Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Special Fried Shrimps/Prawns

When I made my Emperor Herbal Chicken dish the other day. I took 1 Tbsp. of the spices out for this dish which I made the next day. It was for the fun of experiment and my curiosity of how it would taste like. Glad to say it tasted great, flavorful with a hint of herbal taste and my two girls loved it. They were not into shrimps until recently, not sure what made them to like shrimps suddenly. But I am so glad that they liked shrimps, easy for me to prepare dinner for them. Just hope that the little one will start eating spicy food soon.


  • 15 large shrimps
  • 1 Tbsp. Emperor chicken spices
  • Salt to taste
  • Black peppers to taste
  • 1 tsp. chicken stock granules

Cornstarch to coat


Season the shrimps with (A). Before pan-frying, coat the shrimps with cornstarch and slowly put into a medium heat hot frying pan. Fry until shrimps are curled up and pink. Serve hot!


  1. this prawn dish looks awesomely delicious especilly so well season! yum yum!

  2. any fry thing, sure taste nice, even with simple marinate ingrediants, your this prawn look tempting.

  3. How clever! I'll do the same when I cook my emperor chicken. Tks for the tip :)

  4. very creative idea!! your shrimp is calling my name!! love every seafood,now you make me hungry:P

  5. Great idea! I used to improvise with a lot of sauces too. Next time try out with butter sauces on yr kids and see.

  6. didn't know that the spices for emperor chicken could be used with prawns, i bet they taste good too..

  7. I love shrimp cook in any style. This sound like a great way to cook shrimp. Will try it out soon. Thanks for sharing.

  8. At first I thought it was cereal prawns! So creative! Bet the herby taste goes well with prawns.

  9. Very creative! I've never thought of using it anywhere else other than chicken.


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