just love having this type of glass noodle, the korean ones can also beas exciting, thicker!

  9. yum! I love chives too. And the texture is perfect with tang hoon for sure!

  10. With chives and glass noodles, it can be filling to some kind of dumplings - those Taiwanese 韭菜盒子 ...the fillings are like chopped chives, eggs and glass noodles.

    But I heard chives are not good for women who are breastfeeding leh.....reduce the supply of breast milk !!! dunno if it's true :O

  11. yummy! i've been seeing glass noodles posts this week and so want to have some. yum yum

  12. My mom used to make tang hoon for us but I never try cooking it myself. Thanks for the reminder of this dish :)

  13. Thanks Wallace. Welcome to my blog. :)

    SIG, I was not a fan of chives before too, it's like eating grass to me. LOL! My Chinese friend told me chives is very good for us but I just ignore it. Then, I saw it again in the recent Chinese cooking show and the host said it helped detox 70% of our bodies waste/poison (whatever) and I was sold. She said can prevent cancer too. I don't know lah, just know it's good for us.

    Thanks Ruth. :)

    Thanks Sonia. You can try frying it yourself!

    Yes noobcook, I like it too, next time must try the dark soy sauce version. :P

    With chili would be nice Pete, but because of my girls, I only add sambal chili on the side. :)

    Yes Joyce, it's a small dried fish used in Asian cooking.

    BBOven, I like the Korean one too!

    Daphne, I think can be used in place of scallion.

    Tigerfish, I don't know if that's true or not too. But I have stopped breastfeeding already so no problem for me. Hehehe....

    Rita, go have some. :D

    You are welcome Gert. One of the name of this dish in Malaysia is called "Ants climbing up the tree", interesting leh.

  14. Then I know what you mean. Now I can imagine the taste of this dish, with chopped anchovies and chives that gives surely a unique 'kick' to the fired Tang Hoon. Creative and delicious combination. Well done !!!

  15. Yummy! I cookekd this and devoured the whole plate and then some :) The only question I have is why is the tung hoon lumpy? Meaning they don't separate very well into individual strands but rather exist as a clump?

    Other than that, it's delish! Thanks for sharing.

  16. I love the taste and texture of glass noodles and ground pork is always a great addition. Thanks for submitting to Presto Pasta Nights!

  17. I like glass noodles a lot. Too ButI always turn so hungry very soon after eating them.

  18. Thanks Joyce. :)

    Iris, perhaps it's the brand of tang hoon. I liked this brand which I shared in my blog to remind me to get the same brand. My stir-fried tang hoon was not lumpy at all. Other than that, did you add enough oil?

    Thanks Cynthia and you're welcome.

    Hahaha Anh, you must not eaten enough, because this can be filling too.


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